Hearing Liang Qinghe's name, Qian Shixin's heart sank immediately. He told Yan Yao to quickly arrange manpower, hurry up to find Yao Kun, and kill him. He also reminded Yan Yao that if Liang Qinghe bites back, he will definitely be involved, so Yan Yao should be prepared.

Yan Yao took the order and quickly retreated.

As soon as Yan Yao left, Jiang Song arrived with someone behind him.

Qian Shixin calmly asked Jiang Song what's the matter.

Jiang Song was aggressive, saying that Liang Heqing, who had reported to the officials a few days ago, accused Yao Kun of hiring a murderer, went to the military Yamen to report to the officials, saying that he was instructed by Qian Shixin to sue Yao Kun. Now Qian Shixin needs to be brought to justice and subject to scrutiny.

Qian Shixin smiled, waved his hand, and signaled Jiang Song to sit down together. Jiang Song ignored it with a straight face.

Qian Shixin said: "Liang Qinghe beat the drums to protest his grievances. The Yamen took over his case. I tried his case. The witnesses and material evidences are all complete, the rules and procedures are correct, and the records of the case are clearly remembered. Here are What's the problem? How can I be framed on my head? Liang Qinghe filed a lawsuit and then filed another lawsuit. Did he have any plans? Why didn't General Jiang try him out first, and came to question me first in a hurry? Make it right!"

Jiang Song said: "After the trial, I just came here. Lord Qian, I am impatient, let's talk straight, you forged physical evidence, ordered witnesses to give false testimony, and gave him ten taels of silver to buy him off. These things , I know it all."

Qian Shixin shook his head: "General Jiang, don't want to accuse him of crimes indiscriminately. Not to mention how he got the money in his hand, if someone gives him money, it means buying him? He lost his father when he was young, and he was wronged for more than ten years. He lived in poverty and was in a pitiful situation. Isn't it normal for someone to give him money? Could it be that he is empty-mouthed, saying what he says is nothing. What about the evidence? Based on his one-sided words, is General Jiang going to arrest me, the court official? Liang Qinghe just complained about his grievances and turned his head So he sued the official who vindicated him, isn't this a strange thing? How could ordinary people think of going to the military office to sue?"

Jiang Songdao: "Master Qian can speak eloquently, but I'm afraid we won't be able to escape this time. It's not because of Mr. Qian's authority that the people are terrified. Thinking that the military government is also in charge of the affairs of the people in Pingnan, that's why we came here." Drumming."

Qian Shixin shouted: "General Jiang! Forged physical evidence, who will prove it? Buy witnesses, who will prove it? Isn't it all about Liang Qinghe? Then how can Liang Qinghe prove that he did not frame me? Who can prove that what he said is the truth Woolen cloth?"

"Liang Qinghe can prove that Jiang Hu is telling the truth."

Qian Shixin was taken aback, who is Jiang Hu?

Jiang Songdao: "Liang Qinghe has no grievances at all, so naturally there is no need to sue Yao Kun. In order to fabricate the case, you recruited Jiang Hu and impersonated Liang Qinghe to sue. Jiang Hu took your money and went back to the village, but was reprimanded by the real Liang Qinghe. He I have a disturbed conscience, so I came to the military office to sue you."

Qian Shixin was completely stunned.

In the yamen hall, Qian Shixin and Jiang Song sat at one end, and two young men were kneeling at the foot of the hall. One claimed to be Liang Qinghe, whom Qian Shixin had never met. The one who claimed to be Jiang Hu, Qian Shixin recognized, was the one who claimed to be Liang Qinghe, who was willing to sue Yao Kun if he was given money.

Not just these two. There are still some villagers from Qinghe Village standing outside the door. They can all testify that Liang Qinghe is Liang Qinghe, and Jiang Hu is Jiang Hu. The two young people are neighbors, they both live in Qinghe Village, they come and go frequently on weekdays, and they have a good relationship. And Liang Qinghe was indeed adopted by Father Liang seventeen years ago, and his background was just as Qian Shixin knew.

Qian Shixin knew he had been tricked, so he pursed his lips tightly and kept his mouth shut. They only said that the yamen servants had heard the common people tell the truth about Meng Taishou's death, so they went to Qinghe village to find the child of that year, today's Liang Qinghe. How did he know that Liang Qinghe was not Liang Qinghe, nor did he know what Jiang Hu wanted to do by impersonating him. Presumably someone deliberately arranged to frame him.

Jiang Hu shouted: "Obviously you said that Qinghe didn't want to do it, but I would do it if I wanted to. Anyway, no one knows what You Huaishan's child looked like back then. Zhonglan City is far away, so no one will pursue it carefully. .”

Liang Qinghe also said: "I know my background, but the reputation of a murderer's child is disgraceful, and I don't want to publicize it. Only a few uncles in the village who are close to my father know about it. Besides, I don't know about my father's murder. I don’t know the inside story, I was not sick at the time. My father never told me that someone ordered him to do this. I didn’t know something serious happened until he killed someone and never came back. Someone took me and sent me to Qinghe Village , Said it was arranged by Master Qian. I don’t know who and what Master Qian is like, and I have never seen it. Father didn’t mention it either.”

Jiang Song glanced coldly: "Master Qian, did you hear me clearly? It was Master Qian who sent the child away. Based on such strict calculations, your father's suspicion is much greater than that of Yao Kun."

Qian Shixin said coldly: "There are so many people with the surname Qian. In terms of crime, it is a crime to see a poor child for adoption, which is strange." He paused, then gritted his teeth and said, "Yao Kun has already confessed his guilt, and his fingerprints were pressed. For a repeat offender in custody, General Jiang robbed him, and that is a crime."

"Who robbed you?" Jiang Song looked surprised, "Is Yao Kun gone? Mr. Qian, it seems that you have to discuss another crime of dereliction of duty. How important is a death row prisoner. Now it seems that it is still an important witness. Missing at this juncture, did you do it on purpose?"

Qian Shixin gritted his teeth and said, "General Jiang, don't pretend to be garlic."

Jiang Song shouted: "Let's talk about your crime of slandering the court's appointed officials. How dare you talk nonsense about our military robbing people. The gate of Ziyun Tower is open for you to search. If you find Yao Kun, I will let you kick my head. "

Qian Shixin was so choked that he couldn't speak anymore. With such confidence, not to mention that he would not dare to send Yamen messengers to search Ziyun Building, even if he did, he believed that Yao Kun would not be found.

He got caught, and it was a serial trap. If Liang Qinghe can't bring him down, the crime of losing a death row prisoner and a repeat offender can also put a **** bowl on his head. Qian Shixin stared at Jiang Song, anxious and angry, desperately trying to think of a way.

In the Zhaofu Restaurant, Aunt Lu and Gu Wenda were eating snacks while listening to the diners talking about major events in the yamen. Aunt Lu said slowly: "Look, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that there is no retribution, the time has not yet come."

Gu Wenda nodded: "This time he will definitely not be able to escape."

Aunt Lu said again: "Let me just say, don't go against the people. If the people are united, they are no worse than the army. The officials and gentlemen need to know."

Gu Wenda shook his head: "Mother, you are prejudiced against us officials."

Aunt Lu also shook her head: "It's okay, your official position is not high anyway."

Gu Wenda lost his face, aunt, is it the general's wife who used you like this?

In the Anfu, Mrs. Xue, the third bedroom, is packing her luggage, and is going to Qi County to personally book her daughter's marriage, to ensure that she will marry smoothly within three months of Rexiao. An Ruolan went with the nanny to choose ingredients, An Ruofang came over quietly and asked Mrs. Xue if there was anything she could do for her.

Naturally, Mrs. Xue said no, and asked her to drink tea and have some snacks. An Ruofang sat with Xue Shi for a while, saw the girl had gone out, and asked: "Third Aunt, how long do you have to go?"

"If it goes well, it will take about half a month."

"It's been so long, what if they have a bad idea to bully Third Sister when you're not around?"

Xue was taken aback, thought for a while and said, "I will explain to Madam."

An Ruofang said again: "If something really happens, Madam won't be able to decide. They all listen to Mr. Li."

Xue stopped what she was doing, put down her things, and turned to look at An Ruofang. An Ruofang also looked at her.

A girl was about to enter the house, Xue Shi waved her hand and let the girl go out. She and An Ruofang were still the only two in this room. An Ruofang said: "That Mr. Li Cheng'an was sent by Mr. Qian, and he has a lot of background. Madam and eldest brother listen to him."

Xue did not speak.

An Ruofang continued: "They said that when my father died, it was Third Aunt who saw my father last."

Xue narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I know what they are guessing, but I don't think so. How could it be Third Aunt? If you ask me, the biggest suspect is that Mr. Li." An Ruofang seemed unable to see Xue's expression, and said to herself. "He proposed to kill Third Sister, it must be because Dad didn't agree later."

Xue was surprised, and the threat she was about to raise quickly disappeared from her face: "What did you say?"

"Third aunt, Mr. Li wanted to use his third sister to frame General Jiang, but his father refused and said he would report to the police. Do you think it is possible that Mr. Li killed his father because of this?"

Xue Shi calmed down, she approached An Ruofang, and asked her, "Who taught you?"

An Ruofang continued: "I'm a child, so I don't know the stakes. How to deal with the matter, it's up to my aunt and wife to be the masters of the house. Today, Mr. Qian's affairs are full of troubles. Our family is so close, will it be a drag on our family? Then what is Mr. Li's plan when he stays at our house? Now that Mr. Qian has lost power, should our family kick Mr. Li out and separate from Mr. Qian? The relationship is good."

Xue was thinking.

An Ruofang said: "There are no outsiders in our house. Only when it is quiet can the sisters be safe. No one will say that it was the third aunt who saw Dad last."

Xue reassessed An Ruofang in her heart, this little girl was no longer the naive and reckless girl before she ran away from home.

"Third aunt, my mother is gone. I am not afraid of death. I can do something for our family. I will take care of offending Mr. Qian. Anyway, I am a child. If anything happens, the government will not punish me severely. But I'm gone, and the family also needs someone to take care of me. Third Aunt, you can take care of me too, okay?"

Naturally good. Although Xue doesn't know who is behind An Ruofang and what is the background, but it is An Ruofang who is in the lead, she can be a good person, get some benefits, and don't suffer.

Mrs. Xue listened carefully to An Ruofang's words, and taught her a lesson. An Ruofang nodded and left.

Later, Jiang Song continued to interrogate Qian Shixin in the yamen, and the drum of grievance outside the yamen was sounded again. The one who came to beat the drum was a beautiful girl, An Ruofang.

An Ruofang sued Li Chengan for murdering his father, An Zhifu, and asked to see General Jiang Song by name. She claimed that she had no intention of overhearing Li Chengan instructing her father to frame General Jiang Song with drugs at her second sister's wedding, but her father dared not and refused. But Li Chengan threatened his father, saying that his father killed his mother Duan, and Li Chengan helped dispose of the body and put it in Aunt Lu's old residence. Li Chengan said that if his father didn't agree, he would let Mr. Qian deal with his father. It sounded like Mr. Qian was also involved in this matter. Later, his father died, and it was not clear why, but Mr. Qian quickly judged that he had slipped and fell into the water, which was really suspicious. She begged General Jiang to make decisions for her family, arrest Li Chengan, and find out the truth about the death of her father and mother.

After hearing this, Jiang Song waved his hand, and the guards captured Li Cheng'an and all the people Qian Shixin had placed in An's mansion with the speed of attacking the city. Everyone in the An family was caught off guard and was shocked. Mrs. Xue hurriedly took the opportunity to discuss with Mrs. Tan, pretending that she had just learned about it, and carefully analyzed the pros and cons. Mrs. Tan was also worried that Qian Shixin's situation would drag down An's family, so she pretended to be deaf and dumb, letting An Ruofang make trouble.

Qian Shixin was dumbfounded, which surprised him more than being framed by that fake Liang Qinghe. Once upon a time, she would have expected that the weak and innocent An Ruofang would turn into a fierce dog and bite him hard. Everyone in the An family did not guard against her, and they clearly regarded her as their prey, but she grasped the vital point.

This is not a good argument. When Mrs. Jingyuan asked about Duan's death, he was afraid in his heart, so he naturally told the truth. Every sentence An Ruofang said today is based on the situation at that time. Jiang Song was worried that he had nothing to do, and now there was a reason for severe torture. How could Li Cheng'an and those people hold on?

Qian Shixin was frightened and angry, and met An Ruofang's eyes. The little girl looked at him, her eyes were sharp, her figure was thin but she was very imposing, he vaguely saw the younger Mrs. Jing Yuan.

Qian Shixin suddenly thought of his father. Everything was caused by his father Qian Pei, if he hadn't been greedy for An Ruofang's beauty and caused this series of incidents, how could it be so!

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