Luo Peng is quietly going to meet the emperor with the evidence of the investigation. Did not bring colleagues, did not publicize the matter.

After listening to what Luo Pengzheng said, Emperor Zhengming read the case records he brought, and said, "According to the Prime Minister, it is not appropriate to hand over this matter to the Ministry of Punishment?"

"Your Majesty, this matter is a big one. Lord Liang doesn't just want to slander his ministers. Although there is no big movement at this time, there must be an opportunity to prepare for it. The chain behind it is unfathomable. At this time, he Just in the game, all of us are on the chessboard, if we startle the snake, he destroys the chess and does not move, puts aside the responsibility, and then bites back, the minister is humiliated, but it is a big disaster to let this chaotic minister and thief mess up the government and invade the imperial power , then the Great Xiao will be in danger, and the emperor will be in danger."

Emperor Zhengming thought about it.

Luo Pengzheng said again: "I think that the current situation is not limited to the Ministry of Punishment. The less people in the court know about it, the better. There are not just one or two ministers and officials who have made good friends with Mr. Liang. They have not been thoroughly investigated yet, and they are still I don't know who is involved, and leaking the wind is harmful rather than beneficial."

Emperor Zhengming nodded and said: "What Aiqing said makes sense. But Aiqing also knows that there are more than one or two ministers and officials who have disagreed with Mr. Liang in the court. I have also received a memorial from Mr. Liang. Some important officials in the court have made accusations. If it is not sent to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Yushitai for investigation, everyone will say their own things and have evidence, how can they be convinced? What is the truth, it is better to conduct a fair investigation."

Luo Peng was heaving a sigh of relief. The emperor said that Liang Dehao had sent a memorial to frame him. In fact, the third prince Xiao Hengyi had already found out, and the emperor quietly asked the Ministry of Criminal Justice to investigate him. He already knew what he found and where he went. He didn't think so at first, but Xiao Hengyi found out more than the Ministry of Punishment. This is more, which makes Luo Pengzheng startled.

Liang Dehao's layout was meticulous, and obviously he didn't think of it on a whim and made impromptu preparations. There is evidence to prove that Luo Pengzheng stole secret orders from Hyogo, colluded with secret agents, bribed killers, and built an army privately. One pile is enough for Luo Pengzheng and his family to die a hundred times. No planning and arrangement for several years is absolutely unfeasible. If he is found out by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Luo Pengzheng will definitely not be able to argue, and can only wait to die.

Xiao Hengyi felt that the Ministry of Criminal Justice did not find out because Liang Dehao didn't want them to find out yet. Because the time has not come. Liang Dehao himself is not in Beijing, if there is any mistake in the case, all his previous arrangements will be wasted. Moreover, he had to deal with some of the people who worked for him, so as not to let the wind out. What's more, these criminal evidences cannot appear out of thin air, and there must be something to draw them out. There is nothing more natural than Liang Dehao finding clues in Maojun, and going back to Beijing to investigate further.

"He took down Dongling first, to please his father, and then he returned to Beijing to report the investigation results to the border office. Those detailed reports will be confirmed one by one in Mr. Luo's criminal evidence. In addition, the punishment department has already Obtaining the evidence that Lord Luo wanted to kill Lord Liang, the reason for the assassination is naturally that Lord Luo can’t go to Mao County by himself, and I’m afraid that Lord Liang will find out after he goes.”

It was seamless, without flaws.

Luo Pengzheng had to admit that the layout was ingenious and the strategy was brilliant. "The Ministry of Punishment didn't find out, how did His Highness find out?"

"The Ministry of Justice is investigating Mr. Luo according to the clues Mr. Liang gave. I am Mr. Liang, although the things found are different. Mr. Luo, Mao County is far away from the capital, and the news we get here is much behind. Now, we don’t know how Lord Liang’s strategy is going to work, and we don’t know when he will throw a rope to tie Lord Luo tightly. Lord Luo should seize the opportunity, act first, and get out of the predicament.”

So Luo Pengzheng came to see the emperor. He was persuaded by Xiao Hengyi. The plan is this, Luo Pengzheng came to find out what Emperor Zhengming meant first, and convinced the emperor that this matter was no small matter, and it was not a factional struggle among powerful ministers. Instead, the rebellious ministers conspired against each other, using fights to cover up the layout. This matter must be investigated secretly to ensure that everyone involved in the case cannot escape. And the leader of the investigation must be a neutral and impartial person. Xiao Hengyi went to the border to deal with Liang Dehao to investigate and collect evidence, while Luo Pengzheng stayed in the capital to suppress Liang Dehao's faction, so that they could not make troubles and secretly assisted Liang Dehao in his actions.

Xiao Hengyi also said that if he could go there, he could use this to help Luo Pengzheng win over Long Da. In this matter, Long Da must also be the victim. Luo Peng is taking advantage of this to have one more ally, wouldn't it be good.

Of course good. Naturally, Luo Pengzheng also likes Long Da, but Liang Dehao and the Long family have always had a close relationship, and he could only regard Long Da as the opposing camp in the past, so it would be great if he could take the opportunity to win him over. Not only Long Da, Luo Pengzheng felt that if Liang Dehao was brought down, many people and things in the court would be different.

"I think it is more appropriate for the second prince to lead the investigation. The second prince is smart and wise, and he will be able to see the mystery of these things. Besides, I don't know what is going on at the end of Maojun. When we get there, there must be someone who can hold back I am afraid that no official or minister will be competent. Send another inspector? Which inspector is more powerful? This may arouse the vigilance of Mr. Liang and cover up the matter." After discussing with Emperor Zhengming, Luo Pengzheng finally Candidates are proposed.

As expected, Emperor Zheng Ming objected: "I do know that Heng Long and Ai Qing are quite close."

Luo Peng said hurriedly: "The emperor is aware that the second prince is wholeheartedly devoted to the emperor. He has always been happy to relieve the emperor's worries. He will go all out to judge the case fairly."

The more Luo Pengzheng praised Xiao Henglong, the more worried Emperor Ming became. In this matter, he has not yet decided who to believe. Both Liang Dehao and Luo Pengzheng were important ministers, both accused the other of treason, and both had evidence. Luo Pengzheng's evidence was even more exaggerated. He presented "evidence of his own rebellion", saying that it was prepared by Liang Dehao.

Maybe it was prepared by Liang Dehao, or maybe Luo Peng saw that Liang Dehao had exposed him, so he had to take the lead and bite back.

This matter must be investigated seriously. Don't favor any side, don't let anyone go. It would be better to keep the waves in the court to a minimum so as not to cause a big mess.

Emperor Zhengming said: "That's it. Let the third prince go. He doesn't have much friendship with Mr. Liang, so he should judge the matter fairly. The evidence you brought must also be investigated. Since there are so many arrangements, there will always be some clues The source. You are worried that the Ministry of Criminal Justice will leak the news, and that the Yushitai will be unfair, so I will personally supervise this matter. I want to see who dares to collude with the rebellion and who dares to inform the rebels."

Luo Pengzheng was secretly happy, kowtowed and said: "The emperor is wise. I obey the order."

In this way, Xiao Hengyi got the imperial order to go to Mao County and Pingnan County to supervise the case of treason. Emperor Zhengming did not publicize the matter with great fanfare, and asked Xiao Hengyi to keep a low profile.

Xiao Hengyi quickly led his troops on the road, and quietly greeted Long Er before leaving. Long Er shook his head: "Brother Mo told you that you helped him find an ally. He annoyed Prime Minister Luo the most."

Xiao Hengyi was not in a good mood: "If you don't add some bargaining chips, how can you ensure that Prime Minister Luo will follow my wishes. He took the evidence and turned around to let the second brother do the meritorious service. I have become a bridge board."

"Yes, Your Highness is wise." The tone of Long Er's praise was very sincere. Let Xiao Hengyi take a look at him and embark on the journey.

In Tongcheng, Long Da got the military report from Shi Lingya, with a serious expression on his face. "General Ma was beheaded." This was the expected result, but when it happened, he still felt uncomfortable.

An Ruochen went over and hugged his waist, trying to comfort him.

"He is a man, loyal and brave. Zeqing said that when he rushed into the trap, he knew that he had been tricked. He still had a chance to escape, but in order to save his soldiers, he was captured until the end." Long Da sighed. .

"If he escapes, he will be dealt with by the opportunity." An Ruochen said: "Just like the general, he will make the rebels think he is a hidden danger, and he will not worry about it."

Long Da nodded.

This is true. At this point, he is indeed a big hidden danger. So Lu Sheng killed Ma Yongshan to ensure that Dong Ling and Da Xiao would go to war, this is a good time to get rid of him. And he still doesn't know how the other side of the capital is progressing, and Shi Lingya is as expected, Chu Qing is restrained. Lu Sheng took advantage of the chaos to invade Shilingya under the pretext of preventing Nanqin's conspiracy, and asked all the soldiers to stay put and not send troops to Maojun.

If you want to expose the conspiracy, you have to keep yourself safe first, and the security is as safe as the morning. It doesn't matter whether it's the capital or Shilingya, if you want to wait for their support, you have to try to survive until the day when the situation is resolved.

Maybe they still have time, if Emperor Dezhao moves fast enough...

Suddenly a guard reported outside the door, "General, Dong Ling has declared war!"

All right. Not as fast as Lu Sheng giving away the head.

Long Da responded, a little helpless. If he was Ma Yongnian, the general of Dongling, he would declare war after receiving the head of his elder brother Ma Yongshan, and he would not wait for the emperor's order slowly.

He glanced at An Ruochen, and An Ruochen hurriedly said: "General, you must take care." She knew that Long Da had to leave.

"Do you remember what I told you?"

"Remember." An Ruochen looked into Long Da's eyes. The general is gone, when he will come back, and whether he will be able to come back is unknown. Now I just hope that Emperor Dezhao will arrive in Zhonglan safely, and I hope Xue Xuran will be really helpful.

An Ruoxi looked at Xue Xuran, yelled, rushed over and beat him several times.

Xue Xuran was dumbfounded, and yelled: "You crazy girl, what are you doing to beat someone?" He took such a big risk outside without getting a finger, but was beaten when he came home? !

"I thought you wouldn't come back." An Ruoxi wiped away tears.

Xue Xuran moved her shoulder and arm, it really hurt, she was really strong when hitting someone. Mother, you won't always be beaten after marriage, right? This is not acceptable. It would not be appropriate for the guards to compete with her then! Is it possible to ask a few girls to practice?

"If you think you won't come back, shouldn't you be happy when you come back?"

"I'm very happy."

Xue Xuran gave her a big roll of eyes.

"It seems that the antidote is right, it depends on how well you eat it."

"I haven't taken it yet." An Ruoxi replied, "I took the poison."

Xue Xuran: "..."

"The poison was gone, and I took another pill to renew my life, and then the antidote was delivered."

"Then eat quickly!"

"What if I take the antidote and die immediately. I will die in front of you anyway." An Ruoxi replied.

Xue Xuran clutched his heart and fell on the table.

An Ruoxi was startled: "Master Xue!"

"Don't worry about me, I'm so mad."

An Ruoxi curled her lips: "I'm telling the truth. Look, I brought the antidote and planned to eat it in front of you." In order to take the medicine face to face, she had to go to Xixiu Hall to check the code. It is also hard work.

Xue Xuran secretly raised his eyelids to look. An Ruoxi shook the hand holding the medicine in front of his eyes, and then swallowed the antidote with water.

Seeing this, Xue Xuran was about to raise his head to talk to her, but An Ruoxi suddenly covered his heart and fell down on the table. Xue Xuran was frightened: "What's the matter, is there something wrong with this medicine? What's wrong with you?"

"No discomfort." An Ruoxi raised her head and said, "I mean, I will die with you."

Xue Xuran suddenly jumped up to catch An Ruoxi, he was so mad, it was too late for the girl to practice, he did it himself! An Ruoxi also jumped up and ran around the table. Xue Xuran scolded: "Stop, if you continue to be so annoying, I won't marry you."

"That won't work." An Ruoxi didn't stop, he hid after chasing her. "If you regret the marriage, I'll wear sackcloth and mourning to your door, cry and faint, and sing that you are a heartless man."

Xue Xuran was really about to faint, how could he even cry and sing?

"I'm pretty good at playing tricks on you." From Xiao Xiao's family, watching his mother fight with all the aunts, he learned a lot from precepts and deeds.

"It's nothing to be proud of!" Xue Xuran really wanted to regret the marriage. Is it still too late? If you regret it, you can still watch how she even cried and sang.

"Have you met my eldest sister? How is she?"

Xue Xuran was stunned for a moment, he was just imagining how a heartless man would sing, and why the topic changed so quickly. He stopped, straightened his face, cleared his throat and said, "Your elder sister, she said, maybe she can't see you again, let me tell you, I'm sorry."

An Ruoxi's smile froze.

Xue Xuran hurriedly explained: "It doesn't mean she will die, she is so cunning and insidious, so is General Long, so nothing will happen to her."

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