Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1036: 1 punch 1 sword

"So arrogant, Qian, hit me and kill him." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, Ji Qian stepped on the accelerator, and the armored vehicle rushed towards the general's warhorse.

Let you see what "the power of technological progress" is.


The two sides hit each other fiercely, and at that moment, no one dared to breathe ...

Ye Shikai only felt a sway for a while, and looked intently. The armored vehicle was intact, but was impacted by the war horse. He paused for a moment. After standing firmly, Ye Shikai looked down.

"Qian, are you okay."

"The armored car is all bullet-proof metal outside, of course it's okay." Ji Qian waved and said that it was okay, and pointed to the back of the car "but he seems to be okay."

Ye Shikai looked in the direction of Ji Qian's fingers. After the violent collision just now, the general fell down and turned over, his body flew out, and rolled a few times on the ground. The warhorse was pitiful. "Chariots" collided together, if it is a living horse, it will be dead, but in the ruins, not only the ghost soldiers did not die, but the war horse was also very vigorous, and it was not killed when it was hit, but ... the ghost soldiers were still drumming. Earthquake, but now silent.

If in ancient times this was called "one move to kill the enemy", now it should be called "one move to kill the enemy".

"It turned out to be a lame thing." Ye Shikai smiled smugly, the ghost crawled up from the ground in a hurry, and the lance was hit in two just now, and it was no longer available.

"Let me hit the car directly." Ji Qian continued.

"No, let me do it." Ye Shikai braced his hands, jumped directly from it, and picked up the metal sword. This ghost will be like a ghost soldier. Unless the brain and heart are destroyed, the body will be the same Can fight, and since this ghost will be singled out, Ye Shikai cannot bully him with armored vehicles, otherwise even if he wins, he may violate the "battle etiquette" of the ghost soldiers, and will only cause more trouble.

Ye Shikai wants to bring him downright and upright, and this is the only way.

Ye Shikai took a set of armor from the storage ring. This was a gift from Chen Yuxin. It is said to be a treasure, but Ye Shikai never passed through. After all, in Yanjing, no one would wear it all day long. One piece of armor.

"Come on." Ye Shikai roared, and the ghost general seemed to understand. Speaking, even if the ghost general and ghost soldiers could speak, that was ancient Chinese, and it was more obscure than some dialects of Huaxia.

Sure enough, the ghost would cut it directly with the sword in his hand. Ye Shikai took the opportunity to use a metal sword to block it. He turned around and turned around. Ye Shikai went to the side of the ghost and held the sword in his hand. , Stabbed down his ribs.

Jian Feng pierced the armor, but did not break through. Sure enough, the ghost would also wear a pair of rattan armor, and the sword could not penetrate.

"Use the element of fire." Ji Qian saw the clue and reminded Ye Shikai loudly.

Yeah, Fujika fears fire. If it catches fire, it will be too late to take off, and it can only be burned alive.

However, in the final analysis, the use of fire element is not considered to be invincible. Here is "in front of the two armies". If you use this trick to win, it is not the same as using an armored car to crush the ghost into pieces.

Seeing nothing, her mouth slightly raised, maybe everyone in the room didn't understand what Ye Shikai was thinking about, except her.

Ye Shikai's internal forces were working perfectly for a while. The metal sword had let the ghost's armor bloom, but the rattan armor inside was intact.

How to do it, why not set fire, Ji Qian looked anxiously, stretched out her palms, and the water element faintly faintly blue light. When she came over just now, Ye Shikai returned the water element to Ji Qian, just in case of a hit She can save herself, and in the five elements of yin and yang, the male is yang and the female is yin. This water element is the softest to the yin. Ji Qian can exert her power even more.

At this moment, she wants to sneak attack on the generals from behind to help Ye Shikai defeat the generals.

"Wait a minute, don't move." At this moment, Muyan suddenly reached out from behind and held her shoulder, coldly.

"What do you stop me from doing."

"You and Chen Yuxin, once it comes to Ye Shikai's safety, you also start to be calm."

"What do you mean?" Ji Qian asked back.

"I didn't see what he was going to do." He said with a faint smile. "If the element of fire is used, then they will either send another ghost to come out, or they will cover it up directly."

"To put it bluntly, this single-mindedness is fairness, otherwise it is not worth so many people on both sides to watch for so long. If you use the element of fire, it will be regarded as a foul by ghost soldiers. On the contrary, if you are upright and win, then Things will change, "Mu said.

"I don't think that even if we win, the ghost soldiers will obediently make way for us to go in." Ji Qian said coldly. "Not to mention ~ ~ If you don't use the element of fire, the two will be deadlocked."

"Relax, he should have a way."

Ye Shikai leaned sideways to avoid the stabbing of the ghost general. Indeed, the rattan armor worn by the ghost is probably not ordinary rattan armor, which contains dead energy, so even using internal force is useless, but the sword Failure to pierce his chest doesn't mean he can't hurt his heart.

As long as it is empty, Ye Shikai is enough. The ghost will set his posture and charge up again, and this is the time.

Ye Shikai suddenly changed to holding his sword in his left hand, without even blocking his posture, and rushed towards the ghost.

"Is he crazy."

It is now, the punch.

Compared with the long sword, Ye Shikai's punching was obviously a step faster. While the ghost would wield the sword, the chest position was exposed. This punch was strong and firm.

Ye Shikai used Jiucheng's internal force for this breaking fist. Even though Fujia can guarantee that the fist cannot penetrate the body, the punch is strong enough to penetrate his chest.

Ye Shikai leapt along, jumped behind the ghost general, waved his backhand, and directly cut down the first level of the ghost general.

A set of actions that hit the two key points of the ghost general, and now Ye Shikai won.

"Great." Ji Qian couldn't help but praise.


At this time, the military formation of the ghost soldiers also began to move, and tens of thousands of people were acting at the same time. The sound of footsteps was enough to "shake the mountain."

Ye Shikai got on the armored car again and watched the movement of the army formation. The front infantry square slowly separated from the middle, revealing a gap. Then, thousands of cavalry rushed out from the middle, and everyone could even hear the hiss sound.

"No, they don't want to rush over." Ye Shikai was helpless, and quickly set up the gun mount. If they dared to rush over, they would be burnt.

End of this chapter

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