Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1002: Ghost Attack

Ji Qian took an interesting look at Ye Shikai, and seemed to be shocked by his insight. He found out that someone was following them so quickly, and also used Pluto's avatar to create a fake Ye Shikai at the corner. People lead into the alley.

"These people should be sent by a local clan to watch us. I didn't expect that we were watched as soon as we arrived, but fortunately, we have already dumped them." Ye Shikai sighed softly, and it was unpredictable Except for the hotel they were staying in, I'm afraid they were caught by them as soon as they went out.

"How did you find out?" Ji Qian asked curiously.

"These people were tense and tense, quite different from those on the street, and although he was hiding well, his eyes still glanced at us, and he looked twice in half a minute, you say."

"Those people have estimated that their eyesight and hearing have been specially trained since childhood, so they are extremely sharp." Ye Shikai continued.

"In this way, in Chang'an, our actions are still exposed." Ji Qian sighed, no wonder there is a saying called "Squeezing to the Ground".

"Can't say that, I have seen the hotel, it is" clean ", and the hotel has a share of the Chen family, and the employees in it have also been reviewed. There should be no abnormalities." Ye Shikai turned to look at Ji Qian , Continued to say, "But, once it came out, it was exposed, so we have to break it up."

"I'll go back and report to my father right away."

"Then I will go back and talk to her." Ye Shikai stood up and said lightly. As soon as his voice fell, his face suddenly changed, as if he had thought of something terrible, and his face was shocked.

"What's wrong with you?" Ji Qian asked curiously.

"Not good, the ghosts are in the outskirts of Chang'an. If they have been found, it would be terrible."


Chang'an, suburb.

The ghost led the crowd to a certain place in the suburbs early. This is also where the crowds meet tomorrow. They came here to play the role of "pioneer".

"Reporter, the station has been fully furnished, and traps have been placed around it." A dark guard said softly outside the tent, and the ghost waved his hand to signal him to go down.

"Ghost, you said that there is nothing mysterious about this relic. The boss actually brought so many people." Some of the magic girls didn't quite understand it. The most embarrassing thing was that they heard that Ye Shikai was going to get married. It was theirs that day. Although the target of the assassination was to obey Ji Qian's instructions, how did Chen Yuxin want the ghost to know, and still don't know how to go after the Hades.

"This is a famous general from the Warring States Period, known as human slaughter. Changping ordered the killing of 400,000 soldiers to die, which is extremely rare in Huaxia." The ghost aggravated the tone. "You have to be careful, and this time more than us participate With action, everything must be cautious. "

"The ghost is right, I think the Chen family is not very reliable. This time it was started in Huaxia. Once there was an accident, we did not even have a backup." The always calm and nightmare is also rare to express concerns before the action. The Fox was relieved aside, and it was clear that everyone in the operation had a vague feeling of faintness.

"In short, let's be careful first, the rest, wait until the boss tomorrow they will talk." As soon as the ghost's voice fell, his face changed instantly, and he immediately lowered his head. A crossbow shot from the outside and shot the tent directly. A hole.

"Be careful, there is an ambush around." The ghost roared loudly, reached out and pressed the alarm button, and Nightmare Demon and others also lay down, and Magic Fox overturned the table and turned it into a bunker. Tent tied on wooden table.

"Turn off the lights, and the shadows exposed our position." The ghost shouted loudly, Nightmare's internal forces turned directly to shake the electric lights above into powder.

The four lay on the mat tightly. After about five or six seconds, the shooting of the arrows stopped, and the four immediately got up and rushed out. The dark guard in the camp injured several people.

The ghost stared at the dark scene in front of him. The lights of the entire camp were turned off. I don't know if it was turned off by the dark guard just now or was damaged by the arrows. The entire camp was dark.

"Everyone's attention, they rushed up." The ghost suddenly shouted. All the time, there was a scream of a dark guard from a short distance. There was no movement with just one call. This was wiped off his neck. ...

"Be careful, the enemy is hiding in the dark." Ghost took out a flare and shot him into the sky.

"Everyone goes, one stays, kill them." The light of the flares illuminated the whole night. At this time, everyone noticed that in the woods above, there were countless things like giant bats ~ www ~ is an enemy attack, everyone moves closer. Exclaimed the ghost, creatures like giant bats in the sky, assassin groups, two eyes with red light, like vampire bats, make people shudder, the most terrible thing is that although they are human, But like a bat, it glides flexibly among the trees.

Nightmare rushed straight up, stepped on a tree and jumped into the air, throwing a pair of halberds, and the two immediately fell down in the air. Even without calling, Nightmare made a punch and killed him on the spot.

"Don't panic, just assassins." Nightmare smashed a person's body into the air and roared loudly. After all, Dark Guard had been trained with ghosts and had the guts. Although frightened, he quickly reacted and stood After a good formation, he immediately started to fight back.

The ghost carefully observed these assassins in the sky. They shuttled through the forest like birds. They are flexible and should be martial arts such as light power. They are equipped with the use of internal forces, but they have not heard of such internal forces. Can make people float in the air like leaves.

The Dark Guard's strength is very strong, but these assassins flying around in the sky are like moths, which are invincible. In just a few minutes, several Dark Guards were injured, and two lost their lives.

"Ghost, look at this." Maggie pulled his arm.

"What are you doing, haven't you seen me busy?" Said the ghost impatiently, and after a glance, he was stunned. Magic Ji's hand was actually a light machine gun.

"How did you bring this thing over," the ghost asked loudly.

"No matter how much it is." The magical girl waved her hand, the bullet loaded, aimed at the sky.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

The bullet poured out, and the screams of the assassin immediately came out. What the **** was it ... was the machine gun shooting a live target.

End of this chapter

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