After lunch, Cui Hao leaned on the soft couch to rest for a while, hesitating whether he should wait until night, and take a risk now to see if there is any reply from Qingzhuan. At this time, someone called from outside the door: "My lord, the food and drinks ordered by my lord at the Meishan Restaurant have been delivered."

Cui Hao was startled, turned over and sat up abruptly. "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and a servant came in holding a tray with a small jug of wine and a food box on it. The clerk put the things on the table, turned around and closed the door.

Cui Hao was about to ask the staff of Meishan Restaurant, but when he saw the actions of the yamen servant, he immediately shut up. Cui Hao walked to the table and opened the food box to have a look. A plate of roasted chicken and a plate of fried bamboo shoots are very simple dishes, but this is not the point. Going back to the table, he looked like he was waiting for instructions.

Of course Cui Hao recognized this yamen servant. His name was Zheng Heng. He was in charge of the miscellaneous matters in the front yard of the yamen mansion, such as the entry and exit of personnel, and the delivery of documents. Cui Hao has worked in the county government for nine years, and he is very familiar with the staff here. He thought about it, if he remembered correctly, Zheng Heng had been here for three or four years.

At this time, Zheng Heng took out a bunch of bamboo ornaments tied with a wishful knot and put them on the table, and said to Cui Hao with a smile: "My lord, let me ask you at the restaurant, what Miss An said to you."

Cui Hao was a little surprised, but he calmed down quickly. He remembered An Ruochen's words - no restraint, no trust. If Mr. Liang can find himself, he can naturally find others, or he can insert others. The more inconspicuous the pawn, the easier it is to observe everything secretly.

Cui Hao couldn't help but secretly thankful that he sent the letter, otherwise he would have talked with An Ruochen several times, which would have made Liang Dehao suspicious.

Cui Hao said: "There is something important, I need to talk to the adults face to face."

Zheng Hengdao: "Master Cui has anything to say, just tell me."

"I'm afraid it's not appropriate." Cui Hao was worried.

Zheng Heng said with a smile: "My lord, you are too worried. My lord is recommended by me to take this position. The news tells me that it will not be inappropriate."

This time Cui Hao was really taken aback and couldn't hide his expression. Is this little **** actually an important person who can make suggestions and make decisions?

Zheng Heng said again: "I used to work in the capital."

Cui Hao collected himself, and once again thanked himself for not making any mistakes. Liang Dehao's confidant has been watching by his side all the time, it's simply... Cui Hao took a breath, and said: "Master Liang never asked you to pass the message before he left."

"Master Cui has never asked to meet and talk about things before."

Cui Hao understood that if there was no major event or accident, Liang Dehao didn't want to reveal Zheng Heng's hidden stake, so it was just a letter to pass on a secret signal. But he suddenly said that he wanted to meet, Liang Dehao didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, and was worried that something really went wrong, so he had to ask Zheng Heng to come forward.

"What important news does your lord have?" Zheng Heng asked.

"Emperor Dezhao of Southern Qin Dynasty is alive."

"Master Liang already knows about this." Zheng Heng looked calm.

"Then what to do? If he lives, everything will be overturned."

"But it just proves that Dong Ling didn't assassinate the Emperor of Nanqin, and that everything was caused by King Hui behind the scenes. There is a rebellion in the Nanqin Kingdom, so what does it have to do with us?"

Cui Hao opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything for a while. But after a while he realized, "But the Southern Qin Emperor will attack King Hui, so King Hui and Master Liang..."

"Lord Cui should be cautious in words and deeds. What is the relationship between King Hui and Master Liang? They are at odds with each other. It was Nanqin who sent someone to tell you that Dongling killed Emperor Dezhao, and let Da Xiao help to crusade. Lord Liang and his lord both wrote memorials to the imperial court and asked the emperor to make a decision. The envoys of Dongling became furious, unwilling to be wronged, but misdirected their resentment and kidnapped Lord Liang, which caused the disaster of the war. Emperor Dezhao died Escape, come out to point out the truth, Mr. Liang is also auspicious, escaped. Mr. Cui, tell me, is this the case?"

Cui Hao shook his head, lowered his voice and said, "An Ruochen already knows."

"what do you know?"

"I know that Dongling's envoys are all dead, and I know that there are secret operations in the envoys."

Zheng Heng frowned: "How does she know?"

"They deduced it. If General Long left later, I'm afraid the details of the matter would be exposed. Didn't I already report the letter I sent to my lord? General Long was wary of going to the front line. He knew it was a trap. Now It seems that he knows much more than that." Cui Hao carefully told Zheng Heng what An Ruochen said.

Zheng Heng asked thoughtfully, "What does An Ruochen mean by telling you this?"

"She's pregnant."

"What?" Zheng Heng was a little surprised, "Are you sure."

"Of course I can't ask a doctor to take the pulse to confirm, but when she mentioned that she has a way out, she slipped her mouth and said that a mother is more expensive than a child. I asked the girl next to her and said that she sleeps more and eats more. The expression and some small movements seem to be the case. Master Liang reminded me that this woman has caused some troubles in Pingnan, and she is cunning and willing to let go. I also took serious precautions. She can speak well, and she has some scheming."

Zheng Heng didn't speak, but seemed to be thinking.

Cui Hao continued: "She is pregnant and has some concerns about her actions, so she wants to win me over and let me take care of her. General Long has speculated about everything, but there is no evidence, so he has no way to testify against your lord. He has no choice but to obey. Knowing that Shilipo is a trap, he has to go. And An Ruochen knows all this, knowing that he is being left as a hostage in the city, like a lamb to be slaughtered, so he is naturally afraid."

"How does she ask you to take care of her?"

"It is to tell her in advance when you want to deal with her. I guess her plan is to flee to the capital. After all, she has the blood of General Long in her stomach. When she arrives in the capital, the Long family will definitely provide for her. But the current situation is unclear. She has been ordered by General Long again, so she dare not move." Cui Hao said: "What I want to tell my lord is that it is better to follow the plan, I pretended to agree to her, deceived her trust, and set out everything she knew. Just in case General Long left something behind with her. An Ruochen knows what General Long knows, and his generals will naturally know too. How can Pingnan County be defended? Also, Emperor Nanqin is not dead. Once he asks to see the emperor and hopes that Da Xiao will help him regain the throne, then what he will say to the emperor will arouse the emperor's suspicion, and it will be of no benefit to Master Liang, Master Lu, or us."

Zheng Heng didn't speak. Cui Hao said again: "An Ruochen said that she left a personal certificate in her hand, which can testify against the crime of the Lord. If something happens to her, the personal certificate will come in handy."

Zheng Heng frowned tightly, staring at Cui Hao. Cui Hao said: "I don't know if this statement is true or not. I will try my best to find out who the witnesses are, where they are, and what they know. All these have to be found out. Also, after dealing with General Long, his subordinates There are quite a few of those soldiers how to do it. These are tricky, and I have to ask the adults to decide."

Zheng Heng thought for a while, and said: "Okay, I will tell your lord. You don't have to send letters to the restaurant from now on. If you need anything, just come to me." He took out a piece of paper from his pocket with an address written on it, "You put An Ruochen in this place, and you said that the yamen is an official yamen, and the officials send people to come and go, and General Long is not here, so it's not suitable for her to live in a woman's house, so let her move out."

Cui Hao said: "If you want to put her under house arrest, it's more convenient for the government. After all, they are all officials, with many eyes and ears, and I can control her. I can know what she does."

"It's inconvenient because there are too many eyes and ears." Zheng Heng said: "An Ruochen is not stupid. She knows that this place is full of adults' eyes and ears and still refuses to leave. Why? Living in a wolf's den, if something happens, it will naturally It was killed by a wolf."

Cui Hao was taken aback for a moment and stopped talking.

"Let her move out. What happened? It's because the guards left by General Long didn't do their best to protect the Lord. It has nothing to do with the adults."

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