Cui Hao was silent for a long time. He went through An Ruochen's words in his mind from the beginning to the end, and finally asked: "Madam has said so much, but I haven't talked about the main point yet."

An Ruochen replied: "Your Excellency has not expressed his intentions, I don't know if Your Excellency is willing to work together with me, so how can he show all his chips?"

Cui Hao said: "I have to listen to my wife's advice before making a decision."

Now An Ruochen was silent.

Cui Hao stared at her, observing her expressions and small movements. He felt that An Ruochen was also nervous, which made him feel a little relieved.

"My lord." An Ruochen finally said, "Emperor Nanqin is alive, and he will definitely attack King Hui. It has already been seen through that Nanqin wanted to form an alliance with Da Xiao to occupy Dongling. There are also those in General Long's army. If there is no one in the Great Xiao Dynasty to respond, how can they do it? These activities are the same in Mao County. The Southern Qin Emperor wants to investigate, should our Great Xiao Dynasty strictly investigate? And these things, those traitors and thieves When planning the layout, you have thought about the way out and arranged for the dead ghost. If things go well and you are promoted, you will be grateful in your heart and will be loyal. Therefore, they have their own power and connections in the borderlands, and it will be convenient for them to do whatever they want in the future If things don't go well and the conspiracy is exposed, someone needs to take the blame. The adults must have strong evidence in their hands, firstly to prove that they are not the mastermind, and secondly to ensure that they have something to avoid and dare not easily attack the adults."

An Ruochen paused, then asked Cui Hao: "Does your lord have evidence?"

Cui Hao was silent.

An Ruochen smiled: "Sir, you don't have to tell me, as long as you have an idea in your mind and make arrangements. Their methods are nothing more than setting blame and silencing you. If you have a chip in your hand, they will not dare to let you take the blame, otherwise once If your lord is on trial, they will be accused instead. You don’t dare to silence your lord casually, because if your lord is dead, someone will expose them and report them. As for me, I won’t join in the fun. Knowing too many secrets is not a good thing, and I’m also afraid It was silenced."

Cui Hao asked: "You don't need evidence, so what do you want?"

"I want my lord to take care of me. I don't care about the general at the front line. He is far away from me, so naturally he doesn't care about me. If my hostage is going to be dealt with, or the general is going to be dealt with, I also hope that my lord will send a message in time so that I can be prepared. Master Liang's abduction can be fake, so can mine. Your lord is merciful and spares my life, and I will definitely repay you."

Cui Haodao: "I never told you that Mr. Liang's abduction was fake, and I never said that Shi Taishou was framed for his dereliction of duty. I never had any promise agreement with anyone."

An Ruochen blinked, and said: "That's right, Master Cui is not familiar with me, and we haven't spoken a few words. Everything is my own guesswork and inference, and has nothing to do with Sir. The matter of Master Liang being kidnapped, the general and I have analyzed it. If Master Liang and King Hui colluded together and the goal is to take down Dongling, then Nanqin sent secret agents to Daxiao, and naturally they will also send secret agents to Dongling, and Master Liang is the same."

Cui Hao couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"Cooperation and containment are tied together. Without careful eyes and ears, how can there be containment? Without containment, how can there be trust?"

It is true. Cui Hao understood what he heard, but he was quite unhappy in his heart. This question was asked so well that it seemed that he was not as good as a merchant's daughter.

An Ruochen continued: "There are eight people from Dongling's envoys. Among them, Master Liang must have dispatched them as secret agents. Otherwise, the plan would not be successful. There are a lot of eight people. It is impossible for them to kidnap them. They disappear and they disappear. There is only one possibility to make eight people obedient."

Cui Hao was secretly startled, they had already guessed this.

"Except for Xizuo, everyone else is dead." An Ruochen looked at Cui Hao's expression and knew that the general's guess was correct. "Otherwise, eight people with one hostage, how to hide their whereabouts? Food, lodging, and transportation are all conspicuous, so there is no way there are no clues. The general can't find out, so I infer this. Start with a spy, murder and silence, frame the blame, Master Liang left a letter One letter, hiding in Tongcheng with that secret agent. It is not good for a few living people to hide their whereabouts, but a corpse is fine."

Cui Hao changed his sitting position quite uncomfortably, and said: "Madam said it lightly for such a big matter, but I dare not think about it. Beheading an envoy is a big responsibility, I have never heard of such a thing. "

"That is to say, the general was ordered to go to Shilipo. Otherwise, the body should have been found out by now. Master Lu hurriedly killed the three thousand soldiers in Dongling. He also had this purpose, which was to drive the general away as soon as possible. Don't let him investigate the case in the city." An Ruochen also changed his sitting position, and continued: "Actually, I already know the clues and the direction of the investigation. If I want, I can find out. On the day Mr. Liang was kidnapped, The steward of the lodge said that the envoy had a carriage to go out, but he didn’t think much about it. The envoy’s carriage is so obvious and easy to find. So the carriage was found that day, but there was no one in the carriage, and there were no traces of clues. No one saw anything suspicious. Someone called for help, but there were no traces of the eight people. My lord pretended to send people to search the range of the streets where the carriage was found, and also checked the direction leading to the gates of the city, but there was nothing. The general was very It’s just annoyance, how could there be nothing. The trace of the carriage is so conspicuous, it’s impossible for eight people to disappear at the same time.”

"Madam is good at telling stories."

"I wanted to show off to my lord on purpose. I was the one who reminded the general of this clue. I couldn't find anything because there was nothing in the first place. The carriage was an empty one. It was deliberately misleading the general and letting your lord There is a reason to move everyone away so that Mr. Liang and the spy can act. The general was suspicious of Mr. Liang, so he was not dragged away by the kidnapping. He deduced that the envoy was dead. When everyone was running around looking for the whereabouts of Mr. Liang who was hijacked, they were still in the hotel with the corpse, but they just changed rooms. Mr. Wang pretended to be panicked and helpless, and he was pulling the general to decide everything. He wanted to interfere with the general. My lord has indeed succeeded, and when the general finds time to figure out the whole matter, the mansion is already empty."

Having said this, An Ruochen took a breath and took a few sips of water. Cui Hao noticed that she seemed to be stroking her lower abdomen unconsciously.

An Ruochen leaned back in his chair, and continued: "Master Liang is busy hiding, and you must be responsible for the final cleaning arrangements. Killing someone is a serious crime. You must not let too many people know about it, and you must not let it out to destroy it." The plan, so the Lord Cui's confidantes must clean it up. The action will be at night. There are a lot of six or seven corpses. It is too risky to bury them in the city. It is best to go out of the city. So at night, the carriage, Lord Cui's confidantes, by the way, The general also said that if you don’t want others to interrogate and investigate, but you can reasonably go out of the city at night, there are Ye Xianggong barrel carts. Those carriages, everyone will hide away, and no one will investigate.”

Cui Hao felt a chill down his spine, and only then did he realize how dangerous the situation was, and he was really only one step away from being found out. Fortunately, Lord Lu dealt with it in time at Shilingya and forced General Long away.

"Look, my lord, the general has left a lot of clues, but please don't worry, my lord, I won't look down. I'm weak and weak, and I don't want to be silenced. I left an important bargaining chip for myself, which is a personal He can prove that Mr. Liang is the mastermind of all things. If you don’t want to be a scapegoat in the worst ending, you can save my life. If I am alive, I can let that person prove to help you out. My lord has done it All the bad things you did were said to be persecuted by Mr. Liang, a senior official, although this reason is not very good, but at least it can reduce the crime a lot."

Cui Hao was silent for a while, and asked, "Which witness?"

An Ruochen said with a smile: "If I told my lord, wouldn't I be out of leverage. You don't have to bother to ask, I won't tell you. My conditions are so simple, there is no risk for your lord. Just tell me the news in advance , just let me deal with it. It's not hard at all, is it?"

Cui Hao said: "You tell me who the witness is, I have to tell the truth, if what you said is true, I will take care of you."

An Ruochen put away her smiling face, stared at Cui Hao for a long time, and said, "The general always says that I am a woman, and it seems to be true. I am so naive, thinking that I can cooperate well with your lord. Since your lord is not very sincere, then Forget it. Your Excellency will follow orders to deal with me at any time, and if I do anything good or bad, I will definitely not make it easy for you. Your Excellency, please go back and not send me away."

After An Ruochen finished speaking, she got up and wanted to leave. Cui Hao was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that An Ruochen would turn his back when he said to turn his back, he subconsciously stood up and called out: "Ma'am."

An Ruochen had already walked to the door, turned around and said: "I have explained all kinds of interests and interests clearly to my lord, you should weigh it yourself."

An Ruochen left, Cui Hao stood where he was, pondered for a long time, and returned to the yamen hall in the front yard of the yamen mansion.

Cui Hao asked his confidant who had dealt with the aftermath carefully, who could see when disposing of the corpse? During that period of time, the envoys went in and out, and who did they get close to, and would they leak the news? The confidant answered one by one, but he didn't figure out anything suspicious.

Suddenly, Cui Hao had a flash of inspiration and asked, "Are those seven people really dead?" What if someone didn't drink at all, but saw that something was wrong, fell to the ground and feigned death, and then looked for an opportunity to escape. Maybe An Ruochen told most of the truth, she had already found out, otherwise how could she even guess the details accurately. The witness in her hand may be one of the envoys.

This idea is too absurd, but the emperor of Southern Qin can be resurrected from the dead, who can be sure that there will be no mistakes. Cui Hao thought of An Ruochen's calm and eloquent appearance, and felt even more uneasy. No matter whether someone discovers it or someone is not dead, there will always be traces.

Cui Hao hurriedly asked his confidant to check the burial place. The confidant went and reported back that night, there was no abnormality, all seven corpses were there, no one came back from the dead, and no one dug the grave.

That night, An Ruochen also received a letter from Zong Zeqing, and his subordinates tracked down to the place where the body was buried. Cui Hao really asked people to check. The seven corpses indicated that there was a secret investigation, and the identified identity was a scribe named Mengji in the mission.

An Ruochen breathed a sigh of relief, the general's deduction was correct, and now she has found evidence. The next step is to see if Cui Hao will continue to take the hook.

Cui Hao wrote a letter that night, saying that he got important information from An Ruochen, and hoped to meet you. Early the next morning, he went to the Meishan Restaurant and stuffed the letter behind a green brick next to the small door in the backyard.

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