An Ruochen rode a war drum to see each other all the way, and sent Long Da outside the city gate.

The team was mighty, and more than a thousand elite cavalry followed in line. It was the team brought by Long Da from Shilingya. Except for this group of people, whether it is the frontline barracks or the garrison in the city, they are all troops brought by Mao County garrison and Liang Dehao.

Cui Hao, acting magistrate of Mao County, and other county officials accompanied him to see him off. They set up a ceremony with good wine and food at the bamboo pavilion at the city gate, and wished him a victory in the Dragon Battlefield and a triumphant return.

There was no expression on Long Da's face, and he did not have the vigorous and inspiring gesture of a general before he went to the battlefield. Most of the time they talked with An Ruochen along the way, they were full of exhortations and farewells, which meant parting from life to death.

Cui Hao watched from the side, and he could understand in his heart. He knew that Long Da was unhappy, and the general didn't have soldiers he personally trained, so he was naturally uneasy. But Liang Dehao had issued an order before his disappearance. The situation in the Three Kingdoms was complicated. Dongling Xiaoguo must have a trick to provoke. If there is a war, Long Da will be in command. The soldiers of Pingnan County and Mao County were all dispatched by Long Da.

The start of the war was too sudden now, and it was impossible for Long Da's generals to come from Pingnan immediately. Long Dalian issued a command to dispatch soldiers, but the soldiers and horses of Shilingya and Sixiajiang strictly guarded against the Southern Qin Dynasty, and they could not move without proper dispatch. Lu Sheng stood guard there, and Long Da was restrained everywhere, so naturally he felt angry.

Cui Hao knew what was going on, but he still had to pretend to be innocent, and cooperated with him to play a good official role and arrange everything. Now he is standing beside Long Da, listening to Long Da and An Ruochen talking with his ears up.

In fact, Long Da and An Ruochen didn't say anything serious, they just had a long-term relationship with each other and separated each other. Why go to bed early at night and have a full meal, take care of yourself and so on. There was a military salute at the pavilion, all the officials discussed the situation on the front line, only Long Da pulled An Ruochen to stand under the sun and watch the shadow.

"In the past, when I was concerned about you at the beginning, I felt it was wrong. So I left Ziyun Building and hid in the military camp to find work. But the more I was busy, the more I missed you, and I knew that things were not good. I didn't know what it was like to be happy alone. , and then saw my own shadow on the tent under the light, and suddenly understood." Long Da said so, An Ruochen held his hand and listened quietly.

The corners of Cui Hao's mouth twitched, but he still didn't avoid it, pretending not to hear.

Long Da continued: "I was the only shadow on the tent wall, and I felt lonely. Afterwards, I hurried back to Ziyun Tower, and when I saw you, I was so happy and no longer depressed."

An Ruochen answered, "I've never seen the general depressed. At that time, I only felt that the general liked to scold people."

Long Daha laughed. After laughing, he said: "At that time, my happiest thing was to take a walk with you in Ziyun Building. You whispered in your ears, and our shadows were very close to each other on the ground, which was quite comfortable."

"At that time, I just felt that the general was very serious and always bowed his head in silence. Sometimes he walked for a long time without making a sound. I was still nervous and didn't know what the general was thinking."

Long Da looked down at the shadow on the ground, An Ruochen was next to him, the shadow was close to a person. "I thought it would be great if we could always be in pairs."

Cui Hao lowered his head and touched his nose, suppressing the unease all over his body. It's disgusting for the mighty and serious general to say love words. He pretended to chat with the officials next to him, while continuing to pay attention to what An Ruochen and Long Da had to say.

From Cui Hao's point of view, An Ruochen was also calm. Long Da's words were so disgusting, yet she didn't change her face and could still answer the conversation.

"Since the general said so, then I will not be polite. The general knows that I have never asked for much. Now I want to ask the general. No matter what in the future, the general will not leave me alone. When the general returns home, he will take me home. If the general fights, he will lead me to fight. I will definitely not slow down the general and spoil the general's business. When the general is depressed and wants to see his shadow, I will be there."

Long Da didn't speak immediately, he paused for a while, and then said: "If I can come back safely this time, I will do what you ask."

Cui Hao stroked the corners of his eyebrows, but remained calm.

Back in the city, Cui Hao sent people to watch carefully, and his subordinates came back to report that the general's wife was living as usual, she hadn't packed her bags, and she didn't seem to have any plans to leave Tongcheng. But Cui Hao was still worried because of Long Da's words - if I return safely.

It's just a little Dong Ling, even if the soldiers are not his own, but Long Da has been in the field for a long time, experienced, and has a lot of knowledge, plus there are generals such as Yin Ming, he doesn't even need to fight in person, just like this Worried about not being able to return safely, was he deliberately scaring him as love, or he had already noticed something at all. After thinking about it, Cui Hao decided not to do anything and report the situation after seeing the situation clearly.

On the second day, An Ruochen was still as usual. She even went out to shop around and buy again. But there was also an unusual thing on this day, and rumors spread in the city. Rumors said that inspector Liang Dehao, Mr. Liang, was kidnapped by Dong Ling's envoy and had already been killed.

This argument is well-founded. First of all, if he didn't know exactly that Mr. Liang had been killed, how could Shi Lingya dare to kill 3,000 people in Dongling to take revenge. Secondly, how can the Dongling envoys escape from Tongcheng with a big living person tied up? How to ensure that Mr. Liang will not lead troops to attack after escaping, the only safest way is to kill him. Killed him, but said that he was in our hands to threaten him. Furthermore, if Lord Liang is alive and the envoys have fled back to Dongling, then put Lord Liang in front of the battle, who would dare to fight? But there was a war, and a fight started. Apparently Dong Ling didn't do that, which was naturally because there was no one on hand. Why no one? Because dead.

Cui Hao was taken aback when he heard these reports from his subordinates, thought for a while and asked: "Who passed it on, but Mrs. General Long said it outside?"

The subordinates hurriedly said no. These words should have started to spread a few days ago, but everyone didn't agree too much, but yesterday, the front line was full of smoke and drums. General Long led his troops out of the city and walked through the streets and alleys. The common people were naturally panicked when they saw it. These rumors broke out in the city, and there were many discussions in the streets and alleys. Everyone also said that it was because of this that the case had not been solved and Mr. Liang could not be found.

Another subordinate said that he followed General Long's wife today, and she seemed to have heard these words when she was chatting with others in the clothing store. She also asked a lot of questions and chatted with those women for a long time.

Cui Hao frowned, knowing that something was wrong. It seems that this is just a trivial matter rumored in the market, but it has a consequence, which will make everyone feel that if Mr. Liang is not dead, it is too suspicious.

Cui Hao was finally worried, he wrote a letter and went to Meishan Restaurant.

There are many miracles in this world, but it is not so easy to be resurrected after death.

Emperor Dezhao sat in front of Jiang Song and listened to his plans.

"First, the news that His Majesty is alive must be leaked out as soon as possible, so as to stop the excuse for war. But you must not let others know that the general saved you..."

Before Jiang Song could say anything, Cao Yihan couldn't help asking, "Why?"

Jiang Song replied: "The current situation is complicated. Don't involve the general in it, so as not to be accused of crimes and not be able to explain clearly. It will not benefit anyone at that time."

Cao Yihan asked again: "What crime will I be accused of?"

"A lot." Jiang Song was patient, but it was a long story, and I was so impatient that I broke it up bit by bit and analyzed it with him in detail.

Cao Yihan still wanted to ask, but seeing the emperor glanced at him, he quickly shut up and bowed his head. It's really a good idea to call the young master, and I have forgotten the rules.

Jiang Song continued: "Your Majesty, do you know that we have the custom of putting out blessing lamps in Pingnan, Great Xiao?"


"Your Majesty put the news that he escaped from the murder of his rebellious ministers and was still alive on the blessing lamp, and the news was scattered along the river. Not only the people of the Southern Qin Dynasty could see and pick it up, but I, the Great Xiao soldiers, could also see it. So I met His Majesty who was fleeing, and rescued His Majesty. Get off, temporarily send it back to Zhonglan City for resettlement inquiries."

"Okay." This is the same as what Long Da said before, and Emperor Dezhao was already mentally prepared.

"Your Majesty has arrived in Zhonglan, I have to report the news to the court immediately, and the emperor will decide how to deal with your majesty who is in trouble. Your majesty can also take this opportunity to ask the emperor for protection and assistance."

reasonable. Emperor Dezhao nodded: "Okay." In fact, when he was in Xiangzhu Village, he had been thinking about how to write this love letter for several days. Not only should it be given to Emperor Xiao, but it should also be spread throughout the countries, so that everyone in the world will know about King Hui's tricks, and everyone in the world will crusade against it.

"Moreover. Once the news of His Majesty's survival spreads, we cannot predict what will happen. My soldiers will ensure His Majesty's safety, but how King Hui will react, how our Emperor will react, and what will happen on the front line We can't predict all the actions of the spies. Besides, the power struggle between His Majesty and King Hui is beyond our control."

"I understand this." The most difficult part is actually the last part. King Hui now sits firmly in the court, while he himself is in trouble in another country. He had no money, no generals, and he didn't know how many people in the country had surrendered to King Hui, and how many generals knew his crimes and were still willing to serve him. How to regain the throne? !

Emperor Dezhao gritted his teeth and said, "Let the world know that I am still alive!"

Jiang Song said: "I am more anxious than Your Majesty, but I'm afraid we have to wait."

"Waiting for what?"

"At Shilingya, there is a person with a rank higher than us who has an inspection order and who can clearly and honestly entrust us. He must be dealt with first. Otherwise, His Majesty's safety cannot be guaranteed. If His Majesty encounters General Dong Lingma It seems that we may not be able to finish our battle."

"How do you deal with him?"

"Naturally, it's the right thing to do if you catch the crime. If you make a wrong move, it will be troublesome. So you have to wait."

Shi Lingya.

Lu Sheng was very disturbed. The son who absconded without knowing his identity always made him feel that it would be a big hidden danger. He pondered for a few days, and finally decided to write a letter to the other side of Tongcheng to report the matter.

Write the letter in code words, seal it with wax, put it in a bamboo tube, and hand it over to his postman. Liu Guang, the postman, only sent secret letters, and he was very clear about what to do.

Liu Guang set off, but he was stopped shortly after he left the camp.

The guards who stopped him searched him, robbed his letters, and took him down. Liu Guangda turned pale with shock: "This is an urgent official letter from Lord Lu, and it must be reported to Tongcheng immediately, but you dare to hijack the letter. This is a rebellion!"

Without further ado, the guards gagged Liu Guang, tied him up, avoided Lu Sheng's eyes and ears, and escorted Liu Guang to Chuqing's tent.

Chu Qing took the letter, opened it and read it. Ask Liu Guang: "Who is this for?"

Liu Guang didn't dare not answer: "Cui Taishou of Maojun."

Chu Qing nodded, asked a few more questions, sent guards down to deliver orders, and then ordered Liu Guang to be taken down. After receiving the order, all the soldiers in the battalion were in high spirits, and rushed to various places quickly, arresting all Lu Sheng's men and horses in the battalion.

Chu Qing took the letter and went to find Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng saw that Chu Qinglai was a little vigilant, and when he saw the letter in his hand, his expression darkened. "General Chu is so courageous!" It's ridiculous, he didn't think that a letter could catch him, did he?

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