Luo Peng was taking a bite of the dish, and took advantage of this time to think seriously. Sitting next to him is his confidant Peng Jihu. Opposite is the third prince Xiao Hengyi.

Luo Peng was chewing slowly, swallowed the food, and took another sip of the wine before deciding what to say.

"Your Highness asked, I really don't have any idea about Liang Taiwei's memorial. Since he found out Dongling's conspiracy and tricks, it is a good thing to resolve the dispute with Nanqin. If Dongling does something like this, don't give them some The lesson is indeed unjustifiable. Forming an alliance with Nanqin and defeating Dongling should have a chance of winning. The emperor will not refuse, and the minister is naturally not easy to stop."

To put it bluntly, what good does it do him to stop the emperor? Taking down Dong Ling, what harm does it do to him? Although Liang Dehao made him unhappy, he didn't want to offend the emperor because of this matter, it was not a wise move to block the emperor's eyes for no reason.

The third prince smiled, drank a glass of wine, and said: "Your Excellency, you can think about it, but it seems that I am troublesome. Liang Taiwei handled a series of affairs well, not only solved the crisis on the front line, but also found out the root of the chaos in Maojun. Find out the enemy's conspiracy, calm down and stabilize the situation in Pingnan County, maintain the relationship between the two countries during the turmoil in the Southern Qin Dynasty, relieve the emperor's border worries, and make allies. It seems that in the near future, he will open up new territories for the emperor. Come. The emperor will not refuse. When no courtiers have any objections, this Xinjiang land is 100% secure. At that time, Mr. Liang will make outstanding achievements, and no one will be able to match the limelight. People who don't deal with it usually have a hard time."

Luo Pengzheng said slowly: "The emperor's heart is like a mirror, and he will never allow a certain subject to overwhelm the country with one hand and cover the sky with one hand. Master Liang has always been vigilant, and he will never do things that make people criticize and prove to be true. Sin, even if it's just a suspicion, who can afford it?"

"What Prime Minister Luo said is very true. The crime of treason, even if it is just a suspicion, who can afford it. So when Mr. Liang and the border are dealing with the crisis of the war situation and suppressing the secret conspiracy, someone wants to murder him and take his life. Personal grievances are placed above the country's safety, this is the first. Second, Mr. Liang inspected the murder of the envoy. If something happened to him, Xi Zuo was able to escape and lose the battle. This is helping the enemy country, colluding with foreign enemies, and assassinating the country Important minister, do these count as treason?"

The corners of Luo Pengzheng's eyes twitched, and he said, "Naturally, it's treason."

The third prince said: "Prime Minister Luo must be careful. The crime of treason will implicate the whole family. I got the news. I heard that Mr. Liang believed that the prime minister had sent someone to assassinate him. Fortunately, General Long rescued him, so he retrieved it. One life."

"This is really nonsense, and the rumormongers must have plans."

"I heard that he wrote a memorial for this. All the guards he brought at that time could testify for him, and General Long could also testify for him. The assassins at the time kept saying that Prime Minister Luo ordered it. The memorial should have come to the hands of the emperor. Li..." The third prince paused, looked at Luo Pengzheng's expression, and said: "It seems that father did not mention this matter to the prime minister."

Luo Pengzheng said: "Since it's nonsense, the emperor naturally doesn't believe it. It's absurd and nonsensical, it's not worth mentioning. Naturally, the emperor won't mention it to his ministers."

"It's a good thing. The prime minister has time to prepare and investigate thoroughly. He will be able to deal with it when the emperor asks about it."

Luo Pengzheng said: "Your Highness is so considerate of the minister, the minister is a little panicked."

The third prince smiled: "My lord, Prime Minister, accepts my kindness, don't misunderstand me, just have ulterior motives."

Luo Pengzheng said: "I just don't know what His Highness needs the minister to do?"

"Your Excellency does not need to do anything. Your Excellency has said it well. The rumormongers must have a conspiracy. No matter what the plot is, it will not benefit you or me. If your Excellency is toppled, the government and the opposition will definitely be in chaos. The nations are staring at me, Great Xiao, The external troubles are not settled, so don't worry about the internal troubles. The adults also know that the father is old and has not established a prince. Naturally, he has his own calculations in his heart. No matter who the throne is passed on in the end, the country will be safe and the people will be safe, and the prosperity and peace will be good. .”

In the final analysis, it is still for the throne. Luo Peng was lowering his eyes and remained calm. He had also heard a little about the frontline affairs, and he was not afraid of Liang Dehao wanting to frame him. He didn't believe that Liang Dehao could make any big news for him by stealing a job as a patrol envoy.

That's right, at first he wanted Peng Jihu to be the inspector, of course he had his intentions. When Long Da led the troops to fight Nan Qin, he felt that Long Da had a better chance of winning. When the inspectors got there, they just waited for credit. If you're lucky, you'll get hold of Long Da's handle and find fault with him. Then take this opportunity to clean up the two counties on the border, and replace the prefects of the two counties with their own people.

In this way, more territory is in the hands of their own camp. It will be of great use in the future. But this matter was robbed by Liang Dehao, he was not happy. Now it seems that the consequences are more serious than he thought.

In what the third prince Xiao Hengyi said just now, what touched his heart the most was that Liang Dehao had indeed made great contributions. Xiao Hengyi didn't mention Long Da at all, as if Liang Dehao was the only one who took care of these things. Xiao Hengyi is like this, and other people in the court will certainly be like this. As he had expected before, Long Da would win the battle nine out of ten times, and the inspectors just took credit for it in the past. It's just that Liang Dehao's luck is better. The emperor would be delighted to unite with Nanqin to fight Dongling. Anyway, the emperor never liked Dongling. He was weak and useless, and liked to make trouble. If you can take it as your own, it is still justified, and the emperor will certainly not refuse.

Let Liang Dehao accomplish these things, I am afraid that he will win the emperor's favor the most. This is what Luo Pengzheng does not want to see.

Luo Peng was pouring a glass of wine for Xiao Hengyi, and said: "What Your Highness said is very true."

Xiao Hengyi said: "If we really start a war with Dongling, I also want to go to Mao County."

Luo Peng was laughing to himself, sure enough everyone had the same thoughts. Xiao Hengyi has never been considered powerful in the capital, so he took advantage of this to gain credit, get a title, and even gain the power to govern Dongling, and it would be of great benefit to fight for the throne later.

Luo Peng was thinking about how to respond, Xiao Hengyi asked him directly: "Will the prime minister recommend me to the emperor at that time?"

Luo Peng was weighing it, nodded and said: "Your Highness is willing to relieve the emperor's worries, and I am naturally optimistic about the success."

Xiao Hengyi smiled satisfied, and pushed a folded paper to Luo Pengzheng: "The Prime Minister is willing to help me, and I will naturally help the Prime Minister. This letter has the address and name on it. He sent someone to assassinate Mr. Liang, and it is also When he hired the murderer, he claimed that he was instructed by Prime Minister Luo."

Luo Pengzheng was taken aback for a moment, never expecting Xiao Hengyi to have this. He opened the paper and looked: Tao Wei.

Luo Pengzheng had never heard of this name. He looked at Peng Jihu, and Peng Jihu shook his head, expressing that he didn't know either.

Xiao Hengyi said: "In the blue sedan chair downstairs, a person was tied up. He was an assassin who assassinated Mr. Liang at that time. He is the only living witness. I will give it to Mr. Liang to show my sincerity. The wounds on his body are also It’s not good yet, sir, be careful when asking questions, don’t teach him to die.”

Luo Pengzheng's heart moved, and he asked, "Where did Your Highness get these?"

Xiao Hengyi said: "If the Prime Minister is on my side, then we will naturally have many opportunities to sit down and chat. I drank a little too much today, so let's do this first."

That night, Long Er got the news that Luo Pengzheng had brought the killer back for careful interrogation. Long Er used his abacus to calculate carefully, and felt that Xiao Hengyi really took advantage of it. Both sides get benefits, and both sides have to thank him.

In Tongcheng, An Ruochen couldn't digest the news for a while, so he asked again: "The envoy of Dongling kidnapped Mr. Liang and left a letter?"

Long Da nodded: "They claimed that they were framed and framed by Da Xiao and Nan Qin. Their coming to negotiate is just one of our two countries' strategies to delay time and plan to occupy Dong Ling. They had no choice but to resort to this tactic and let Mr. Liang Guarantee for them. If you want them to release Mr. Liang, there are several conditions. First, release all Dongling generals who were captured in Shilingya. Second, they withdraw all their soldiers and horses in Nanqin territory, and Nanqin must not stop them. .Thirdly, Nanqin and Daxiao had to retreat 300 miles to the Dongling border troops. Fourthly, they had to be given time to investigate the accusation of framing them, and they had to be allowed to ask the people involved in the investigation. Also We have to wait for other countries to intervene in joint negotiations.”

An Ruochen sighed: "It's bad, isn't it? The general's guess is all right."

"I didn't expect this move. It's a risky move, but it's quite clever. I guess I was pushed into a hurry."

"Talk to me, General." Although An Ruochen received a lot of advice from Long Da, she really didn't know what would happen when Liang Dehao disappeared suddenly.

"It's impossible for King Hui to come." Long Dao said: "Of course, it was impossible for King Hui to come. He just seized power, the throne is not stable, and the old enemy in the court needs to be cleared, so naturally he will not come to the border rashly."

An Ruochen nodded. She knows this. The general said that talking to Mr. Liang like that is just to test the situation.

"Dong Ling's envoy kidnapped Mr. Liang. On the surface, it was to buy Dong Ling time, but in fact, it accelerated the deterioration of the relationship." Long Dao: "They were much calmer two days ago, waiting for news in the city, and now The sudden attack was because Lu was promoted to Shilingya."

"Is there a relationship between this?"

Long Da nodded. "Lu Sheng is Liang Dehao's subordinate officer. He has his token in his hand, which represents the order of the inspector. I am not in Shilingya, and no one dares to stop his order, and there is no way to stop him."

Unless you want to rebel. An Ruochen understood.

"Master Liang was hijacked by Dong Ling, so Lu Sheng has a reason to respond to Dong Ling's threat. General Ma and the three thousand Dong Ling soldiers may die soon."

An Ruochen opened his mouth, too shocked to speak. All three thousand captive soldiers in Dongling died, and the two countries will surely go to war. "General." She held Long Da's hand. She knew that the last thing Long Da wanted to see was war. So he ventured here. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and walking towards the tiger mountains, it is because of the desire to find the truth and prevent the war. Now that someone took the lead again, how uncomfortable he felt, she could understand.

"Master Liang just ordered two days ago that if he really fights with Dongling, let me lead troops in Mao County. Even if the battle of Dongling mentioned in this order happens, it will take many days and a long time. It is enough to dispatch the soldiers and horses of Pingnan and Mao County, and now suddenly, Lu Sheng is guarding Shilingya, Chu Qing must not bypass him and dispatch troops without authorization. If I lead the army to fight, I will not use my own soldiers."

It took An Ruochen a while to understand the meaning. "This is to put the general to death."

"It's not easy to put to death like this, but if it doesn't work, it will be a burden, so I have to concentrate on the battlefield, and I have no time to take care of other things." No time to take care of investigation, no time to take care of family members, and nothing else I can only fight in silence.

An Ruochen thought for a long time and finally understood. "Just as Nanqin was able to arrange many fine works in Da Xiao, it is naturally possible for Da Xiao to be in Dongling."

That's why Dong Ling's envoys were in such a situation. If you want them to be late they will be late, if you want them to jump over the wall they will jump over the wall. "In this way, everyone sent back to Shilingya by the general will be closely watched, right?"


"What does the general want me to do?"

"I need to use the name of Zhan Luan to send you back to Zhonglan City. No one knows that Zeqing is here, so he can protect you secretly. You can go back to Zhonglan, but you have to wait for me to stay in this city." It’s fine to leave, it depends on the situation.”

"Okay." An Ruochen agreed without hesitation.

But Long Da looked embarrassed, he caressed An Ruochen's face: "Chenchen."

"I understand. I remember everything the general said." Her life was ranked behind Da Xiao Anwei. She is alone, which is an excellent bait to lure the enemy. In the city or on the way, she wants to create some opportunities for the opponent. Or the other party gave her a chance to find evidence.

"This is the worst policy." Long Da emphasized.

"It's ok."

Is it okay? Long Da felt that An Ruochen's expression was a little far away from him. He hugged An Ruochen into his arms, and said again: "I will send someone back quietly to Shilingya, so that Emperor Dezhao can show up. Now is the right time." There are too many flaws of the black hand behind the scenes, enough is enough. As soon as Emperor Dezhao appeared, there was no reason for Nanqin to attack Dongling. The theory of Dong Ling's conspiracy is naturally gone.

It's time. But unfortunately it didn't take the lead. Long sighed, very annoyed.

"We still have to prevent Emperor Dezhao from being discovered by Lu Sheng and secretly killing him."

"Yes." Long Da replied, hugging An Ruochen even tighter.

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