In the evening, Cui Hao went to find An Ruochen after finishing his day's affairs. He told An Ruochen that he had already considered it and could cooperate with An Ruochen. If he knew that he was going to deal with General Long or An Ruochen, he would notify her in advance.

"There's a piece of news right now. Master Liang wants his wife to move here." Cui Hao took out the note with the address on it and showed it to An Ruochen. "They want their wife to be outside the scope of the government office, so it will be more convenient when they do it."

An Ruochen picked up the paper and read it carefully, said: "This handwriting is neither Master Liang's nor Master Cui's." She folded the paper and put it in her arms.

Cui Hao was stunned, did An Ruochen actually know their handwriting? He said: "The point is, since that place was designated by Mr. Liang, there must have been pre-arranged ambushes around it. I asked before, it is a secondary courtyard, quite secluded, the house itself is good, but the location It's not as good as the Yafu. It's inconvenient for many guards to stay and stay on duty. Madam didn't bring a girl with her. I can arrange this. Let the girl who is taking care of Madam's daily life go with her. It's just that the matter of the guards is still quite troublesome. .”

"No trouble." An Ruochen said, "I don't plan to move."

Cui Hao was stunned again: "Madam, this is inappropriate."

"How inappropriate. You have a reason for me to move, and I have a reason why I can't move. And this reason has been analyzed for me by Master Cui just now. My guards have no place to live, and it is not convenient for them to be on duty. I will not move."

Cui Hao frowned: "How can I explain to Mr. Liang? I can't even handle this matter well, so he won't tell me how to deal with General Long and Madam's plan."

An Ruochen shook his head: "My lord, this excuse is not good. My lord is now the magistrate of Mao County, and the whole county needs to listen to my lord's order. Master Liang hides in a dark place, and it is inconvenient to do things. You still have to rely on your lord to do anything. Your lord Mr. Liang will not trust you on the excuse that I won’t move. I don’t believe this. The lord keeps saying that he is willing to take care of me, but firstly he wants to drive me out of the sanctuary. I said it earlier, Master Liang will not tell you the news. Sir, do you think I am a fool? You said that you are willing to take care of me, but you just want to deceive me about my important witness."

Cui Hao was a little bit embarrassed by being exposed, and annoyed: "I am making excuses. Madam thinks she is smart, and she boasted that she has experienced many things in Pingnan, and so on. Could it be that Madam did not expect that Lord Liang also ambushed a hidden stake in this city? My every move is also under their surveillance. In this city, who else may belong to them. I don't know about these, tell me, how much trust can Master Liang have in me?!"

"Hidden pile?" An Ruochen raised his voice: "Is there a hidden pile that adults don't even know about?"

Cui Hao blushed, feeling ashamed.

"How does your lord know that there is a hidden pile?" An Ruochen lowered his voice, with a nervous expression on his face.

Cui Hao didn't answer, but said: "Madam has to trust me to pass this test safely. Since I promised Madam, I will do my best to keep Madam safe."

"My lord must also trust me, so that we can help each other. At that time, my witness will be your lord's witness, and your lord can protect yourself with this."

These words reached Cui Hao's heart. This is the reason why he was particularly concerned about the witness An Ruochen mentioned, and revealed it to Zheng Heng. If there is such a witness, then he has an extra amulet.

"Since Madam understands, I'm not afraid to talk to Madam. I don't know where Mr. Liang is hiding, but I have a way to contact him. After talking with Madam that day, I handed over a letter and wanted to communicate with Liang. The adults had an interview. Unexpectedly, it was another person who came." Cui Hao told about Zheng Heng's appearance. He also explained Zheng Heng's background, saying that since there is Zheng Heng, there must be others. Zheng Heng has been in this city for several years, it is impossible to focus on him alone, he must have developed other connections.

An Ruochen was silent and listened carefully to what Cui Hao was talking about. Of course she didn't need to say how well she knew these routines, the subtle ways in this city were exactly the same as those in Zhonglan City.

After Cui Hao finished speaking, An Ruochen was silent for a while, and said: "Your Excellency is really careful and slick. He wants to please Mr. Liang, and he also wants to get a magic weapon for protection from me. Report the news from both sides, and trust both sides. In the end, let's see which side has the chance of winning. No matter which faction wins, Lord Liang or General Long, the Lord will not suffer."

Cui Hao said: "Madam's words are wrong. Madam won't understand the dangers of officialdom fighting and secret conspiracy. If I can't protect myself, how can I protect Madam? Master Liang is thoughtful and cautious. I have talked with Madam twice. If If I haven't explained to him, he will definitely suspect. Look at Zheng Heng, he is on duty every day near me, and his purpose is to monitor. I said that there are people to witness this, and it is also for the good of my wife. They are afraid, so naturally they dare not act recklessly Let’s start. Only by reporting important clues can they win their trust, and they trust me, so we can proceed to the next step.”

An Ruochen said: "Master Cui values ​​his own safety, that's good. If that's the case, please help me with one thing."

"Madam doesn't want to move out. I really have to think about how to deal with this. They must have a plan to make this request."

"I want to ask my lord, it's not about this."

Cui Hao said: "Madam has changed her mind, are you willing to move out?"

"No, I won't move. My lord is right. They must have a plan. If I don't move, I can delay their plan, and my lord will have time to continue to investigate. Besides Zheng Heng, who else is a hidden stake? Where is Master Liang hiding? How do they plan to murder General Long? The Southern Qin Emperor is still alive, what is their countermeasure, and what is the method for contacting the court and King Hui?"

Cui Hao was stunned. It took him a long time to react, and he jumped up and said, "Didn't you say that when they want to deal with you, they just need to report to you in advance. Track down Mr. Liang? Am I crazy? ?!"

"At that time, my lord didn't know much, so I could only report it. But it's different now. Didn't your lord find out the hidden stake?"

Find the hidden stake? Cui Hao opened his mouth: "I..." I was so choked that I didn't know what to say. He didn't look for it! They came out by themselves! "It's impossible for me to do these things! I won't agree! You don't even have to think about it!" He didn't want to court death.

"If your lord doesn't cooperate with me well, then I have no choice but to send someone to take Zheng Heng down, investigate and interrogate him harshly, ask about Master Liang's whereabouts and the list of other hidden piles, and say that it was Master Cui who exposed him as Dong Ling. Work carefully."

Cui Hao stared at An Ruochen's calm face, and shouted: "Who do you think you are, to be able to interrogate someone in my Mao County?!"

"Can't you?" An Ruochen said calmly, "Then I'll return him to your lord. But even if you return him to your lord, everyone will know that your lord betrayed Mr. Liang."

Cui Hao was dumbfounded.

"Not only have you betrayed Mr. Liang, but you may also be with Dongling Xizuo. If it's not Dongling Xizuo, then it's Nanqin Xizuo. Anyway, you have something to do with spies. Mr. Liang used the steps to push all the blame on the adults. , and everything is back to the conjectures we talked about. My lord, be a good substitute for the dead, don't worry about how I will fight with Mr. Liang in the future."

Cui Hao took a deep breath, took another deep breath, pointed at An Ruochen and cursed: "You witch!"

An Ruochen continued: "Your Excellency, you don't have to bother to inform Zheng Heng to hide him. If I can't catch him, I'll catch someone else. Anyway, Zheng Heng is from the yamen, and everyone in the yamen knows him. I'll just grab anyone." , casually ask Zheng Heng if there is anything suspicious? Your lord prefect has said that he is careful." An Ruochen spread his hands and said, "Look, my lord, the news can't be stopped."

Cui Hao was so angry, he took two steps forward, approached An Ruochen, and said ruthlessly: "I will deal with you now. I said that you care about the general and insist on going to the front line. I will stop you, you..."

Cui Hao didn't prepare in advance, and suddenly got stuck and couldn't make it up.

"How about me? I miss the general so much that I'm crazy? Suicide?" An Ruochen laughed.

Cui Hao said angrily: "Madam was distracted for a while, and an accident happened, who can say anything!"

"My lord can't make up lies, my lord listen to me. All I have to do is scream, mess up my clothes, mess up my hair, yell to stop you beast, and then hit my head on the wall, get bruised, and roll Climb to the door to escape, you don’t even have to flee outside, my guards will rush in and take you down. I don’t have to say anything, just cry aloud. You will be **** in a prison van that day, and you will be charged with a felony. Take him to the capital." An Ruochen's face sank, and he continued: "Your Excellency knows the details of Mr. Liang's conspiracy, how could he not have any evidence in hand. Your Excellency is in my hands, on the way to the capital, do you think Mr. Liang will do it?" Afraid? My lord asked me who is the important witness who can testify against Mr. Liang? It is you, my lord."

Cui Hao suddenly realized that he had been tricked, and he was completely played around by this temptress. She can even use her own fame and reputation to frame and restrain him, so she doesn't have any desire to go to the capital to enjoy the glory and wealth.

Cui Hao gritted his teeth, took another step forward, and said viciously: "It's false that you are pregnant, right? You deliberately said that to make me think that you are showing weakness to survive for the sake of the general..." Before he finished speaking, he stopped . He saw that An Ruochen was holding a dagger in his hand, with the tip of the dagger sticking out of his sleeve, facing him.

"My lord, don't get too close to me. I'm prone to nervousness. When I get nervous, I will fight for my life. My lord is not preventing me from going crazy, but I am just preventing my lord from dying with me."

Cui Hao turned pale with fright, and subconsciously took two steps back.

An Ruochen said: "Whether my lord has pity for me or deliberately looks down on me, the identity of a pregnant woman is still useful. Being a hostage can be a bit more important. If you are guilty, you can murder the general's wife while the general is fighting the enemy for the country. As a result, he lost his child, and everyone is angry, whoever decides the case will have to give a heavy sentence, right?"

Cui Hao couldn't speak, he took another two steps back and stood there with a pale face.

An Ruochen said softly, "My lord, the chips in my hand are far more than what your lord has heard, seen, or imagined. General Long is also more useful than Emperor Nanqin. Powerful allies are backed by powerful allies. Master Liang cannot escape the guilt, so please don’t follow him to perish together. If you have figured it out, please sit down. Let’s discuss the countermeasures and deal with Master Liang’s scheme together.”

Cui Hao stood for a long time, then sat down.

An Ruochen smiled slightly, and said: "This time, what I said to my lord, don't let your lord reveal a word."

Cui Hao nodded with a pale face.

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