An Ruochen laughed again: "I was joking with the adults. I don't understand what alienation is. It's just that the situation is not good. The general brought me here to be a hostage. I understand that."

Cui Hao didn't know how to react at all, he really wanted to cut off the conversation and ask her to leave, but he wanted to hear what she had to say.

"I left a way out for myself. I advise my lord to do the same." An Ruochen said. "It doesn't matter what your lord thinks I have intentions, it doesn't matter. You don't have to be nervous, I am a weak woman, and I am alone in this city, surrounded by some soldiers guarding me, but these manpower, compared with the officers and soldiers full of lords, are undoubtedly inferior. I But not so stupid. Don't be stupid, adults."

"Madame is too worried. The general is fighting on the front line, and my wife lives in this city. As the prefect, I will naturally take care of my wife's safety. There is no hostage. Madam is free to come and go, she is not imprisoned, and no one murders her." Madam, don't think in the wrong direction, live a good life, and wait for the general to come back."

"My lord said that, but it's hard for me to answer. I thought you and I are in a similar situation, so we can communicate with each other. I don't have much friendship with my lord. If I say that I want to help you, my lord will definitely not believe it, and I certainly don't." That kindness. But in the current situation, if something happens to the general, I, a weak woman, have to find some backers and friends, so that I can live a better life in the future."

Cui Hao sneered and said, "If Madam says that she regards me as a way out to take care of Madam, I won't believe it either."

An Ruochen smiled back at him: "How does your lord know that I won't be taking care of your lord's back?" She paused, then said: "You and I are both pawns, and no one is better than the other. Don't underestimate me. The status of a merchant's daughter is low, and since I was able to win the general before, I will find a way in the future. The so-called mother is more expensive than the child, adults must understand."

Cui Hao was taken aback, and said in surprise: "Madam is pregnant?" No wonder she said that there is a way out, even if General Long died on the battlefield, and she came to the capital with a big belly, the Long family would definitely provide her well.

An Ruochen smiled, didn't answer, but said: "I'm a weak woman, I can't help you, please put it nicely, it's a reminder, if you don't like it nicely, just treat it as my wife, lol Ba Sui was nagging and worrying. After all, all the adults I know, whoever gets involved in this matter, will end up with nothing good."

Cui Hao carefully observed An Ruochen's expression, he was thinking. If An Ruochen was pregnant, with her in hand, it would be easy to deal with General Long, but she just said clearly that she knew that she was a hostage, so why did she disclose such important information. Is it a trap? Or is she showing weakness?

If she is pregnant, she will indeed have a lot of worries about her situation. After all, in this overall situation, she is powerless to change anything, but if she can keep the child, it means she can keep her good life in the future.

"My lord." An Ruochen seemed to see through his thoughts, and said: "I said that your lord's situation is the same as mine, so your lord can understand. It doesn't matter to deal with anyone, you and I are just pawns, self-protection is the top priority."

"Madam is here to remind me that I'm just a pawn?"

"Your Excellency, there is no need to be unconvinced. The position of prefect sounds quite prestigious, but in the eyes of Lord Liang and other high-ranking officials, what is it if you are not a pawn? Besides, Lord Cui was originally just a master. Shi prefect made mistakes and caused great disasters. Someone will replace him. Prefect Cui must be dedicated to his duties. He usually cleans up the government and loves the people, and he is clear about the affairs of Maojun. That's what Mr. Liang told you when you were in your seat."

Cui Hao's face suddenly changed, and he reprimanded: "It's a bunch of nonsense."

"Just now, Prefect Cui was quite calm. He talked and laughed with me. When he mentioned the murder of Prefect Shi, Prefect Cui became angry. Don't worry, didn't I tell you that I am a hostage, and the general placed me here It is a bargaining chip for adults to feel at ease. I am not a threat to adults. Just listen to my nagging. Why do I dare to say that Shi Taishou was murdered? Because of these things, Pingnan happened."

Cui Hao pursed his lips, he naturally knew what happened to Pingnan.

"Does your lord recognize Jiang Zhubo of Pingnan? His luck was not as good as yours. He was killed. Lord Qian Shixin became the prefect, but I heard that his crimes were exposed and he went to jail. Qian Your lord is somewhat similar to your lord, they are both good officials with a good reputation and loved by the people. At first, no one would have imagined that those assassinations, blaming others, and all the chaos before them were done by such a gentleman. The prefects of two adjacent counties and two countries with conspiracy have made big mistakes, and the acting prefects are all good officials selected by Mr. Liang. You see, they are exactly the same."

An Ruochen said more, Cui Hao's face became uglier, he said: "I have heard that Madam can speak well, today I have seen it. However, if Madam wants to frame her with just words, I'm afraid it will be impossible."

"Look at what your lord said, framing is something grown-ups do, and it's common for them to kill people and silence them. But no soldier can escape such a fate. Does your lord know how many people died in Pingnan? I think your lord should be I don't care about inquiring about Pingnan. Many people in Maojun died because of this matter. My lord, I'm kind enough to remind you. Think about the recent changes in the situation? Do you think everything is going well? Think about Qian Shi in Pingnan. Mr. Xin, if something happens, he is responsible for it. Mr. Lu Sheng is upright, and there is no fault at all. By the way, has Mr. Lu Sheng given you any news recently? I heard that something serious happened."

Cui Hao was hesitating whether to accept her words, he always thought it was a trap.

"For such a big event, if Lord Lu didn't inform him, he should also inform Lord Liang. Maybe they have their own way to communicate, and they don't need you anymore."

"Madam and I have nothing to say, Madam, please go back." It was really a divorce, Cui Hao decided it was better not to listen.

"Okay." In the end, An Ruochen agreed readily, which made Cui Hao stunned.

An Ruochen stood up, and said again: "When your lord hears the news, you will know that I am not lying. If your lord feels that you and I are in the same situation and need to help each other, you can come to me. And , My lord, think about it again, after Mr. Liang is kidnapped, Mr. Liang's advantages, and your own disadvantages. I take my leave." An Ruochen saluted and walked away slowly.

Cui Hao stared at her back, full of doubts in his heart. He thought and thought, but didn't dare to think too much, and finally put An Ruochen's words aside. But that night, he didn't sleep well all night. The next day, he summoned his subordinates who were following An Ruochen's whereabouts, and asked him what An Ruochen had been doing these past few days. The subordinate said it was nothing special, the general's wife didn't go out much, and she didn't see any outsiders.

Cui Hao thought for a while, then called the girl next to An Ruochen to ask, the girl replied that Madam slept and ate a lot these days, she was in good spirits, and she didn't see anything uncomfortable.

Yin Ming was going back to Shilipo, so he came to say hello to Cui Hao. Cui Hao asked him if there was anything else besides putting pressure on Long Da. Yin Ming was in a bad mood, so he rudely replied that he would say nothing, and he would give instructions if he had something to do, so he turned his head and left.

The word "command" made Cui Hao feel a little uncomfortable, it reminded him of An Ruochen's "little pawn". It is true that the position of prefect is a pie in the sky for him, but for the officials and generals from the capital, it may not be highly valued.

Can't think too much. Cui Hao reminded himself that he should not fall for the woman's tricks.

But soon, Cui Hao heard a shocking news. Shocked, he went to An Ruochen.

"Emperor Nanqin is alive!"

"Well, I've heard about it too. I heard that many edicts were written and drifted with the river. Presumably, the emperor will know about it, Dong Ling will know about it, and everyone in the world will know about it."

"He's in Pingnan County!" Cui Hao felt that this matter had something to do with Long Da anyway, and An Ruochen definitely knew about it.

An Ruochen asked him: "Does your lord feel that the emperor of Nanqin didn't escape to Mao County and lost face? Your lord should be thankful that you didn't invite this hot potato. Since your lord has come to look for me, it must be the benefit of lord Liang. Adults have thought about the disadvantages of adults."

"You are instigating dissension!"

An Ruochen asked him again: "I alienate my lord, is there any harm to your lord?"

Cui Hao was speechless.

"My lord should be thankful that you still have value worthy of alienation."

Cui Hao took a deep breath: "Are you not afraid that I will deal with you?!"

An Ruochen laughed: "Look at what your lord said, it doesn't seem like you're dealing with me."

Cui Hao was choked.

An Ruochen said: "My lord, let's make a long story short, don't make any detours. Your lord came to see me, he was naturally deliberate. After Mr. Liang was robbed, there are a few things. One is that Dong Ling and Da Xiao had a quick enmity, and Mr. Lu had an excuse to kill him." There are three thousand generals in Dongling, and the two countries are at war. My general had to go to the front line and lead soldiers he didn't know well to fight against the resentful generals of Dongling. In this case, there are legitimate reasons for any accident Second, when Mr. Liang disappeared, Mr. Cui was responsible for any problems in Ruomao County. Mr. Liang was the victim, but he was not here, so all the bad things that happened must be blamed on Mr. Liang. "

Cui Hao pursed his lips tightly, that was indeed the case. So he has to make sure that Maojun is safe and sound, and nothing bad will happen. It is necessary to ensure that the plan on the front line goes smoothly. Yin Ming needs the help he needs to go all out.

An Ruochen continued: "Thirdly, if the assassination of the general at the front line goes well, and if the general is eliminated, General Yin will successfully rescue Lord Liang, and then Lord Liang will gather all the troops to take down Dongling. You have made a great contribution, the prefect The position is safe and secure, Mr. Liang guarantees that you will be enshrined by the emperor, and it is not just a temporary replacement."

Cui Hao's heart was beating violently, General Long arranged everything for her to say that, it must be. She is a merchant's daughter, how could she have such insight.

"But there is a fourth point." An Ruochen looked into Cui Hao's eyes, "If things don't go well, General Yin's premeditated plan is seen through, and my general takes him down, the person he will report on, Master Cui thinks it will be Who? Is it Master Liang, or Master Cui?"

"I'm just a little master. In times of crisis, how can I act as the prefect in order to instruct the general who came from the capital?"

"In order to seize the position of the prefect, the little master Bo colluded with the emissary, murdered the envoys, framed the prefect Shi and General Long, deceived the inspectors and generals from the capital, deceived them, and wanted to use their hands to eradicate the prefect Shi and the general. After the Dongchuang incident, he knew that he would die, so he simply committed suicide... Ah, if he hadn’t committed suicide, he would probably have accidentally fallen to his death on the way to escape or was killed by officers and soldiers.”

Cui Hao was dumbfounded.

"Look, my lord, it's not difficult to make up a crime. It doesn't matter whether it's on Mr. Qian in Pingnan County or you, it's very useful. As long as things go wrong, it's time to use it for the dead ghost." An Ruochen looked at it. Looking at him, he continued: "This is what might happen if Master Liang and General Yin are able to argue. Of course, there is also the possibility that the evidence of the crime is convincing and indisputable. So needless to say, Sir, there must be a lot of reasons."

Cui Haoqiang said with a smile: "Madam really dares to make up anything. I don't know what kind of environment Pingnan is in, to raise a character like Madam."

"My lord, to me, it doesn't matter who is the prefect or who is the emperor, what matters is the general. He is the one who can take me out of the border town and live a good life in the capital. All I want is these. To my lord To put it bluntly, what happened to Dongling, what happened to Nanqin, what happened to Lord Liang, and what happened to General Long are not important, what matters is our Great Xiao's emperor. The news of Dongling's conspiracy, Nanqin's peace, and Lord Liang's robbery has been passed on. How long has it been since the horse rushed to deliver it without sleep, why hasn’t the emperor’s decree come down yet? Master Cui, think about it seriously, is it really what the emperor wants to attack Dongling? Speaking of self-defeating, you should be thankful that the emperor did not follow your memorial, otherwise you would be deceiving the emperor and committing crimes, and ten heads would not be enough to chop off."

Cui Hao couldn't laugh anymore.

"Master Cui, now you say, are we in the same situation? I'm not completely sure about the general. He said it nicely on the surface, and he treats me perfectly, but in a dangerous situation, in order to stabilize the adults , keep me as a hostage in order to confuse the eyes and ears. He has no sympathy at all, and he doesn't think about my safety at all. Tell me, is it right? If you don't use some means, you can't make sure that he is really wholehearted to me. I want to talk to When the general returns to the capital, I want to be a second-rank wife and enjoy the glory and wealth. I can’t die. Do you want to be the prefect? ​​Do you think that when the adults from the capital try to win you over for help, you can trust all the sweet words they say? My lord , we are all pawns, and we cannot let others waste and use them for nothing.”

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