Chu Qing received the news from the checkpoint guards that Lu Sheng was coming to the front line of Shilingya, so he quickly sent someone to Tongcheng to report to Long Da, and made corresponding arrangements.

Lu Sheng came so fast, so fast that Chu Qing wondered if he was on his way without sleep. This made Chu Qing even more vigilant.

After Lu Sheng came, he put on his official authority first, and Chu Qing and other generals were respectful. Lu Sheng let him do whatever he wanted, without any disobedience. After Lu Sheng checked the army and generals, he asked the prisoners of war again. Chu Qing led him to Shiling County, where nearly 10,000 captive soldiers were tightly detained. Due to too many people, overcrowding, and harsh environment, some people fell ill and some died of serious injuries.

Lu Sheng asked about the situation carefully, and then ordered that more than 6,000 prisoners of war from Southern Qin should be released first. There are three reasons: First, the Southern Qin Dynasty changed hands. The two countries have ceased fighting and are negotiating peace. The second is that there are too many prisoners of war, and if they are not dealt with in time, an epidemic will occur, and there will be endless troubles. Many people can't return to their homes, which is too disturbing to the people. The third is that the current battle situation is delicate, and there are still spies running around. The whole army should practice hard to prepare for the war and not waste a lot of manpower on guarding the prisoners of war.

Chu Qing asked: "What about the three thousand prisoners of war in Dongling?"

"Dong Ling is the chief culprit of the war, what to do with the prisoners of war, we will wait for the results of the negotiations between Mr. Liang and Dong Ling."

After hearing this, Chu Qing naturally had no objection. He only dared to act if he asked Lu Sheng to write the military order and seal the official seal. Otherwise, he would not be able to explain to General Long in the future.

Lu Sheng quickly wrote the military order. According to his instructions, Chu Qing sent someone to contact Nanqin to prepare for the reception of prisoners of war. In the next few days, the South Qin prisoners of war were escorted across the border in batches and sent out of Shilingya.

When the Southern Qin soldiers were released and sent away, in the cell of Dongling general Ma Yongshan, many Dongling soldiers were lying by the window or behind the door to watch. A Dongling soldier squeezed to Ma Yongshan's side and asked him: "General, Da Xiao has started to release people. Many soldiers from the Southern Qin Dynasty have been released. Will you let us go?"

Ma Yongshan sat quietly without speaking. He remembered the last game of chess he played with Long Teng.

Such a big commotion was released, but Long Teng did not show up, it seemed that the situation was indeed the worst. Ma Yongshan looked at the Dongling soldiers that filled the crowded room. Many young faces were anxious. Ma Yongshan said sorry to them in his heart, he couldn't write a letter of surrender, and he couldn't betray his righteousness, even if he could save these people's lives.

To die for the country and die for the king is the pride of the soldier. Ma Yongshan raised his chin and closed his eyes. I hope that at the cost of their lives, they can get corresponding rewards.

In the past few days, Lu Sheng inspected the barracks every day and asked each battalion to report to him the situation of the soldiers and generals every day. He also carefully checked the defense of the army, checking where and how many people were sent, the total number of people in the battalion, and so on. Chu Qing didn't know what his intention was, so he dealt with it carefully.

Lu Sheng asked again about the detailed case, and asked what Lu Zhengdu had confessed. Chu Qing replied: "That guy's bones are very hard, and he didn't say anything useful."

"Is there any terms to negotiate?"

"Of course I asked to let him go."

"How does he reciprocate?"

Chu Qing replied: "General Long has been interrogating himself. I don't know the details. I only heard General Long say that Lu Zheng didn't disclose any useful information."

After hearing this, Lu Sheng stood up and said that he would go to interrogate Lu Zheng himself.

Chu Qing replied loudly: "Yes."

Chu Qing took the lead out of the tent, and while facing a guard, she shook her head in the direction of Lu Zheng's prison tent, while opening the tent door for Lu Sheng. "Lord Lu, this way please. Lu is being imprisoned in a prison tent on the east side of the Sanying District."

As Chu Qing said, seeing that the guard had circled around the tent and quickly disappeared.

Chu Qing led Lu Sheng towards the prison tent steadily. The guard ran quickly and rushed to the prison tent first. The guard who guarded the tent saw him, and he also understood, and hurriedly said: "He is awake."

Without saying a word, the guard strode in. The guards who guarded the tent looked around, looking out for him.

In the prison tent, Lu Zheng's injury has improved. He hasn't seen An Ruochen and Long Da for many days, and no one else has come over. He was quite anxious and was thinking of a way when he suddenly saw someone barging in. Before he could speak, the person who came in punched him.

Lu Zheng's eyes darkened and he passed out.

The guard checked Lu Zheng's condition, confirmed that he was just fainted, and turned around to leave the account in peace. Just after leaving the tent, I saw Chu Qing and Lu Sheng walking towards this place from a distance. Lu Sheng's gaze was looking at this place, and the guard didn't have time to retreat, so he simply stood by the tent on duty.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Qing and Lu Sheng walked to the tent, and the guards hurriedly saluted. Lu Sheng asked the guard who had just come out of the tent: "Is Lu Zheng in the tent?"

The guard replied respectfully, "My lord, that's right."

Chu Qing said: "My lord has something to ask him."

The guard replied again: "The little one was checked just now. He is still in a coma."

Lu Sheng frowned and strode into the tent. Chu Qing patted the guard on the shoulder as a compliment.

Lu Zheng was really lethargic. Lu Sheng stared at him for a while, but didn't ask anyone to wake him up forcibly, only said to report to him when he woke up. Chu Qing and the guards all agreed. But that whole day, Lu Zheng "didn't wake up".

On the second day, Lu Sheng wanted to try Lu Zheng again. The battalion generals had many things to report, and there were some disturbances in the exchange of captured soldiers from the Southern Qin Dynasty at Shilingya, Lu Sheng was delayed. When he had time to see Lu Zheng, Lu Zheng drank the wound medicine and fell into a coma.

Lu Sheng didn't lose his temper, and calmly explained that Lu Zheng would stop taking the medicine from the next day.

On the third day, Lu Sheng got up early and went to Lu Zheng's prison by himself. This time he finally saw Lu Zheng who was sober.

The guard quietly went to report to Chu Qing. Chu Qing waved her hand to show that she understood. This has been delayed for two days, which is not bad. It seemed that Lu Sheng really cared about Lu Zheng very much. He said go with Master Lu and let the guards keep an eye on the situation. Eavesdrop if you can, send some water and food, see what you can find, and continue to observe Lord Lu's reaction.

The guards left. Chu Qing thought about it carefully, and was a little worried about Long Da's situation in Tongcheng.

Lu Zheng didn't know Lu Sheng. But Lu Sheng said, "I know you. After you joined the army, I used some contacts to put you in the Dragon Army."

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "Are you talking again? Is this a new strategy played by General Long and An Ruochen?"

Lu Sheng said: "No need to talk. I know more than you. I also know that you don't know anything, so you can live to this day."

Lu Zheng's face slowly sank. He looked at Lu Sheng, thought about it, and then said, "I can live to this day because my bones are hard and my life is still alive. What would you guys come up with when I was assassinated last time?" New trick."

"I haven't heard that there are other secret operations in the army." Lu Sheng said: "So I also wonder who assassinated you. You are just a pawn, and there is no value in risky assassination. Apart from knowing that Qian Shixin sent someone to join you Besides, what else do you know?"

Lu Zheng kept silent.

Lu Sheng chuckled: "You don't know anything. You don't have evidence. Even if you say you are the master of Nanqin and you name King Hui, it's useless. Nanqin has changed hands, and King Hui's goal has been achieved. You see , you are not even a threat to Qian Shixin. Qian Pei is more dangerous than you."

Lu Zheng's heart slowly began to waver. "Who are you?"

"Didn't I tell you as soon as I came in? I am a subordinate officer of the inspector, and now I am here to supervise the army." Lu Sheng paused, and said: "The token in my hand can even make Long Da obey orders. "

At this time, a guard entered the tent and wanted to pour water for Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng waited quietly for him to finish pouring the water, and said, "When I am interrogating criminals, I don't like being disturbed. I think you are the first offender, and you will not be punished. If you come in without my invitation, I will decapitate you."

The guard was so frightened that he plopped down on his knees, begged for mercy, thanked him, and then crawled out.

Lu Zheng looked at Lu Sheng calmly, but when Lu Sheng turned his head to him, he asked, "You think I'm worthless, so why did you come to interrogate me?"

"You are worthless to Long Da, but you are valuable to me." Lu Sheng said, "In this barracks, you are the only one who is not loyal to him. I want to know what Long Da has, the mistakes he made, What you have done to violate laws and disciplines. As much as you know, tell me as much. Also, who else in this military camp has a handle, and whoever made a mistake deserves to die. You have been in the army for so long, you should know In addition, what did Long Da ask you after you were arrested? I want to know what he wants to know. Then I will know what he knows."

Lu Zheng's mind was spinning rapidly. He saw Lu Sheng get up. Lu Sheng said: "Think about it slowly, I have plenty of time, and I'll just sit here and wait for you to talk." As he spoke, he retreated to the tent door, and suddenly opened the tent door, and two guards stood upright outside the door. Standing, the same as when he came in.

Seeing him lift the door, the guard hurriedly said, "What is your order?"

"It's all right." Lu Sheng looked at the two of them, and said, "You all step back." He waved his hand and changed his staff to keep the tent.

Lu Sheng returned to his tent and said, "Given them a chance, they didn't even dare to eavesdrop."

Lu Zheng chuckled: "Do you want to catch their mistakes and take the opportunity to punish Chu Qing?"

"If you're new here, you have to do some good shows to scare the chickens and monkeys with reason, otherwise how can you build your prestige?" Lu Sheng didn't think so. He sat down again: "Okay, no one will eavesdrop now, tell me what I want to know."

Lu Zheng looked at him and asked, "Will you let me live?"

"Of course. No one will let you go except me. Long Da is not here, I have the final say here. Now is a good time, you should seize the opportunity."

Lu Zheng was still vigilant: "How do I know that you were not sent by General Long to act for me? Once I start answering and my vigilance is removed, I may be tricked by you. At that time, I will really be worthless. Can wait to die."

"After you successfully enlisted in the army, you left a secret sign on the branch of the locust tree at the entrance of the village. Your letter was buried under the tree. Your name, the name of the village, the number of the conscription formation, etc. were written on the letter. This letter passed through several contacts , and sent it to me. I arranged for you to be included in Long Da’s army.”

Lu Zheng opened his mouth in surprise.

"Do you believe it now?"

Lu Zhengyi gritted his teeth: "Okay. But let's talk about it first. You will only count if you send me back to Nanqin safely."

"Of course, you can only die if you stay in Da Xiao."

"What do you want to know?" Lu Zheng said, "I have a bargaining chip in my hand. I poisoned An Ruochen's second sister."

Lu Sheng frowned after hearing this: "The life and death of the An family is not important. Long Da and An Ruochen won't take care of this right now."

The person Long Da tried to dismiss allowed An Ruochen to quietly come to the inn again and meet Xue Xuran.

Xue Xuran was very surprised after hearing her request: "What, you changed your mind so quickly? Do you have a clear idea? Don't you dislike my slow pace?"

"It's better to be slow than never." An Ruochen analyzed the crisis of the situation again.

Xue Xuran stared at her: "So you're trying to make a fuss? Your people will be monitored? Then get rid of the surveillance, why are you so useless?"

"It takes time to get rid of it, and the risk is quite high. It may not be as slow as your footsteps. You are a commoner traveling, and no one will suspect you. So they distract the enemy's attention, and you can take it safely on the other side. Get the antidote."

"He also helped you transport people to Zhonglan City and hand them over to General Jiang? An Ruochen, do you use whoever you catch?"

"Of course not everyone can do it." An Ruochen said, "You are the second brother-in-law, one of your own."

"Stop doing this." Xue Xuran stared at her. She knew that An Ruofang's little cunning must have learned from An Ruochen.

"If I don't have a chance to see my second sister again alive, please say sorry to her for me."

Xue Xuran was taken aback for a moment, then his face collapsed, and he actually changed his tactics.

"This matter is extremely risky, and the identity of that person is extremely important. I know it is wrong to ask for your help, but you are the best candidate. If you agree to help, I dare to tell you who he is."

Xue Xuran wanted to cover his heart, he really couldn't hold on to this series of blows. His mother, he really wants to know who that person is, and really wants to take on this important task. Xue Xuran struggled for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I agreed because of your second sister."

"It's natural." An Ruochen said: "If I have a chance to see Second Sister again, I will definitely tell her how you feel about her."

Xue Xuran blushed: "No need, I don't care much about her."

"I'll tell her you'd go through fire and water for her."

Xue Xuran felt that An Ruochen was really the most annoying girl in the world. General Long is quite pitiful, how can he live with such a girl. It's still his An Ruoxi who is so lovable.

"Stop talking nonsense! It's time to explain, how to do this!" His family, An Ruoxi, was still waiting for him to get back the antidote.

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