When Cui Hao returned to the house, his mind was still a little dazed. He sat there blankly for a long time, until someone came in and lit a lamp for him, only then did he realize that the night was quite deep.

"Have you eaten your meal?" It was Zheng Heng who came in.

Cui Hao shook his head: "I planned to go back to eat, but I didn't expect the time to pass so quickly." His residence is next to the Yafu, and he is only two steps away.

Zheng Heng said: "Let me serve the meal for you." He turned and went out, and came back after a while, holding a tray with food.

Cui Hao's mind is clear now, but the more he thinks clearly, the more nervous he becomes. What An Ruochen said made sense, she had already forced him to the edge of the cliff, and if he took a wrong step, he would fall into the abyss. It's just that Mr. Liang's head is such a fuel-efficient lamp, look at Zheng Heng, he has a complete grasp of his every move, even knowing whether he is eating or not. Of course he knew that Zheng Heng didn't care whether he was hungry or not, he just wanted to show him his situation and warn him not to have crooked thoughts of betrayal.

Zheng Heng put the food on the table, and then stood aside. Cui Hao didn't move the bowl and chopsticks, and said, "An Ruochen refuses to move."

"Oh?" Zheng Heng rolled his eyelids.

"She said it would be dangerous for her to move out, but she won't go."

"How did the adult tell her?"

"Of course I can't speak hard words. Her concerns are justified, and I have to appear to be on her side. I said I will try my best to take care of her safety."

"Then how does she react?"

"She is very vigilant, and of course she doesn't fully believe me. She said that since Master Liang gave me the prefect, I was naturally helping Master Liang. I told her that since I believed that I was helping Master Liang, why bother to ask me to take care of him?" I did follow Mrs. Liang's order to do things, but I feel sorry for her situation, so I am willing to think about her. If she is always like this, then there is no need to say anything. Everyone will not violate the river, and each will be safe .She heard me say that, so she softened her words."

"Then how does your lord plan to deal with it?" Zheng Heng asked.

"I told her that I might not be able to change Master Liang's mind, but let her think about it herself. I probed into Master Liang's intentions and then told her. She begged me to help her delay for half a month, saying that General Long said Yes, if he doesn't come back after a month, or if there is no news at all, let her go back to the capital immediately. She herself thinks that a month is too long, and if there is no good news from the general after half a month, she will leave."

Zheng Heng pondered, and said: "Since you are so disturbed, why don't you leave right away?"

Cui Hao's heart trembled, he really thought carefully and was suspicious. He hurriedly said: "I asked her about this too. I thought that if she refused to move but was willing to leave, it would be convenient for the adults to intervene in the middle. If she wants to leave, I will make a plan, so that the adults can have a plan." But she said that the general asked her to wait for the news in the city. She didn't think the situation would be serious at first, but now that the Emperor of Nanqin is not dead, the battle with Dongling may change, and the excuse to attack Dongling is gone. She was afraid that she would become the next excuse, that's why she felt urgent. But now that the incident just came out, she was afraid that Mr. Liang's side was also at a time of tension and urgency, and if she left at this time, he would offend Mr. Liang and kill him. In the past half a month, I also want to observe the situation again."

Cui Hao paused for a moment, then said: "I heard the meaning of that words, it seems that I want to wait for the reinforcements to arrive."

"Is it the Long Family Army at the end of Pingnan County?"

"It can only be there, right?" Cui Hao asked cautiously, "Is there any news about Master Lu on the other side of Master Liang?"

Zheng Heng didn't answer, he looked at Cui Hao, and said: "You are like this, wait for my news. I'll ask what you think, and then I will tell you how to deal with An Ruochen."

Cui Hao hesitated to speak, looking worried. Zheng Heng frowned: "What?"

Cui Hao hesitated for a while, and said, "I still want to see Mr. Liang. I always feel that there is something going on here."

"My lord doesn't believe me?"

Cui Hao gritted his teeth, and said: "If you say you believe it, it's a lie. I thought I was sure of winning. I just need to wait for the news of General Long's death, and then the general's wife mourns her husband, and all the troubles will be solved. But now, unexpectedly A Southern Qin Emperor ran out. How will this end? At this juncture, Mr. Liang did not show his face, but you suddenly said that you came to deliver a message. I am naturally worried. Besides, to put it bluntly, if something happens to you , suddenly disappeared, who do I go to? Didn’t you say that the place to send messages in Meishan Restaurant is no longer used. If there is an emergency, where should I contact?”

Zheng Heng said: "My lord suddenly became more worried."

"If you were me, what would you think?"

Zheng Heng said: "I will reply to you after I have asked my lord."

On the second day, Zheng Heng came to Cui Hao and asked him to tell An Ruochen that the Lord told him to prepare to rob people tomorrow. The plan is like this, give her a box of clothes, toys and other things, and carry the box away. Someone will distract the guards outside, and someone will be sent to stun her, move her into the box, and transport the person out.

"Where is the robbery going?" Cui Hao asked.

"Tianzhi County. There is our place there, which is convenient for Tibetans. But I'm afraid it won't be necessary. If you tell An Ruochen the news, she will naturally make some decisions. Do you agree to move out, or flee to the capital, or stay in the capital?" Temporarily hiding in the city, she will never sit still. She will ask you for help, tell you your plan, and you will tell me again."

"In any case, no matter what she plans, we should steal her away quietly, right?"


Cui Hao went. After hearing what he said, An Ruochen thought deeply for a while.

"So Master Liang has no news from Master Lu either?"

"He didn't answer."

"That is no. This question is easy to answer. If there is, there is no. If there is no, there is no. In order to reassure you, he said that there is news and everything is fine. Isn't that good? He doesn't know the news at all, so he doesn't answer. "

"Ma'am, I didn't ask if they have other contact methods, nor did I ask for the list of other spies, but the point now is that I have to send someone to rob you tomorrow, how do you deal with it?"

"No, the point is, Mr. Liang may not be in the city."

"What!" Cui Hao was shocked again. This day, should it be so unpredictable. "Master Liang is here, but I don't know where. He told me before he left. Let me leave a message at Meishan Restaurant, and he will send someone to pick it up. The reply letter will also be placed there. I have received it from him. The reply letter is indeed in his handwriting."

"What did the reply say?"

"Just say that the matter is known, and let me follow the original plan."

"No specific instructions?"

"The instructions have already been given."

An Ruochen didn't speak, the general also used this trick, wrote several letters in advance and handed them to others, and then picked one of the letters to reply. "My lord is sure that this Zheng Heng is indeed Lord Liang's man, right?"

Cui Hao was so frightened that his hairs stood on end. If this is also fake, he will go crazy. The people around are all too scary. He thought again and again: "He's holding a token, which was agreed between Mr. Liang and me. It can't be fake."

"But he didn't go to Mr. Liang."


"Be it last time or this time, he didn't report to Mr. Liang. Someone on my side is watching him."

"It was your people who didn't keep up with him. He saw him quietly."

"There is only one possibility, Mr. Liang is not in the city. How to deal with these matters is up to Zheng Heng himself. You also said that he is Mr. Liang's confidant, and he can even recommend candidates to Mr. Liang. Such an important person as the prefect , according to the person he picked."

Cui Hao felt confused: "What does it matter that Mr. Liang is not in the city?"

"If it's not important, why did he keep it from you?"

Cui Hao choked, he thought for a while, and then said: "No, Master Liang is in the city. General Yin also deliberately asked General Long to go back to the city to investigate the case, and came back to ask Master Liang for instructions."

"General Yin has not seen Master Liang either. After he returned to the city, my people also watched his movements. We checked the places he went, and there is no trace of Master Liang."

Cui Hao was so surprised that he didn't know what else to say.

An Ruochen suddenly figured it out: "Master Liang is on the front line. General Yin didn't come back to ask for instructions from Mr. Liang, but to pass on Mr. Liang's instructions to Zheng Heng."

"This..." Cui Hao didn't want to use his brain anymore, so why does it matter that Mr. Liang is not in the city? !

The general is in danger! An Ruochen stood up abruptly. They were all wrong. Although they were only a little bit wrong, the situation would be very different. Liang Dehao didn't intend to use her as a hostage at all. He was forced to do this, so he naturally knew that the situation was extremely unfavorable to him. He had to take the risk and make a quick decision.

There is no need to detour to engage in any killing accidents on the frontline battlefield, no need to wait for the generals to do small tricks behind his back during the battle, but directly confront each other head-on, 30,000 soldiers against 1,000 generals... An Ruochen dare not think about the result .

If the opponent is Yin Ming, then the general must feel that there is nothing to be afraid of, although he will deal with it carefully, but it is expected that Yin Ming will not dare to order the tens of thousands of soldiers, because the officer Yin Ming is one level lower, if he really ordered the soldiers to murder the general, it would be treason However, those soldiers may not dare, and the division is unknown, and there will be endless troubles.

But Liang Dehao is different. Liang Dehao has the largest official and the most powerful. He holds the imperial decree to inspect the border counties. He says that whoever rebels is a rebellion. How dare those generals not take action when he says he wants to wipe out whoever? !

Although the reasons are not sufficient, the excuses are not satisfactory, and the evidence is lacking, but the killing is done first and then the situation is smoothed out. This is the only way to be forced.

An Ruochen was very anxious. The general judged that Mr. Liang was hiding in the city, but if this news was wrong, things would be completely different!

Liang Dehao must have such a plan, that's why he went out of his way to create the illusion that he was still in the city. He felt that the general was suspicious of him, and he also knew the general's ability, but he knew it too well, so he listed the general as an enemy, if he didn't get rid of him, he would definitely become an obstacle.

He knows everything.

An Ruochen squeezed her hand tightly.

He knew his experience and performance in Pingnan County, and he knew that he would definitely investigate the situation in Tongcheng for the general. He calmly watched her acting with the general, secretly planning countermeasures. Of course he also knew that the prefect would be her primary opponent, how could he let it go? ! When she was dealing with Cui Hao, Master Liang was already using Cui Hao to deal with her.

Delay her, confuse her, make her think that she can hold back the enemy, let her, like the general, think that he is in the city.

An Ruochen sucked in a breath of air, this move was miscalculated, and he lost everything and lost his life.

She must inform the general! The General must be told ASAP!

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