Mrs. Jingyuan didn't say a word, she bent down silently and took the key from the waist of the yamen servant's body, and unlocked the door of Qian Shixin's cell.

Qian Shixin pressed his back against the wall, not daring to breathe, wondering what the murderer was planning.

Master Jingyuan took a look at him and said one word: "Let's go."

Qian Shixin was surprised and suspicious, did he come to rescue him?

Master Jingyuan ignored his reaction, turned around and left. Only then did Qian Shixin wake up like a nightmare, and quickly followed her footsteps. No matter what the intention of Mrs. Jingyuan is, he can only die if he stays in this prison. Missed this opportunity, I am afraid there will be no more.

Exiting the prison gate, I saw two corpses of yamen servants lying at the door. Mrs. Jingyuan seemed not to have seen it, she didn't stop on her feet, and walked over directly, walking in the invisible shadow at the base of the wall and continued on. Seeing this situation, Qian Shixin didn't dare to look any further, and followed Jing Yuan closely. He is very familiar with the terrain here, and wanted to remind Jingyuan how to go better several times, but seeing Jingyuan's cold back, he swallowed all the words back.

Before his father Qian Pei was imprisoned, he was afraid of being assassinated by Jing Yuan. At that time, the whole yamen was on guard, and Jing Yuan did not come. Now no one can remember her, but she came. Qian Shixin secretly admires Jingyuan's scheming. Don't look at her killing people without blinking an eye, but she is careful in handling things. This prison robbery should have been prepared.

Jing Yuan did come prepared as Qian Shixin expected. So they went all the way, avoiding eyes and ears. Some guard posts were empty, Qian Shixin couldn't help guessing whether these people were killed by Jing Yuan. After walking to the bottom of a wall in a dark corner, Jing Yuan turned around and grabbed Qian Shixin's arm, carrying him and jumped out.

After that, they ran all the way. The streets in the dark night were deserted, Qian Shixin couldn't keep up with Jing Yuan's speed, but he didn't dare to complain at all. He heard his own panting, and the pounding of his heart.

When he arrived at the destination, Qian Shixin was shocked again. He actually took him back to the Qian Mansion. But it's like a thief, going in quietly, no one knows.

Master Jingyuan said at this time: "Go and get some clothes and money, don't let others find out."

Qian Shixin was stunned for a moment, thinking that he really needed these external things. He hurried to the main house, and Mrs. Jingyuan took care of him. He took some belongings, clean clothes, thought for a while and packed a set of pens, ink, papers and inkstones, packed a bundle and then came out.

Mrs. Jingyuan didn't say a word, and led him away in silence. This time, I went to a small side yard next to the Qian Mansion.

The courtyard is simple and elegantly furnished, completely different from the gorgeous and vulgar main courtyard that Qian Pei likes. In fact, Qian Shixin didn't go to the Qian's mansion in Zhonglan City very often, and after Jing Yuan's assassination happened, he didn't dare to stay, and stayed in the Ya's mansion all the time. He didn't even notice that there was such a small courtyard. From the outside, it looked like a part of Qian's mansion, but walking inside the Qian's mansion, this yard seemed to belong to someone next door. There is an inconspicuous small door between the two.

The small door is still behind the courtyard tree, which is really inconspicuous.

Mrs. Jingyuan took Qian Shixin over the wall, pushed open a door and went in.

Qian Shixin followed in and was surprised again. It seems that Mrs. Jingyuan lives here. So she has been living in the Qian Mansion? And he didn't know. It's no wonder that she can get the news about releasing the back door of the mansion and the front of the main house very quickly.

Jing Yuan sat down and said to Qian Shixin: "Wait, we will leave at about the same time. We will leave the city as soon as the city gate opens. You put on a disguise, they will not marry the prisoner who just escaped with a pair of middle-aged villagers Couples connect."

Qian Shixin was speechless. That's true. When they find someone robbing the prison, they will definitely search the whole city and set up gates. Judging from the murder method of the robbery, Jiang Song will soon think of Mrs. Jingyuan. Even if they were preventing Qian Shixin from leaving the city, they probably would not have guessed that he could pretend to be married with Mrs. Jingyuan.

Qian Shixin shuddered, actually wanting to pretend to be a married couple with a cold murderer... He really underestimated Master Jingyuan. It's frightening that she can bend and stretch like this.

"Master, where are we going?" Qian Shixin asked cautiously.

"Go to Southern Qin." Master Jing Yuan said coldly, "Could it be that you still have a way to survive in the Great Xiao?"

no. But Qian Shixin felt that Master Jing Yuan couldn't possibly care about his life or death. "What does the teacher mean?"

"You promised to help me investigate the case, did you forget?"

Qian Shixin was dumbfounded, he can still investigate the case now? Master Jingyuan's confidence and dedication to him also made him terrified. "Didn't there be a result last time?" Qian Shixin took a peek at Mrs. Jingyuan's face, carefully choosing his words. "I didn't say that, it was Emperor Dezhao who did it. In order to ascend to the throne at that time, he wanted to get rid of the troubled King Hui, so he ordered people to do this."

"That's what I said last time."

Qian Shixin's heart hangs.

"If you help me, I will naturally repay you. You will die in the Great Xiao, and the only way to survive is to go to Southern Qin. You have defected to King Hui, are you confident that he will take you in?"

Qian Shixin's heart fell back again. It turned out that it was not to force him to continue the investigation, but to reward him. This is also an evil way. Would a person like Mrs. Jingyuan repay the kindness of others? Qian Shixin pondered for a while: "After I get Nanqin, I will contact you to find out." After speaking, he was afraid that Jingyuan would look down on him and cause trouble, so he hurriedly said: "Although it is not 100%, but I am sure of."

"Okay." Mrs. Jingyuan was very straightforward, "I will send you to Nanqin, and I will not owe you anything from then on. Back then, King Hui helped me, and I killed many people for him, so I don't owe him anything When you contact King Hui, bring this to him for me. Tell him not to look for me, and I don't want to see him again."

Qian Shixin nodded hurriedly, a little unable to believe his good luck. The hidden danger that I was most wary of at first turned out to be my savior in the end.

Mrs. Jingyuan ignored him and closed her eyes to regain her composure. Qian Shixin thought and thought, calculating the way out. Indeed, why didn't he think that he could go to Nanqin to join King Hui? King Hui's ability to sit firmly in the country is due to his father and son, the Qian family.

Qian Shixin now regretted killing his father. King Hui has a deep friendship with his father Qian Pei, if his father is still there, they will be better friends and easier to rely on.

Qian Shixin's sadness and regret were only for a moment, and he quickly cheered up. His father told him all the ways to contact him, so of course he can go to King Hui. For King Hui, it couldn't be easier to install a small person like him, it was too easy to change his name and surname, and it was too easy to give an official a half job. He knew Da Xiao well, and he was very familiar with Pingnan County. King Hui will definitely need him in the future.

Yes, that's it. Thinking of this, Qian Shixin felt encouraged. Of course there will be some twists and turns in the process, but it's better than dying here. Too strong!

Qian Shixin's face showed joy, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Mrs. Jingyuan opened her eyes at some point and was looking at him coldly. Qian Shixin hurriedly straightened his face, and said, "Thank you, Master, for saving my life."

Master Jingyuan ignored him, closed her eyes and continued to meditate. Qian Shixin couldn't help feeling a little hairy. But after thinking about it, she felt relieved, Mrs. Jingyuan had always been like this, her expression was just vicious.

At daybreak, Qian Shixin and Jing Yuan disguised themselves as a middle-aged couple and left the city with the crowd of farmers.

In the city, news of Qian Shixin's escape from prison spread throughout the streets and alleys. Furious, Jiang Song sent almost all the people in the yamen out to search, and the guards also guarded the city gates, but no fugitives were found.

Jiang Song has been searching carefully since the last battle with Shitai Jingyuan, and has never seen her again. This time, Aunt Lu went to An's house again to question An Ruofang. But An Ruofang said she didn't know anything. Jiang Song sent people to keep an eye on An's family, but he didn't see Mrs. Jing Yuan looking for An Ruofang, and no one in An's house saw a sister-in-law coming.

Jiang Song gritted his teeth with hatred. He knew that he had lost one of the most important witnesses, and he couldn't figure out what Master Jing Yuan's intentions were in this matter. He sent someone to send the news to ensure that Chu Qing and Long Daneng were prepared accordingly.

The official road leading to Zhonglan City has been quite lively these past few days. Officers and soldiers were checking the passing carriages and passers-by, and they would stop and ask anyone who looked like a noble man with his entourage. But the other group of sentry officers and soldiers were different. When encountering such interrogation by officers and soldiers, they also want to interrogate where these officers and soldiers are from, what they do, and who made them act like this. Check their warrants, check the people they are interrogating, and stop them from disturbing the people unreasonably.

The strange thing is that in the past few days, there have been quite a few horse-drawn carriages passing by, all of them are noble young men with their entourages, and all of them are holding invitation cards, saying that they are invited to Zhonglan City to attend the wedding of Young Master Xue's family.

There are people from neighboring counties, neighboring cities, neighboring counties, in short, people from all nearby cities and counties come. The rhetoric of the boys and buddies is quite consistent. The invitations were all the same, and everyone brought gifts. The soldiers who were interrogating were one head and two big. What if the young master formed a team into the city to **** his relatives?

Emperor Dezhao sat in a carriage with two attendants and a driver. The entourage handed out the invitation for him. He is the second son of the Mu family in the neighboring city. His family is in the silk business, and he has memorized everything about the business of the house and shop, just in case. But the soldiers got impatient with their investigation, seeing that they were both invitations and congratulatory gifts, they waved them over.

Emperor Dezhao breathed a sigh of relief in the carriage. Although the person surnamed Xue was arrogant and unpleasant, he was indeed witty. Moreover, this scheduling arrangement cannot be done without some connections.

Xue Xuran's carriage was last in the queue, and the guards who were interrogating him felt that he was the most suspicious, and he had no invitations or congratulatory gifts. Xue Xuran was very unhappy: "I'm the Mr. Xue who is going to get married! I don't have a congratulatory gift, I want to go back to the hall to receive a congratulatory gift!"

The guards were also very upset, did they play tricks on them? This young man looks very annoying, let's talk about it later.

Xue Xuran was detained, but luckily he was not detained for too long. Xue Shuen went out of the city to pick up his son with the steward. All the way to meet the guest carriage, and finally saw his son. Someone proved that he was really Mr. Xue who was going to receive the gift, and the guards couldn't help but let him go.

Master Xue led his son to train him all the way. Those who are about to get married, and those who are still frizzy, are all spoiled by his mother. There must be something wrong with making a fuss about traveling before marriage, and not traveling well, and asking to invite guests.

Xue Xuran covered his heart with a pale face: "Father, stop talking, I'm going to be sick."

Master Xue is choking, he gets sick when he gets sick, and is there anyone who has announced that he is going to get sick? He also wanted to pretend to be sick to show his son, telling him that he was mad at him.

Emperor Dezhao's carriage entered Zhonglan City smoothly. The coachman got instructions in advance and drove the carriage to Ziyun Tower. The sentry guards outside the Ziyun Building were guarding, and the carriage did not approach, so it ran around and stopped at the side of the road. The coachman got out of the car and went to the sentry post to pass a post, saying that it was Aunt Lu's distant relative who came to see Aunt Lu.

The guard took the post and went in. After a while, Aunt Lu came out, the coachman whispered something to her, Aunt Lu nodded and walked to the side of the carriage, Cao Yihan returned to Zhonglan, a little excited, said to Aunt Lu: "An Ruochen asked Let me tell you, Mr. Lin asked us to come."

This is the safest way. If the report to Zhonglan City from Tongcheng fails, or if there is any accident in Zhonglan City, it is difficult for them to enter Ziyun Tower. This code word will allow them to pass the customs and get support.

Mr. Bell is An Ruochen's code name. Only Aunt Lu knows.

Aunt Lu looked at the people in the carriage, and said, "The news from Tongcheng has just been delivered safely, and you are on your feet. Don't worry, come in."

When Emperor Dezhao's carriage drove into Ziyun Tower, Lu Sheng on the other side of Shilingya still hadn't figured out who the escaped prince and his followers were.

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