Xue Xuran stopped and waited. After a while, Xiang Yunhao ran over alone: ​​"My lord, there are soldiers searching the village."

Xue Xuran was surprised: "Why search?"

"I'm not sure. They just asked the villagers whether soldiers often come to the village, what they did in the village, and whether any unusual things happened in the village."

"What did the villagers say?"

"It's just that there is a military camp next to the village, and it's inconvenient to get in and out. Many people have moved out. It's not convenient to buy anything, and the shopkeepers don't dare to enter the village. It's troublesome if you have an illness or something. They heard that General Long built it himself. There are rules in the barracks. Soldiers have to come over every five days to check the situation of the village, so soldiers often come to the village, and they are used to it. Soldiers sometimes ask each household about the situation, and sometimes give some old people who live alone. Rice noodles. I haven’t seen anything special happen.”

Xue Xuran breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't dare to take it lightly. "Are they very strict?"

"What about family by family?"

"What about that household?"

"At the end of the village. I asked Ning Zi to watch first."

Xue Xuran jumped off the carriage: "Hurry up, take me there. I'm afraid it will be worse if it's later."

Xiang Yunhao understands Xue Xuran very well, if his son can't run fast, he will only drag his feet. He squatted down, and Xue Xuran quickly laid on his back. Xiang Yunhao performed lightness kung fu, and led Xue Xuran towards the end of the village.

When I got there, I hid in the nearby bamboo forest. Xiang Yunhao pointed out the house to Xue Xuran. Smoke was rising from the chimney, evidently the family was cooking. Xue Xuran thought in his heart, it's really possible, he doesn't know when his death is imminent.

Just as he was thinking, a few people came from a distance. Two soldiers led a villager who looked ruffian, and the villager was pointing in the direction of the house and saying something.

Ning Zi ran over and said in a low voice: "My lord, the man reported to the military master that there was a newcomer living at the end of the village. He had sneaked a look at it, and his accent and tone were unusual. He looked like a noble family, but he was wearing coarse clothes. , quite suspicious. He reported this matter to the military men who often came to the village before, but the military men did not take it seriously, and told him that he could live a good life and make trouble. He also questioned him and ran to the end of the village What is the plan for the remote place? Is it still the same as before, with dirty hands and feet? He was reprimanded. He was quite dissatisfied. Now that the military master is interrogating him again, he will report the matter again and ask the military Grandpa wants to reward."

Xue Xuran frowned: "It's true that there are spies everywhere. That General Long is not omnipotent, he can burn his backyard without changing his manager."

Xue Xuran quickly made a decision, and gave instructions quickly. Ning Zi led the order and ran away.

The two soldiers got lower and lower from the house under the leadership of the villager. Xue Xuran's heart was pounding, she lowered her body and waited.

Suddenly, Ning Zi shouted from the forest on the other side of the hillside: "Stop! What are you doing sneakily! Stop! Don't run! Someone! Don't run!"

The two soldiers stopped immediately when they heard the words, listened carefully, then turned and ran towards the woods on the hillside. The villager also ran away in a hurry.

Xue Xuran patted Yun Hao. Xiang Yunhao took him on his back and ran to the front of the house, without stopping, quickly jumped into the yard.

The courtyard is very small, as soon as Xue Xuran entered, he saw a young man holding a broom and leaning behind the courtyard door, as if watching the situation outside through the crack of the door. It seems that they are not unprepared.

The young man hadn't noticed that someone came into the yard, Xue Xuran shouted in a low voice: "General Long sent me to rescue you."

The young man turned his head when he heard the sound, startled.

Xue Xuran seized the time and said again: "Are you Cao Yihan?"

The youth gripped the broom nervously.

Xue Xuran said: "An Ruochen asked me to ask you, how many papers are there in a new bundle?"

"Ah." Cao Yihan immediately dropped the broom and led them into the house: "Come in quickly, what do you want General Long to do? Today, a brother soldier came to remind us to be careful. Just now Uncle Liu from the village came and said that someone was searching the village. Don't take your son with you."

Xue Xuran put on a bad face: "Why do you trust people so easily? You should say a dozen words first, and listen to my answer!"

Cao Yihan was dumbfounded: "What?"

"Eleven." Xue Xuran waved his hand, a little unhappy. It's not good to be right with a password, how can you entrust it with a heavy responsibility! "General Long asked me to lead you into Zhonglan City and Ziyun Tower. General Jiang will protect you. This barracks is not safe anymore."

"Let's go." Cao Yihan didn't show any doubt or hesitation. Picking up the wrapped bundle, he turned to Emperor Dezhao and said, "My lord, General Long has sent someone to meet us."

Xue Xuran disliked him again: "Your young master has been on the sidelines, and he can hear you clearly, so you don't need to repeat it. The most important thing now is where is Mr. Huo's ashes urn?"

"Young master." As soon as he entered the room, he looked around to be on guard and handed over to Yunhao a small cloth bag on the altar table. Judging by the size and shape, it was a small jar.

Xue Xuran started to unpack the knots, Cao Yihan hurriedly shouted: "What are you doing?"

Xue Xuran said: "There are important items in the ashes." While talking, the cloth bag has been opened, and it is indeed a urn with the word "Huo" seriously written on it, and the scent of incense is still left on the jar.

Cao Yihan yelled, "Don't touch Mister!"

Xiang Yunhao drew out his sword with a bang, and put it on Cao Yihan's neck. Xue Xuran looked around, took a piece of paper on the table, bent it into a bucket shape, and handed it to Cao Yihan: "Help me get it."

Cao Yihan was so angry that he really wanted to throw his paper on the ground. But Xue Xuran had already opened the jar and poured it upside down, Cao Yihan hurriedly grabbed the paper to catch it, for fear that even a little bit of the ashes would fall to the ground.

Emperor Dezhao hid a stick behind him, wondering if he should go up and give Xiang Yunhao a blow to save Cao Yihan, but he was afraid that the sword would hurt Cao Yihan, and he felt sorry for Huo Mingshan's ashes. While hesitating, Xiang Yunhao turned his head and gave him a sideways glance, and shouted in a low voice, "Don't move."

Emperor Dezhao didn't dare to move.

At this time, Xue Xuran whispered. A wax ball poured out of the jar. He looked inside the jar, shook it again, and there seemed to be no other heavy objects, so he handed the jar to Cao Yihan: "Here, pour your husband back."

Cao Yihan was aggrieved and distressed, holding the paper bucket with both hands, not daring to move, watching Xue Xuran take the wax ball away. Xiang Yunhao took the pot for him, and said to him: "Pour it quickly, there is no time."

Cao Yihan really wanted to beat the two of them up, there was no time, who wasting time here!

Xue Xuran ignored them, he muttered to himself: "Didn't you say it was a box? Why is it a wax ball?" He squeezed the ball open, and saw that there was indeed a box inside. There were pills in the box, and the colors and quantities matched. Only then was he relieved.

"Found it, take them away quickly."

With tears in his eyes, Cao Yihan poured out the ashes carefully, ignoring him. Emperor Dezhao asked, "What is this?"

"The antidote." Xue Xuran ran to the back window to have a look while answering.

Emperor Dezhao followed: "The one from Lu Zheng? He said he would only tell where he hid it when he returned to Southern Qin."

"Don't worry about him, I found it." Xue Xuran finished speaking, "No, I still have to take care of him, I can't let him go like this."

Emperor Dezhao asked again: "What are you looking at?"

"An Ruochen said that there is a mound of earth not far behind the house, and there is a hiding place for you in the woods behind, you can hide temporarily."

Emperor Dezhao really believed him now: "Indeed."

"But the window is quite high!"

Emperor Dezhao said: "You support me up."

Xue Xuran shook his head: "I don't have the strength." Just kidding, although he is not noble enough, he is also a pampered and weak noble son, okay?

At this time, Xiang Yunhao came over, carrying one in each hand, and quickly threw them out of the window one by one. Turning around, he threw out Cao Yihan, who had wrapped the urn of Mr. Huo's ashes and hugged him tightly.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard, and it was the two soldiers who turned around. "Is anyone there? Open the door!"

Xiang Yunhao jumped out of the window and closed the window. Emperor Dezhao and Xue Xuran led Cao Yihan to run towards the mound. Xiang Yunhao rushed forward, carried Xue Xuran on his back, and led the way easily. Emperor Dezhao turned his head to look at Cao Yihan, who shook his head violently while holding the jar and cloth bag. He can't run with the person on his back, Your Majesty! It's better to run by yourself!

The four will hide behind the mound, and the rear window of the house is suddenly pushed open.

Emperor Dezhao lowered his body, Cao Yihan was busy packing Huo Mingshan's ashes into his bag, Xue Xuran looked around to observe the terrain, only Xiang Yunhao was watching the movement through the rear window of the house.

The two soldiers left the window. Xiang Yunhao said: "Hurry up, run to the woods while it is here. There is still cooking in the kitchen, they will definitely be suspicious, and they will probably walk around the house."

The four then ran towards the woods. Xue Xuran leaned on Xiang Yunhao's body, effortlessly and without panting, he said: "You said that you are thinking about cooking when you are about to run for your life."

Cao Yihan was very unconvinced: "I don't know how to run for my life when I'm cooking."

Emperor Dezhao was even more unconvinced: "Either come down, or shut up."

Xue Xuran shut up, he felt that he didn't shut up because of Emperor Dezhao's request, but because he has a lot of adults, no matter how they are considered Da Xiao's guests, he is the master, so he should be more polite.

The four of them ran into the woods, the distance was quite a distance, Emperor Dezhao and Cao Yihan were out of breath, hid behind a tree, saw the soldiers circled around to check, didn't see anything, walked around again.

Xiang Yunhao asked Cao Yihan to take him to the hiding place prepared in advance. It was a cave in a cliff crevice in the forest, the outside was blocked by dense branches and leaves, and the inside could not be seen. Put some water and dry food in the hole, it seems that it can indeed hide for a short time.

After Xiang Yunhao settled the three of them, he went to arrange everything. Xue Xuran called him to stop, and handed over the antidote: "It's urgent, arrange to ride a fast horse back to the city first."

Xiang Yunhao responded and left.

Xue Xuran and the three of them squatted silently in the pit and waited. Cao Yihan was still angry with Xue Xuran, turned his head and ignored him. Xue Xuran ignored him, and only said to Emperor Dezhao: "My surname is Xue. I don't ask you to repay the favor of saving my life. But after all, there is still a kindness. When you return to Southern Qin in the future, you will be better to the people, and you will be better to us Da Xiao." Be more respectful. Also, remember to leave the jade business to my family.”

Emperor Dezhao was angry: "You people from the Great Xiao are... one by one..." In vain he has read poetry and books, but he couldn't find a suitable word to describe it.

"Brave and witty?!" Xue Xuran summed it up for him.

Emperor Dezhao also turned his head away, ignoring him.

It was dark, and someone went into the woods. Fallen leaves and broken branches were trampled softly. Emperor Dezhao and others became vigilant.

A voice called softly: "My lord."

Xue Xuran breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Xiang Yunhao push away the branches and leaves.

This time Xiang Yunhao brought Ning Zi. He said that the medicine had been sent away. There was no big movement in the barracks, but they still had to move faster.

Xiang Yunhao carried Xue Xuran on his back, Ning Zi carried Emperor Dezhao on his back, and the group quickly ran through the woods to the carriage. Xue Xuran said to Emperor Dezhao: "An Ruochen said that he would send people back to Zhonglan City to report to us, but they are in a dangerous situation now, so we can't rely on them all. Although going back to Zhonglan is better than coming to Shilingya, we can't ignore it , you listen to my arrangement."

"Okay." Emperor Dezhao readily agreed.

"Don't forget to give the jade business to my family."

Emperor De Zhao swallowed the word "Xing".

In the barracks, Lu Sheng frowned and pondered. He just sent some villagers back and didn't ask any questions. Before the guards came back and reported that there was a family in the village who was a young master from out of town. They heard that he was very handsome. They wanted to have a trial, but there was no one in the house. Strangely, there was food burning in the kitchen.

Lu Sheng suddenly became suspicious, and asked people to continue searching the village, and then brought the village chief and other people in charge. But after asking several people in a row, they all said that there was a war, and many people in the village left, and the end of the village was deserted, and they didn't often go there. There were outsiders who came to live here, but they did not check their identities. I don't know who it is. I only heard that passing by was seriously ill and had to stop to recuperate, and left when he recovered. In terms of appearance, there is nothing special about it, just a young man of about eighteen or nineteen years old, accompanied by a young man of about twenty or thirty.

Lu Sheng couldn't think of anyone in particular who was like this, but he felt uneasy. There is also a situation in Zhonglan City now. That idiot Qian Shixin was tricked by someone. Everything was arranged for him, but this trouble happened. This means that Long Da is still prepared. Although it seems that they have been suppressed, they always hide some tricks.

At this juncture, there can be no more mistakes. The sneaky soldier, the noble son who sneaked away while cooking, there must be something wrong here.

Lu Sheng ordered two groups of guards to set off, one to Zhonglan City and the other to Sixia River, checking suspicious carriages and passers-by along the way, looking for a nobleman around eighteen years old, with an attendant by his side.

In Zhonglan City, Qian Shixin walked up and down restlessly. It was late at night and he couldn't sleep. The prison was smelly and dirty, no one took special care of him, and the water he drank was dirty. From his anger at first, he gradually became desperate. His convictions were too numerous to count, and the case records could fill a table.

From the old case in Nian County a few years ago to the current bribery of Liang Qinghe, and even such trivial matters as his tampering with Yao Wenhai's robbery case record, all were dug out. There must be Yao Kun's "credit" here, only he can be so clear about the old cases.

Qian Shixin was so angry that he scratched his heart with blood. The method he used to blackmail Yao Kun is now used by Yao Kun on him. Also, Jiang Song actually knew about his message to Orion in Wild Boar Forest. Orion Song Zheng has been arrested, and Yue Fu of Sixiajiang has also been arrested. This route of passing information to Nanqin has been thoroughly investigated. Qian Shixin's charge of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country is now confirmed.

Qian Shixin was going crazy, what happened, was his father Qian Peiwei dead, or was that Lu Fengbao caught? Or is something else going wrong? he does not know. No one told him what was going on, and there was no movement or news from Lu Sheng.

Qian Shixin yelled irritably and hit the cell door with chains. A clerk came in and shouted to him: "Don't make any noise, you are not in charge of this place now. If you make trouble, I will report it to General Jiang."

Qian Shixin gritted his teeth and glared angrily, then slammed the chain towards the prison door with all his might. There was a loud bang on the prison door. The clerk was also angry, took two steps forward and shouted: "Don't let you..."

Before he finished speaking, something flashed suddenly, and his head fell off.

Qian Shixin was dumbfounded, and he blinked before realizing that the yamen servant had his head beheaded and died.

Qian Shixin backed away, and the Yacha's body fell to the ground, exposing Mrs. Jingyuan behind him.

For a moment, Qian Shixin didn't know whether to be happy or worried, whether it was a blessing or a curse, so he subconsciously called out: "Master."

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