That day Lu was promoted to interrogate Lu Zheng for a long time, and he didn't say anything after he came out, he only asked someone to treat Lu Zheng's injuries properly.

Chu Qing took the initiative to ask: "What useful clues did Lu Zhengke recruit?"

Lu Sheng shook his head: "I haven't said anything for the time being, and I will interrogate him carefully after his injury recovers."

Chu Qing asked a few more questions, but Lu Sheng put the topic aside, and said instead: "General Chu seems to be not busy with military affairs, so don't slack off."

Chu Qing couldn't speak anymore, so he withdrew. After walking for a while, I saw a general in the distance, who nodded to Chu Qing, Chu Qing returned a look, and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

After that, Lu Sheng began to strictly check military discipline. People from all over the battalion were arrested and questioned. He also summoned all the officers and generals to reprimand him, saying that military discipline was loose in the past, and there were many violations of the law. Everyone should be vigilant and make corrections, and urge each other. The atmosphere in the barracks was awe-inspiring, and everyone was cautious in their words and deeds.

Immediately afterwards, the news of Liang Dehao's disappearance came from the other side of Tongcheng, and Lu Sheng was furious. They dispatched quick rides to rush through the city one after another to understand the specific situation. Chu Qing suggested that General Long is in Tongcheng, so you can go to General Long to hear what General Long means.

Soon, the fast cavalry rushed without sleep, and brought back the reports from the officials in Tongcheng.

Cui Hao, acting prefect of Maojun, confirmed the previous news was true. Mr. Liang Dehao was kidnapped by Dongling envoys, and his whereabouts are unknown. The envoy Dongling's several requests are all unreasonable and nonsensical. They have already negotiated solemnly with Dongling and asked Dongling to release Mr. Liang. But Dong Ling refused to admit it, and took a bite back, claiming that Dong Ling's envoys came to Da Xiao and there was no news, and they must have been robbed by Da Xiao. Ask Da Xiao to hand over people. In addition, they once again claimed that Nan Qin and Da Xiao's accusation against Dong Ling was framing, with ulterior motives. If they want to use this method to bully and occupy Dongling, the Dongling people will never agree and will resist to the end. Dong Ling has notified the matter to other countries, so that the people of the world can clearly see the sinister faces of Nan Qin and Da Xiao.

After reading Cui Hao's report, Lu Sheng slapped the table angrily and scolded Dong Ling.

Let's look at the report of General Yin Ming brought by Liang Dehao to Mao County. Yin Ming said that Dongling's army was suppressing the border, obviously premeditated. A small country with weak soldiers dares to provoke so much, there must be a trick. He has arranged for spies to inquire about the military situation, and he needs to be cautious in the confrontation.

Long Da's report had the fewest words, but his tone was firm. He emphasized that the situation is suspicious and refrain from acting rashly. It is indeed a fact that Pingnan County has Nanqin's meticulous work, and this matter may not be a trick that Nanqin wanted to take advantage of. Don't jump to conclusions lightly, and don't act rashly. Wait until the truth is found out.

Lu Sheng kept urging him to report for several days, but he got no progress every day, so he lost his temper. He personally led the troops to Shiling County to behead Dongling's prisoners and send their heads to Dongling as a warning.

Chu Qing got the news and led the people to rush over. "My lord, the execution of prisoners of war at this time may cause disputes between the two countries."

Lu Sheng asked, "Why were they captured?"

Chu Qing couldn't answer. Because these soldiers will invade my Great Xiao. If this is answered, it will add fuel to the fire. "My lord, think twice." Chu Qing could only say.

"If the general of the defeated army does not surrender, he should be executed. Is that right?" Lu Sheng asked again.

Chu Qing bit the bullet and answered: "When the situation is judged, different situations will be dealt with differently."

Lu Sheng sneered and asked again: "Dong Ling hijacked me Da Xiao Tangtang Taiwei, and the imperial inspector was in our Da Xiao territory. It has been many days and there is no news. Mr. Liang must have been murdered. Such a situation In such a situation, it is shameful and humiliating, the hatred of the country and the family, should not be reciprocated? General Chu, tell me, you said that the treatment is different, how should we deal with it?"

"Lord Lu, wait for the news from Maojun, and it won't be too late to act."

"Hasn't General Chu seen the news from Maojun? Dongling soldiers and horses are on the border of our Great Xiao, and they will invade at any time. They spread rumors in various countries, falsely claiming that my Great Xiao bullied him. If we don't deal with it in time, we will wait All countries have been incited to join forces to encircle and suppress, what will happen to me, Da Xiao?"

Chu Qing hurriedly said: "General Long said, this may also be a conspiracy by Nanqin."

"What is Nanqin's conspiracy? They came here again while we were fighting Dongling? Didn't this happen before? Didn't it happen that Nanqin and Dongling's allied forces attacked me? There is a conspiracy, come over here, what do we soldiers stationed on the border do?"

"grown ups…"

"Chu Qing!" Lu Sheng glared angrily, and shouted: "I came to Shilingya, and you obeyed on the surface, but in fact procrastinated in everything. I saw General Long's thin face, and I never disputed with you. Your military discipline is lax, and you don't practice hard. Back then, you lost consecutive battles against Southern Qin, and you deserved the title of General Huyong, whom the emperor entrusted to you. Seriously, you should be dealt with according to military law. Now I want to kill Dongling generals, and you obstruct them in every possible way. What is your plan? "

"My lord." Chu Qing also shouted: "My lord, this is a crime you want to inflict. There is no excuse. The life and death of Mr. Liang are uncertain, and Dongling's situation is unknown. Your lord is eager to kill, so what is your plan?"

"Come here!" Lu Sheng pointed at Chu Qing, "Take Chu Qing down for me."

The surrounding soldiers were all taken aback, and instinctively raised their guns to guard Chu Qing.

"You are going to rebel!" Lu Sheng shouted angrily.

Chu Qing waved his hand, telling the surrounding soldiers to retreat. He knelt down and said to Lu Sheng: "It's the last general who was rude and contradicted me. It really shouldn't be. Please punish me, my lord."

Chu Qing showed weakness at once, which made it difficult for Lu Sheng to have a seizure. He eased his tone, and said again: "Put Chu Qing down, and let him go later."

Two guards led by Lu Sheng came forward, cut Chu Qing's arms behind him, tied them behind his back, and pushed him down. All the soldiers looked at him with displeasure on their faces, but they dared not speak.

After Lu Sheng dealt with Chu Qing, he looked around, and no one had any objections. Lu Sheng ordered the soldiers to continue to move, and pulled out the Dongling soldiers to execute the punishment of beheading.

When Ma Yongshan walked out of the room, his face was calm, and the bright sunlight outside made him narrow his eyes slightly. Then he quickly adapted and looked around. The surrounding Dongling soldiers respected him and looked at him. Ma Yongshan nodded towards them, and took the lead to move forward amidst the shouts of soldiers from the Xiao Kingdom.

After walking for a long time, I saw an empty place. Ma Yongshan stopped. He saw a row of soldiers, standing in line with a wide distance between three people, holding a beheading knife in their hands.

Ma Yongshan heard the whispering and even crying of many soldiers beside him. Ma Yongshan continued to move forward, each step was heavy, firmly planted on the ground.

Someone pulled him from behind, and he heard his soldiers calling him: "General."

Ma Yongshan looked back at them and said, "Don't be afraid. The weather is not bad today."

Lu Sheng frowned, and shouted, "Ma Yongshan?"

Dong Ling's strongest general, famous. It was precisely because of this that Nan Qin asked Dong Ling to send him to help in the battle. Originally, he wanted to fight for some time with the Long's army, and secondly, if Dong Ling lost Ma Yongshan, he would lose his arm. First use him to restrain the Long's army and complete the first step of the plan. Then he looked for an opportunity to kill him, causing Dong Ling to lose an arm and greatly reducing his army strength.

The first step plan was destroyed by Long Da. Fortunately, the second step plan went smoothly.

Ma Yongshan didn't know Lu Sheng, and had never met him. But looking at his official uniform and aura, coupled with the surrounding atmosphere, one can also guess his status. But Ma Yongshan ignored him. Ma Yongshan walked to the front of the knife, turned around, and stared into Lu Sheng's eyes.

A kick came from behind, hitting Ma Yongshan's back knee. Ma Yongshan grunted and was kicked to the ground. His hands were bound, but Lu Sheng was still wary of him, and kept a little distance from him, and asked again: "But Ma Yongshan?"

Ma Yongshan's head was specially preserved and sent back for Dong Ling to take a look at.

Ma Yongshan smiled contemptuously at him: "I won't ask who you are. Anyway, you are going to die."

Lu Sheng frowned, thought for a while, and waved to the soldiers, signaling for execution. There are too many people, and they have to kill for a while. He stared at Ma Yongshan. Ma Yongshan looked at the sky. Behind him was the sound of blades piercing through the air, and beside his ears were the cries and screams of his brothers in the army. The last scene Ma Yongshan saw in his life was the blue sky and white clouds.

At that moment, his last thought was to think of him asking Long Da: "If it were you, would you know how to write a letter of surrender?"

"No." Long Da replied.

It can also be considered a confidant.

Ma Yongshan's head fell to the ground.

Lu Sheng waved his hand and asked someone to come over and pick up the head. Soldiers from Dongling cursed and cried angrily, and some wanted to fight to the death, but they were all killed by soldiers from Xiaoguo. Lu Sheng didn't care about this at all, he ordered Ma Yongshan's head to be kept alone, turned around and left.

The weather is nice today. He accomplished a great thing. The next step is to clean up the dragon.

Lu Sheng returned to the tent and asked his subordinate Chu Qing about his condition. The subordinates claimed that Chu Qing was confined in his own camp. He stayed put and didn't make any noise. No one went to make trouble.

Lu Sheng nodded in satisfaction. After thinking about it, he decided to go and see Lu Zheng. Since the interrogation of him that day, he has been busy and did not see him again. This is also to give Lu Zheng time to think about it.

Lu Sheng went to Lu Zheng's tent, Lu Zheng was awake, and his face looked better. When Lu Zheng saw Lu Sheng, his attitude was different. He thought that he had been well taken care of by the military doctors in the past few days, and his diet had improved. He already realized the benefits of having Lu Sheng take care of him.

Lu Sheng questioned Lu Zheng again. Lu Zheng answered them one by one. Lu Sheng listened patiently, and also answered a few questions from Lu Zheng. Then he told Lu Zheng to rest well and heal his injuries as soon as possible, so that he will be useful in the future. When everything was over, he was sent back to Nanqin.

Lu Sheng came out of Lu Zheng's tent, a little disappointed. What Lu Zheng confessed to was of little use to him. It would be better for An Zhifu to sue Long Daqiang for the crime of robbing civilian women. But An Jia was useless, so he didn't think about it anymore. But Lu Zheng's value lies in the future. If he can win him over well, he will naturally say whatever he is asked to say in the future. By then, Long Da was dead and there was no way to argue.

Before Lu Sheng could reach his tent, someone from his subordinates came to report. When they searched the nearby villages, they saw soldiers appearing and disappearing at the entrance of a village, and their movements looked suspicious. But they caught up but failed to catch them, and lost their traces. It can only be seen that they are wearing military uniforms, and they should be people in this barracks.

"How suspicious?" Lu Sheng asked.

"If it's an inspection, it should be a team. There are only two of them. When they leave the village, they look around and are quite careful. They walk to find a place with shelter, as if they don't want to be seen by others. I don't know if they have discovered that someone has seen them. They were walking fast, and disappeared after a while. Judging from the direction they were running, they were heading towards this barracks. We chased them, and when we approached the barracks, they were all in military uniforms, and we couldn't tell who was who."

Lu Sheng called the chief of the army to check the team and time of the guards patrolling the surrounding area. After thinking about it, he ordered the two subordinates to go to the village quietly to investigate and see what was going on in the village. Did any soldiers do anything there.

In a cottage in Xiangzhu Village. Cao Yihan carefully wiped the urn of Huo Mingshan's ashes, and burned a stick of incense for him. He looked at Emperor Dezhao who was sitting by the window, and shouted, "My lord, I'm off to cook."

Emperor Dezhao nodded, looked down at his fingers, and told himself to be patient, he would definitely return to Nanqin, expose King Hui's true colors, and regain the throne.

Xue Xuran's carriage was moving forward at full speed, towards Shi Lingya. At the sentry checkpoints along the way, he took the official clearance order given to him by An Ruochen, claiming that it was authorized by the Zhonglan City government, allowing him to go to Xiangzhu Village to pick up seriously ill relatives to the city for medical treatment.

Xiangzhu Village is quite close to the Shilingya military camp, and it is indeed impossible for ordinary people to enter and leave. Xue Xuran passed the customs all the way according to the pass. He was nervous and excited, the closer he got to Shi Lingya, the more excited he became. That's the way to do big things, walk through the dangers, have a lot of pride!

Xue Xuran and An Ruochen discussed everything. He even made some suggestions and left a hand for An Ruochen. It is said that if An Ruochen is in danger, although Zhonglan City is far away, there is no emergency, but at least someone will help her report a letter, so she can respond later. He didn't know the others and couldn't believe them.

An Ruochen also gave him hands to help him lead the way, block suspicion, and help him clear the customs. Support him in the army. An Ruochen told him: "Don't think that the closer you are to Shilingya, the safer it is. It is indeed dangerous because it is controlled by Lu Sheng. You should be careful. That person is very important, and you must not let him fall into Lu Sheng's hands. He was sent safely to Ziyun Tower."

An Ruochen spoke a few code words to him, some of which were used by assistants in the liaison army. Some are for him to get the antidote and connect with others.

Xue Xuran hurried and hurried, but he was not sick. His attendant, Xiang Yunhao, walked quickly, and took a step forward to inquire. There are small twists and turns along the way, but they all pass without danger. This day Xue Xuran heard what the coachman said, so he opened the curtain to look.

Xiangzhu Village is just around the corner.

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