Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1001: Table meeting

"In fact, it's nothing, it's all old problems, and the speechlessness of Senior Chen and Xi Zong have been told to me, as long as there is no accident, it should not happen." Ye Shikai comforted, in fact, there are One worry is psychedelics. Although it hasn't happened for a long time, it is also because there is no fighting. The psychic and the second personality are simply complications. Once one of them breaks out, it is bound to cause the other. That situation is difficult to control.

"Be careful anyway, but rest assured that this time I am with you, I will not let you fight alone." Chen Yuxin smiled slightly. Ye Shikai was a "pioneer" before, and now is a "commander". If it goes well, I'm afraid he won't need to do it. Of course, this is what Chen Yuxin meant. Why are you doing it yourself with so many people?

"I heard that this time, the Wang family also came." Ye Shikai shifted the topic.

"Yes, the four major families of Yanjing have all shot this time. Not only that, but even Murong's family, which has always focused on business, has set out. It seems that this relic has attracted many people." Chen Yuxin nodded and said .

"There aren't many people, but they're refined. The principle of the practitioner is even more so." Ye Shikai said lightly. "In any case, we should be fully prepared this time, and there should be no surprises."

"Okay, lower case, it's almost time for dinner. I think Ji's family will be here soon." Chen Yuxin clapped her hands, and the door was slowly opened. The Chen family's waiters pushed in the delicacies and placed them carefully. At the side table, after all, it is the presidential suite, which is just a reduced version of the villa.

Ye Shikai stood up, sorted out her clothes, and sure enough, five minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"Master Ji, Miss Ji, please come in soon." Chen Yuxin smiled, her eyes fell on Ji Qian on one side, both women were peerless beauties, and ... each had their own thoughts, although more than a week ago Ji Qian also took the person from the Hades, and almost killed Chen Yuxin's life, but now, in order to unite Ji's family, she can still welcome her with a smile.

"Master Chen, Mr. Ye, we met again." Ji Tao and the two shook hands separately. At the reception of Chen Ruoya, the four went to the table. In addition, Ji Tao also took several elders, including his confidant. Chen Ligong.

"Master Ji, this time is a cooperation between the two of us. I am very confident." At the dining table, Chen Yuxin was slightly relaxed, looking at so many powerful people in front of her, even in Huaxia. It is rare that the two big families are united. They all say that one mountain is difficult to tolerate two tigers. Ye Shikai once worried that the two would eventually dispute over the issue of "spoilage". It is not rigid. Even if you want to do it, you have to look at the consequences. The clams compete for the fisherman's profit. No one does not understand this truth.

"Of course, in this way, even if the families of Chang'an are united, we are not afraid of it." Ji Tao nodded and said, Chen Yuxin and him are 30 years old, but look at Chen Yuxin's appearance There was no timidity, no humility, and it seemed that she had sharpened her thoroughly in recent years.

Of course, the tone of speech comes from the strength of the family. The strength of the Chen family and the Ji family is comparable. The battle between the families has turned into an "arms race". This union has let the smell of gunpowder between the two families disappear. less.

Hey, hey, hey.

At this time, there was a knock at the door, and a man hurried in.

Ji Feng, I didn't expect this old boy to come. Ye Shikai saw the person and murmured in his heart. When he first contacted this person, he was looking for a spyman. Ji Feng actually attacked the members of the National Security Bureau. People don't seem to be good people either.

"I'm so sorry. Some things on hand have been delayed." Ji Feng said again and again, looking at Chen Yuxin, "stretching his hands with enthusiasm" "Master Chen, I'm really sorry."

"Ji Sanye doesn't need to be polite." Chen Yuxin smiled slightly and didn't reach out to hold it.

"This must be Mr. Ye, long to long."

"Cough, third brother, let's talk about the business first." Ji Tao coughed twice, and Ji Feng immediately reacted and sat back in position.

"This operation must be hidden, and the wind cannot be revealed before it starts." Ji Tao reminded everyone.


"Qian, I didn't expect that you resisted returning to Yanjing so much, and you are still going home now." The streets of Chang'an are just as prosperous. The nightlife has just begun. There are Qingqing and my little lovers everywhere.

"Yes, time flies." Ji Qian drank the milk tea in her mouth.

"Tomorrow will be entered tomorrow night, be careful at that time." Ye Shikai did not forget to remind that the most terrible thing is probably not the things in the ruins ~ ~ but the people ’s hearts, those families who came to fight, Even ... from within the alliance of the two Ji Chen.

"Are you concerned about me?" Ji Qian smiled slyly and looked over at him.

"Ahem, you are so yin and yang, it makes it difficult for me to answer." Ye Shikai shook his head helplessly.

"You're going to get married soon. Do this ... Aren't you afraid of Miss Chen being jealous? Last time I was going to kill her, she would have been wary of me. If you let her know, I'll be with you late at night Hang out on the street, guess what she would think. "

"Qian, are you deliberately mocking me, or ... blame me."

"No matter what you think, isn't that true?"

"Forget it, I know that you are still angry with me at the bottom of my heart. I have no complaints. This is all my trouble. I don't expect to get forgiveness from you and Qingyu." Ye Shikai slowly stood up.

"What you said is ... ah, what are you doing." Before Shi Qian finished speaking, Ye Shikai grabbed her arm and pulled the person straight away. Ji Qian did not respond, and her high heels almost stunned. .

Ye Shikai didn't speak, just pulled her arm and walked towards the alley on the street, no matter what Ji Qian said, he didn't answer.


"Strange, I saw the man who walked in, why couldn't I find it?" Several men in black stood at the alley, one of them was puzzled.

"Abominable, you lost it. He can't go far, so hurry up." One of the leading men said.



Inside a restaurant opposite.

"We're being followed." Here on the second floor, you can see the situation in the opposite alley, Ye Shikai stared coldly at the alley.

"No wonder, you have to get rid of them with avatars."

:. :

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