Qian Shixin went to jail. Yan Yao is also in prison. The last message he sent to Qian Shixin was that his subordinates were still looking for Yao Kun, but there was no result yet. They inquired about the Ziyun Building, investigated the officials and rich families who had good friends with Yao Kun, and even investigated places related to An Ruochen such as Zhaofu Restaurant, but there were none.

Qian Shixin was very annoyed. Yao Kun's disappearance made him uneasy. He let go of the crime of dereliction of duty. After all, the two subordinates he sent to kill Yao Kun and planned to make Yao Kun pretend to commit suicide also disappeared. These are all hidden dangers. He believed that the man was in Jiang Song's hands, and Jiang Song didn't rush to release him, because he wanted to have enough time to find out the evidence and slowly accuse him. If Yao Kun is here, he still has a chance to pull Yao Kun into this muddy water. After all these years, many old grievances can still be settled.

Yao Kun was not around, so everyone only paid attention to him, and when they opened up old accounts, they only looked at his own.

What annoyed Qian Shixin was those people left behind by Lu Sheng. They couldn't help anything, except that they would report to Lu Sheng, which was useless. And just said that sentence, never come again. Moreover, Jiang Song did it ruthlessly, saying that he would collude with foreign thieves to contact the spy, and he would not allow the Qian family and his subordinates to visit him. Even his wife and children are not allowed to see each other.

All the officials who flattered Qian Shixin and flattered him before seemed to be unfamiliar with him suddenly. Everyone is avoiding suspicion, for fear of being suspected of being an accomplice. Obviously working in this yamen, sneaking into the prison to visit is easy, but no one came to visit him, no one asked him if he had any grievances and needed help, and those who used to dangle in front of his eyes from time to time have disappeared now.

But one person showed up just in time. Lu Fengbao.

Lu Fengbao ran to the prison, saw Qian Shixin, and said in a low voice: "Master Qian, I said it is another prisoner's family member. If you can come in for a while if you bribe the yamen, please tell me how I can help you. I will You can rush back to Taochun County to send a message to Master Qian, and see what he can do. Or does Master Qian have any help, do you need me to send a message?"

This is simply sending charcoal in the snow, which is touching. Qian Shixin was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Don't go to Chuntao County, my father can't help you." He still remembered that he had sent someone to Chuntao County to kill Qian Pei. Since Lu Fengbao is loyal to Qian Pei, it's better not to let him know about it.

Lu Fengbao said: "I can help. The master has some friends in Nanqin. He told me that if he encounters the worst situation, he will go to Nanqin. Now it is my lord that you have encountered the worst situation. Let the master contact you. Friends, it is best to rescue the adults."

Qian Shixin said: "I also have a way to contact the other side. Just run for me. After the matter is completed, there will be a big thank you." Qian Shixin told Lu Fengbao the contact method with Nanqin, and asked him to find the wild boar forest Orion Song Zheng. If something happened to Song Zheng, he could go to Sixia River Ferry to find Yue Fu.

After hearing this, Lu Fengbao said hastily: "It's not reliable, how can people trust me. Wait a minute, my lord, I will secretly bring some paper and pens in." Lu Fengbao went out, came back in a hurry, and took out the paper from his arms Pass the pen and ink. Qian Shixin quickly wrote a letter. Hand it over to Lu Fengbao, and tell him the secret order for the connection.

Lu Fengbao also asked: "If the master sends someone to ask, I can tell him about your lord's situation."

"Okay." Qian Shixin felt that it was impossible for Qian Pei to send someone to ask again. Qian Pei would not be on guard against the people he sent over. Facing the prison door, he didn't know what it was like for a moment. The last time I met my father was through this prison door.

Lu Fengbao came out of the prison, lowered his head and walked along a secluded path, for fear of attracting people's attention. Turned a corner and went straight into a house. Sitting in the room were Jiang Song and Gu Wenda.

Lu Fengbao handed over the letter written by Qian Shixin.

Jiang Song read the letter: "This is great, there is even evidence that he colluded with foreign enemies and treason."

Lu Fengbao said: "I have to go to General Zong immediately, tell him the contacts and other clues, and check with Qian Pei's statement to see if he lied."

"Okay. I'll send someone to arrest them in a moment." Jiang Song said.

"Qian Shixin never doubted you, did he?" Gu Wenda was asking.

"Of course he wouldn't doubt it. How could he know that I'm not Lu Fengbao." Qian Pei did send someone named Lu Fengbao to deliver the message, but they intercepted him halfway. After some interrogation, they asked about his background and various matters, and found out that Qian Shixin had never met him at all, and he had never been to Zhonglan either. Qian Pei was afraid of arousing suspicion and leaking information, so he didn't dare to use familiar faces. So Gu Yu pretended to be Lu Fengbao and came here with Qian Pei's handwritten letter. With Qian Pei's handwritten letter as guarantee, Qian Shixin naturally wouldn't suspect anything.

After Gu Yu reported the matter, he immediately set off on the road and hurried towards the direction of Tongcheng.

After An Ruochen received the news, he found an opportunity to rush to the inn quietly, until he entered the room and saw Xue Xuran with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe his eyes.

"Master Xue, why are you here?"

"If I don't come, am I still waiting for you to take the initiative to find your conscience and give your sister the antidote?" Xue Xuran's face was pale and sick. The frail son who has never traveled far, this time he really tasted the taste of a long journey. On the third day on the road, he fell ill. After being ill all the way to here, he inquired about the situation in the city and looked for opportunities to contact An Ruochen.

The reason why it was so troublesome was because he knew in his heart that An Ruochen and Long Da didn't come here for fun. He wouldn't foolishly jump out and reveal that he was "very familiar" with An Ruochen, otherwise he would cause trouble if he didn't get the antidote, which would not only drag down his family, but also embarrass him in front of An Ruoxi in the future.

"Are you sick?" An Ruochen asked.

Xue Xuran gritted her teeth: "Yes, I'm very ill. If you have a chance to see An Ruoxi in the future, you must remember to tell her how when you saw me, I was dying but bravely took back the antidote from your hand."

An Ruochen sighed and sat down: "I haven't found it yet."

"Did I ask you to sit down?" Xue Xuran was very angry: "I didn't find it! You really have the face to say it. Did you look for it seriously? Did you try your best? Did you find every possible place? You took that poisoned bone Section by section is knocked off, you can see if he will say anything."

An Ruochen was silent and unable to explain. Even if a lot of torture was used, even if Lu Zheng, an important witness, was almost stabbed to death at the risk, even if she ordered someone to dig up her own mother's grave, she still couldn't find it. So the previous process is meaningless and not worth mentioning.

Xue Xuran was even more angry when she saw that she didn't speak: "You made your sister wait to die there, how can you feel sorry for her? You haven't found the antidote yet, and you still don't care about it. If you don't guard against the poisoner and beat him every day He told the truth and ran to this place where mountains and rivers are far away. Don't you feel guilty?"

An Ruochen gritted her teeth, feeling guilty. She was constantly thinking about every possibility, but Gu Wenda and Aunt Lu still hadn't found the whereabouts of the antidote, and Lu Zheng didn't speak any more on the other side of Shilingya. As for himself, he really left this matter behind and followed Long Da here to do other things.

Xue Xuran stared at her, and finally said: "Your father is dead, I think you already know."

An Ruochen nodded. did get the message.

"Your second sister is dying too, do you know that?"

An Ruochen clenched her fists, then nodded.

"Tell me about the matter carefully. Since you are useless and can't find it, then I will think of a way."

An Ruochen didn't mind Xue Xuran's extremely bad tone, and patiently explained the matter to him. Lu Zheng should be telling the truth in that situation. The things are hidden in a safe place, so they won't be damaged or lost, because at that time An Ruochen cherished and carefully collected things. "I checked. He said it was a black pill, half the size of a thumb, wrapped in three layers of oiled paper, and placed in a small red box."

Xue Xuran was also in a daze for a moment, where could one of this size be hidden?

"Do you have any relics left by your mother, jewelry boxes, jewelry boxes, hollow hairpins, vases, porcelain dolls with holes, flowerpots of your favorite flowers, your pillow..." Xue Xuran said many things in one breath. What, An Ruochen shook his head every time he said something.

Xue Xuran guessed everything he could, and began to think about An Ruochen's mother's relics in An's mansion. But thinking that the things in the An Mansion were not under An Ruochen's control, and that they might be thrown away by An Zhifu at any time, so she gave up the idea of ​​An House.

"Or General Long's stuff! Have you made any kits, sachets, clothes, pants, shoes, hats for him..."

"No. I've searched for everything." An Ruochen said dejectedly. Of course she had thought of this too, but she had also checked the things on Long Da, and there were indeed none.

Xue Xuran's mind was buzzing with anxiety, time was running out. He was delayed for a long time on the way, even if he got the antidote immediately and rushed back the way he came, the time would be quite tight. What's more, I have no clue now, and I don't know where to start.

Although he was mentally prepared before coming, even if he saw An Ruochen, he might not have a clue to the antidote, but he was not reconciled, he had to come. When he really faced this result, he realized that mental preparation was nothing but useless. He would be anxious and sad, and even afraid that he would only see An Ruoxi's body when he rushed back.

The two sat in silence, helpless.

After a while, someone knocked on the door. Chun Xiao's voice sounded through the door: "Madam, something happened, the general told you to come back quickly."

Xue Xuran glared at An Ruochen.

An Ruochen stood up: "Let me go first. If I think of any clues, I will tell you. Be careful yourself, this city is not peaceful. If you can, go back quickly. I swear that if I think of any possibility of the whereabouts of the antidote , I will definitely inform them to look for it immediately, and give it to Second Sister as soon as possible."

Xue Xuran stared at her fiercely, unwilling to speak to her.

An Ruochen didn't expect him to show a good face, so she turned and left.

Just took two steps, Xue Xuran suddenly heard: "An Ruochen, if your second sister really left like this, I also swear, I will personally burn her clothes and bring them to you in an urn, so You watch it every day and remember it in your heart, she was killed by you."

An Ruochen paused and stopped. She turned her head suddenly and said, "What did you just say?"

"I said I would burn it with my own hands..."

"Yes, for the urn." An Ruochen revealed surprise.

Xue Xuran's face turned green: "Don't curse your second sister!"

An Ruochen shouted: "How could I not have thought of that! The urn! It's not my mother, it's not the nanny, it's not the general, it's not my thing, it's the urn. What I cherish and respect, will not be damaged or abandoned, It will be kept well. Because I promised to send his ashes back."

Xue Xuran was stunned, what?

An Ruochen walked out quickly: "I'll tell the general right away and ask him to send someone to look for it quickly. You should go back to Zhonglan quickly. When my second sister takes the antidote, I hope you can be by her side."

Xue Xuran was in a hurry: "Where is the thing? I'll get it myself."

"You can't get it." She has already handed Mr. Huo's ashes back to Cao Yihan, which is in a village next to the Shilingying barracks. It is impossible to reveal the whereabouts of Emperor Dezhao to Xue Xuran. An Ruochen turned around and said, "Furthermore, your pace is too slow. When you get it and send it back to Zhonglan, it will definitely be too late."

Xue Xuran's stern face actually exposed his faults. How do you know he's slow? Wouldn't it be faster if he let the carriage run faster?

"I'll go back right away, and I'll send you a message when the arrangements are made. You can pack your luggage and wait." An Ruochen left in a hurry after finishing speaking.

Xue Xuran was angry, he didn't unpack his luggage properly, so he didn't need to pack it.

An Ruochen rushed back to the government office in high spirits, but before she told Long Da about the antidote, she heard a big news.

The Inspector Liang Dehao disappeared. Those who disappeared with him were the envoys of the Dongling Kingdom headed by Bao Hengliang.

To be exact, the envoy of Dongling Kingdom kidnapped Liang Dehao and took him away, leaving behind a letter.

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