Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1037: Ready to enter

"Protect your lord." When everyone saw something wrong, they rushed over and surrounded the armored vehicle, blocking Ye Shikai and Ji Qian.

"Sir, let's retreat. This is too dangerous." Selena said eagerly. Tens of thousands of ghost soldiers were only four hundred meters away from the crowd, and the cavalry could kill them in the blink of an eye.

"You take a step back, I stay and see what they are doing." Ye Shikai said to everyone.

"No, just go together." Ji Qian immediately objected, holding Ye Shikai's wrist tightly with both hands. She was worried about Ye Shikai's safety. If so many ghost soldiers go together, even the most powerful person is not an opponent. Originally it was something beyond the scope of scientific explanation, and trying to fight with ordinary people's power was simply a dream.

"I have a way to get out." Ye Shikai yelled suddenly, holding Ji Qian's head with both hands in excitement. "You must go before I can let go."

"Sir, let's go first."

"Selina, take her away." Ye Shikai ordered.

"No words, you follow her."

"Then you be careful." Wuyan also wants to stay, but there are too many ghost soldiers, the corpses can't deal with them, and they insist on staying. Instead, they need Ye Shikai's distraction to take care of them, and become a burden.

"Everyone retreats." Ye Shikai asked everyone to run towards the exit. With the help of armored vehicles, they quickly evacuated and followed Ye Shikai's movements in the distance.

Ye Shikai has also been paying attention to the actions of these ghost soldiers. Although the cavalry rushed out, they did not run towards him, and stopped at the forefront of the army formation, lined up in rows, neat and tidy, nothing like Ye Shikai's heart was a little relaxed for the attack, and part of the reason for his self-confidence was just to let everyone feel at ease. If the ghost soldiers rushed over, he would only escape.

"Look, the ghost soldiers have stopped." At the same time, everyone at the entrance also noticed the situation here and started talking.

"Don't go before. Maybe these ghost soldiers only accept Ye Shikai." Silently analyzed, everyone agreed. After all, it was Ye Shikai who killed the ghost alone, and no one else could enter.

Ye Shikai did not dare to carelessly, and quietly watched what the ghost soldiers were going to do. A few minutes later, several flag bearers in the middle of the army waved the flags in their hands, as if they were giving orders, and the ghost soldiers in the front row turned around. Scattered from the middle to the two sides in turn, leaving a five-meter-wide passage straight to the foot of the mountain.

"Does this mean you want me to go?" Ye Shikai was a little curious. He didn't know what the ghost soldiers were about to do. He rushed out of the cavalry's array of cavalry and ran in the direction of Ye Shikai. At first, everyone was panicking. Ye Shikai made a gesture to signal the crowd not to act lightly in the distance.

A dozen cavalrymen soon came to Ye Shikai, and the two parties could not communicate. Then, they could only guess the opponent's intentions by relying on details.

If the ghost soldiers are going to be bad for Ye Shikai, then how could they only send over a dozen cavalry, so Ye Shikai judges that they are not here to fight.

Sure enough, the cavalry stopped at a distance of about ten meters from Ye Shikai. Then, a dozen cavalry slowly “enclosed” Ye Shikai, leaving only one opening, and this opening was exactly the direction leading to the foot of the mountain. Even a fool can see that this is "inviting" Ye Shikai to pass.

Looks like it won't work if we don't go.

In this case, go in generously. Ye Shikai walked towards the foot of the mountain. The dozen cavalrymen were behind Ye Shikai like bodyguards, "escorting" him over.

"My lord seems to have been taken away."

"No, he should have been qualified to enter the tomb." Ji Qian shook her head. It seems that only one person can enter, or that everyone who wants to enter must single out a ghost general, You can only enter after victory.

"Sir, someone is coming from behind." At this time, everyone was surprised that behind them, a group of people came slowly, and Ji Qian recognized them at a glance, Tang Can, Li Yueying, although Ji Qian I haven't met Tang Can, but she knew all the major families when she came to Chang'an. As for Li Yueying, she was even more curious. Didn't Li Yueying walk with the big army? When Tang Can was around, the followers were also from Li Fu and the Tang family. The number was not large, but Ji Qian could feel that these people were very strong.

"Miss Ji, I can't think of you being here, but Ye Shikai has been looking for you for a long time." Li Yueying said angrily.

"Huh, what are you doing here?" Ji Qian was not afraid. The others didn't care. Only Tang Chan, the strength of the late distraction, Ji Qian has not yet broken through the distraction ~ ~ stay at It was not her opponent at all.

"Of course it is the past." Tang Can's face was displeased. Ji Qian's arrogant character made him a little uncomfortable, but after all, because of the family, it is not scary to cause conflict with Ji Qian. If Ji Tao knew, it would be a strong step enemy.

"Girl Ji, what happened in front of you." Tang Can said lightly.

"You know it by looking at it yourself." Ji Qian waved her hand, and everyone let me see a path. Sure enough, when I saw tens of thousands of ghost soldiers standing by, even Tang Tang, who had experienced so much, was surprised. See you for the first time, many people.

"Wait a minute, why is Ye Shikai there?" Li Yueying's eyes were sharp, and he saw Ye Shikai in the distance, moving towards the foot of the mountain.

"Ye Xiaozi was there." Tang Can glanced sternly at Li Yueying, and now he can be sure that this Ye Shikai is not Li Fu's guard at all, no wonder Ye Shikai sneaked away halfway.

"Don't want to go in early." Tang Can sang loudly, and his body ran out immediately. Ji Qian instinctively wanted to stop him, but was stopped by words.

"Now it is inconvenient for you to tear your face with the Tang family, and your father is not at the scene. Even if you stop him, you can't stop him." Wu Yan said quietly in Ji Qian's ear. . "

Tang Can rushed directly to him, and the Tang family guards behind him immediately followed. However, their actions caused "blocking" by the ghost soldiers.

Bang, boom.

The ghost soldiers in the front immediately picked up the shield spear and leaned towards Tang Can. There were thousands of people. In addition, there were thousands of crossbowmen in the back. As long as they fought, this was a rain of arrows.

"Homeowner, there are too many ghost soldiers, so it's not good to start." A guard stopped in front of Tang Can and motioned him not to be impulsive.

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