The news of Lu Sheng's arrest was quietly passed back to Zhonglan. In order not to affect the situation on the other side of Mao County, this matter is still in the confidential stage, and only Jiang Song and Gu Wenda know about it.

So in the early morning of that day, when the sky was just getting bright, many bamboo tubes suddenly floated on the surface of the Sixia River. There was a small hole in the bamboo tube, and a small flag was inserted in the hole.

People who saw these bamboo tubes were all surprised. "Guilty Edict" is an imperial edict for self-examination and self-reflection when the emperor makes a big mistake. Who is so bold to use this method to pretend to be the king and secretly scold the emperor for being stupid and making mistakes? !

The two banks of the Four Xia River are Nanqin and Daxiao respectively. Soon the officers, soldiers and common people on both sides of the strait picked up the bamboo tubes. The mouth of the bamboo tube was sealed with wax, and there was a letter inside. When I took it out, it looked decent, like a real imperial edict.

The content of the edict surprised the people who read it even more, especially the generals of the Southern Qin Dynasty, who were either frightened and quickly discarded it as if they had never seen it, or reported it in a hurry, for fear of delaying half of the crime.

Why is it so tense, because the imperial edict revealed a terrifying conspiracy, killing the king, seizing power, fighting, and blaming others, it was shocking. If this imperial edict is true, then it was written by Emperor Dezhao of Southern Qin Dynasty himself!

In the edict, Emperor Dezhao first blamed himself for credulously trusting King Hui, worrying his loyal ministers and putting himself in danger. He also blamed himself for not being prepared enough, causing Dongling's envoys to be killed by the traitor Ren Zhongshan, and he almost died. Then he blamed himself for failing to find out in advance the conspiracy that King Hui had planned for the past few years, causing disasters to neighboring countries and causing suffering to his own people. A long story is sad and earnest, covering all kinds of retrogrades of King Hui and his henchmen. In the last paragraph, he changed the subject, claiming that he had made a big mistake, thinking about the suffering of the soldiers, the people, and the neighboring countries, and he was in deep pain. With this edict, he made an oath that as long as he lived, he would correct this mistake, kill treacherous ministers, and restore the country to prosperity. To make the common people happy, to promote peace in the world. At the end of the edict, there is even the seal of Emperor Dezhao.

This Edict of Guilt is clearly an Edict of Sin. But the writing of guilt makes people want to find out.

On the surface of the river, there are countless bamboo tubes floating, and the words "Zui Ji Zhao" are very dazzling. The Southern Qin soldier received the urgent order and quickly retrieved all the "edicts". But the river is turbulent, and you are rushing to the distance with the edict, where can you get it clean? !

When the people of Da Xiao and Nan Qin heard the news, they were in an uproar, and the streets and alleys were heatedly discussed. The news quickly spread to the capitals of the two countries with the momentum of a prairie fire. King Hui was furious, and it was heard that Ren Zhongshan asked him about the situation at that time in front of all the courtiers, and made a gesture. Naturally, Ren Zhongshan did the tricks as instructed, swearing to the sky that everything he said was true, and even claimed that it was Emperor Dezhao who saw Dongling's plot that day, and Dongling's envoys panicked and killed Emperor Dezhao. Now that Da Xiao is at war with Dong Ling, Dong Ling must create another incident to disrupt the battle situation, this must be Dong Ling's conspiracy. If the first emperor was still alive, why did he just write a manifesto without showing his face? If he was alive, he could issue an "edict" on the Sixia River, but why didn't he find the Southern Qin army on the border and order them to follow and crusade against the rebels? How capable is Ren Zhongshan, how can he let all the soldiers and generals in the Southern Qin Dynasty obey his instructions? Moreover, after Emperor Dezhao was assassinated, he quickly returned to the capital to report and expose Dongling's plot, but he never reached the border.

Ren Zhongshan said, his resentment was hard to express: "It's a small thing to humiliate a minister, but the prince shouldered the heavy burden of the country in times of crisis, devoted himself to serving the country and the people, but was accused of rebellion and rebellion by this false edict. The danger is clearly revealed. It is very likely that not only Dongling, but also people in the dynasty will help."

None of the important officials in the court said anything, and those who opposed and questioned King Hui knew it well. At this time, it is hard to tell whether the matter is true or not. Emperor Dezhao only heard about his edict but never saw his person, so it is still unknown what will happen afterwards. If he is stupid and jumps out to make trouble at this time, he may fall into King Hui's arms and plant his political enemies as collaborators and traitors. The crime was dealt with.

Several people looked at each other, the meaning of their eyes was understood only by themselves. In fact, they had received a secret letter, which mentioned the things in the "Edict of Guilt", but the secret letter also said, secretly investigate, don't startle the snake, don't let King Hui have a chance to find a reason to dispose of them. Otherwise, Emperor Dezhao would lose his loyal ministers in the court, and there would be no hope of returning to the court, and the Southern Qin Dynasty would perish.

In fact, during that time, King Rihui was really busy dealing with them. Several of them were accused of crimes and demoted officials, some were imprisoned, and some were beheaded. They also thought that this might be a conspiracy instigated by King Hui, but after further investigation, the fact that Emperor Dezhao was murdered by Dong Ling's envoys was indeed full of doubts, and even the body that was picked up from the river was not a whole body. Bitten by fish and snakes, he couldn't distinguish his face and body features, so he could only claim that he was the emperor based on the torn clothes and the confession of the general. All the loyal servants around the emperor died, and they died too cleanly.

In such a situation, everyone exchanged news, deliberated a lot, and finally decided that no matter which plot of rebellion or instigation is true, they should first let King Hui think that they have succeeded. They didn't reply to the secret letter, and they stopped resisting King Hui's decision everywhere. After a while, I received another confidential letter with only one word: "Wait."

What are you waiting for? Now they understand.

This court meeting ended without an end, and the two factions had their own thoughts, keeping each other calm.

In Ziyun Building, Qi Zheng is helping Emperor Dezhao seal the bamboo tube. Emperor Dezhao lived as Aunt Lu's distant relative. The bamboo tubes were transported in and out by Qi Zheng's vegetable cart. All things should be concealed as much as possible, the less people know, the better. Qi Zheng consciously picked up a good job and cherished it very much. I secretly collected many bamboo tubes under various names, ensured the quantity, and cut the bamboo to seal the wax with all my heart. It was very hard work to go to different sections of the river in the middle of the night every day.

Emperor Dezhao liked Qi Zheng very much, he was sweet-mouthed, smart and hard-working, who wouldn't like it. During these days, Emperor Dezhao wrote the imperial edict every day. He insisted on writing it himself, and hoped that when the courtiers who had seen his handwriting saw it, they would be able to confirm that it was written by him and that he was alive. Naturally, Cao Yihan was not idle, he helped seal and fold the letter, and served before and after.

The three of them worked together, and the military secretly protected each other, so things went smoothly. Qi Zheng will come back and report to them what he hears in the public. It will also help spread some news that needs to be spread outside.

During this time, Yao Kun appeared. This is of course what Jiang Song meant. There needs to be a major event to attract everyone's attention, so as to prevent everyone from delving too much into the truth of Emperor Dezhao's edict. Yao Kun is very effective, and all kinds of mysteries about him have whetted the appetite of the public. Did he actually kill Montaigne? What will happen to him and Meng Jiayue? How did he mysteriously disappear from prison? Is Qian Shixin's disappearance related to him?

Yao Kun was very low-key, quietly living in a hut next to the government office, living a poor and simple life. Usually, he seldom went out, and he didn't go home crying and shouting in front of the prefect's mansion as everyone expected.

Many good-natured people wandered around in front of the government office and the prefect's mansion, hoping to see some gossip and touching scenes, but unfortunately there was none. Meng Jiayue's response to Yao Kun's appearance was to take off the "Prefect's Mansion" sign and replace it with "Meng's Mansion".

It was Meng, not Yao.

Yao Kun naturally heard about it, so he didn't go to see it, nor discussed it with anyone. He just lives alone in silence, and when Jiang Song needs him to do something, he does it with all his heart. Later, he found something he could do, which was to help poor people write pleadings. Those who are illiterate or do not understand the law can get answers as long as they come to ask him. Is there anyone who understands the situation in Pingnan County better than a former prefect, how to write pleadings, and how to file lawsuits?

Yao Kun started to get busy. The people in and out of the hut are all poor people in ragged clothes. Yao Kun does not accept money, and ignores the taunts and ridicules from caring people. Those who want to sue or watch the excitement often block his door tightly.

Emperor Zhengming also knew about the edict, and he received a memorial from Jiang Song of Pingnan County. The memorial said that the imperial edict was picked up by the river, and Emperor Dezhao who fled disaster and hid in the territory of Daxiao was captured. He has detained Emperor Dezhao in Ziyun Tower without publicizing it. Ask Emperor Zhengming how to deal with this matter.

Emperor Zhengming was taken aback, and his first reaction was that he was glad that he listened to Luo Pengzheng's persuasion, and did not issue an imperial edict to let Liang Dehao take the opportunity to join hands with Nanqin to take down Dongling. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble to get involved in the struggle for power and position in Southern Qin Dynasty for no reason, bear the reputation of conspiring to occupy Dongling, and be spurned and punished by all countries.

Emperor Zhengming hurriedly found Luo Pengzheng to discuss the matter together. Luo Pengzheng's flatterer found an opportunity to shoot hard, and praised Emperor Zhengming for being wise, seeing through the hidden dangers early, and not falling into the trap of someone with a heart.

"In Aiqing's opinion, how will Emperor Dezhao deal with it?"

Luo Peng was thinking and thinking: "Your Majesty, since the situation is unclear at this time, it is better not to meddle in the affairs of Nanqin. If you help the wrong person, and he is not the one who sits on the throne in the end, then we, Da Xiao, are talking about ourselves."

"But the imperial edict drifted with the river, and many people have seen it. Nanqin will definitely investigate this matter strictly. King Hui will guess that Emperor Dezhao is in the Great Xiao soon."

"But the emperor doesn't know yet. Let General Jiang take care of the things that General Jiang himself does. He is not stupid, and he didn't make it public. Then the emperor can find out later. He will make a decision after seeing the situation clearly. Three His Highness has already rushed there, and General Jiang will report to him at that time." Without any response, he took the initiative. If things are done well, whatever the emperor says is fine, if things are not done well, it is the fault of Jiang Song and the third prince. These are not bad things, Luo Pengzheng thinks they are quite good.

"Then what about Mr. Liang being hijacked by Dong Ling?"

"Your Majesty, let's leave this matter alone. Isn't there some clues now? If Dong Ling didn't kill Emperor Dezhao at all, then the excuse of Southern Qin and the Great Depression to destroy Dong Ling was a lie, and the Great Xiao was almost used. Master Liang was killed. The robbery is also weird."

"You see, Mr. Liang is not pleasing to the eye, so he naturally thinks of the bad. If Dong Ling is wronged, he will naturally be annoyed, and it is possible to do stupid things on impulse."

Luo Peng was silent. In fact, after thinking about it for a long time, he felt that the matter of being robbed was really clever. The identity of the victim is easier to convincing when it comes to excuses.

In Zhonglan City, Xue Xuran was lying on a soft couch with his legs crossed, eating the candied fruit An Ruoxi fed him. He had just been given a bowl of bitter medicine and needed something sweet to moisten his mouth.

He said: "I bet, Qian Shixin must have fled to Southern Qin."

An Ruoxi took out a broken piece of silver and placed it on a small table beside her.

Xue Xuran rolled her eyes at her: "Why, do you think I'm wrong?"

An Ruoxi shook her head: "Sanggong is right, it's just that he wants to bet, who would bet with him, only me."

so good? Xue Xuran was very happy, got up and went to find a piece of silver and put it on it, the shame and humiliation of being ill on the wedding night until now can be forgotten for the time being.

"Then make another bet. I said that Master Liang is not dead. Being hijacked is a tactic that can be used to advance, attack, retreat, or defend. If the situation is good, he will appear again, saying that he escaped from the tiger's mouth, and his image is heroic, which is quite good. If the situation is not good Wonderful, he can also feign death and escape, hiding his name."

"What is a good situation?" An Ruoxi asked.

Xue Xuran was silent, some things should not be known to a silly lady like him. "It's so boring, there's nothing to do these days." He turned his back pretending to be annoyed, "The city is so far away, so don't worry about their business."

An Ruoxi thought for a while, "Then let's find a nearby mystery to solve it. Nanny Li said that her cousin's pig died inexplicably. Generally..." An Ruoxi shut up suddenly as she said that, she found that her husband was staring at her. "Is this boring? Is it not interesting to commit crimes?"

of course not. Xue Xuran is not angry. He really wanted to say that he didn't know if An Ruochen was as smart as him and could think of his ideas, but he never saw her send someone for help or give some information. Of course he was just curious, not really hoping that An Ruochen needed Asking for help... But he didn't dare to mention An Ruochen's name, he was afraid that An Ruoxi would be worried.

Xue Xuran stared at An Ruoxi, sighed secretly, and said listlessly: "It's quite interesting. Tell me more carefully, what happened to that pig?"

An Ruochen walked around the room and practiced everything she wanted to say. Then she looked in the mirror, straightened her clothes, and went out to find Cui Hao, the prefect of Mao County.

Cui Hao didn't refuse to see her, An Ruochen saluted politely after entering the room, and asked: "My lord, I heard that General Yin returned to the city yesterday, but what's the matter on the front line?"

"General Long ordered him to investigate Master Liang's robbery, and he was allowed to come back. He just inquired about the progress of the investigation in the city, and he will return to camp today." Cui Hao said, "General Long is fine, Madam don't worry."

"Oh." An Ruochen looked disappointed, "He didn't send me a letter, so he must be busy."

Cui Hao remained silent. He had heard the nausea and numbness when General Long and An Ruochen parted. Presumably, this lady is quite squeamish, and the general coaxed her with sweet words. Isn't it normal that they don't write letters after a war? Not a woman.

An Ruochen sighed again, and said: "My lord laughed, but I'm actually the one who doesn't have much confidence. After all, I come from a humble background and I'm not worthy of a general. The general speaks nicely, but I always wonder if he's kidding me."

Cui Hao didn't speak anymore. But he really wants to say that you are quite self-aware.

"I don't know if the general will really take me to the capital. Others told me that the general would be ashamed if he took me back, so no matter what you say now, he won't take me away then." An Ruochen asked Cui Hao : "Master Cui has been to the capital?"

"Never." Cui Hao was actually a little impatient. He didn't want to entertain An Ruochen, but he had to do it. An Ruochen is an important hostage.

"My lord is as worried as I am."

"worry about what?"

"Worried about being used up, and then being kicked away."

Cui Hao was stunned for a moment, looking at An Ruochen's calm eyes, he suddenly understood why the lord told him to be careful of An Ruochen.

"Why does your lord suddenly look vigilant?" An Ruochen asked.

Cui Hao was disgusted by An Ruochen's pretentiousness, and said coldly, "Ma'am, is this a divorce?"

An Ruochen laughed: "What is a scheming? What benefits can I do to my lord? I will probably use a scheming."

Cui Hao froze immediately. What kind of trick was it to speak out the strategy so casually?

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