Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1038: Domineering speechless

Chapter 1038 of the Personal Wife's President's Wife Vol. 1038, Domineering Silence, "It's abominable, that this kid has taken the lead." Tang Can was insidious, but he was not a man of his own power, and saw ghosts coming up, He knew he was carrying a mantis arm as a vehicle, but it couldn't help him, but he couldn't watch Ye Shikai enter the tomb. From the current situation, this relic is a big treasure house. If Ye Shikai enters, what heritage will he get, and his strength will fly. Soaring into the sky, it is difficult to deal with it. He just tried Ye Shikai. I am afraid that he will report it. Instead of waiting until then, Ye Shikai ’s strength is much higher than now ...

Tang Can glanced at Ji Qian and heard about it. Ye Shikai and Ji Qian had a close relationship. Now it seems that they can take advantage of it.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Can rushed to Ji Qian's face, stretched out a palm and hit directly, but was stopped by a silent intervention and blocked.

"I am afraid that it is not good for Senior Tang to do this." Ji Qian was so humorous, Tang Can was a sneak attack, and, as a senior attacking a junior, it was an extremely inferior method. This palm just now If Ji Qian reacts, I am afraid that it is really difficult to take this palm intact.

"Hum, I heard that this new lady Ji Jia has a deep relationship with the underground world abroad, and that Ye Xiaozi just now, I am also probably the main **** abroad." Tang Can glanced at Yue Wei and Ye Shikai. Most of them are foreign faces, forming a sharp contrast with the Chinese people.

"So what, I'm Miss Ji's now. If you do this, you're provoking Ji, even if it's Chang'an, my Ji's are not bullying." Ji Qian became the main god. For a long time, there have been countless battles. Even if the **** of death is standing in front of her, she will not be afraid, let alone Tang Can is obviously intimidating. If she really kills her, she will be speechless and difficult to stop. .

"That being the case, please ask Miss Ji to stop that person. How can my Chinese treasures flow into the hands of outsiders." Tang Can yelled loudly.

"Unexpectedly, a dignified family leader used such a crappy reason to cover up his selfishness." At this time, Wuyan sneered aside.

"What kind of person are you?" Tang Can glanced at him silently, thinking he was a childish girl, his tone full of contempt.

"Under, Xi Zong, speechless."

It seems that everyone can hear the sound of air-conditioning. Everyone in Huaxia knows Xi Zong. Although he is located in Yuncheng, it is extremely mysterious, but his technique and medical technique are a must, especially the technique. Although the sword is not visible on the surface, But when it comes to the degree of danger, even the strongest are afraid to speak madly and don't put Xi Zong in his eyes. For Ye Shikai, it is just a single love affair, he ca n’t figure it out. If he can absorb one, The tapeworm in the blood and brain would die unless he gave an antidote to it.

In addition, there are a lot of elixir poisons in major families that also need to purchase from Zongzong. It can be said that the "customers" of Zongzong are all around China. Dare to open a sin, and there is no reason to open a sin.

"It turned out to be Zong Zong's head, disrespectful, disrespectful." Tang Can Zuo said, although he was only eighteen years old, but Tang Can only dare to sit with her on equal terms, even in terms of seniority. Zong's strength.

"Since it is Xi Zong's head, it is even more important to deal with outsiders together."

"I heard that the Tang family owner and Miss Li had been with him before, so why didn't they do it at that time, but now they are screaming here." Silently, he mocked nakedly.

"I was deceived, so I came here to catch him now." Tang Can knew that he was wrong, and his tone was not so full.

"So, do you also have a responsibility? Do you still have a face here to drink five and drink six?" After speaking silently, she took Ji Qian's hand and walked away. Tang Can was "reprimanded" by a silent speech, and it was estimated that Qi would blow up his lungs. Already.

"Tang Can won't give up so easily, he still needs to pay close attention."

"I'm more worried about him now." Ji Qian looked sad and glanced at the foot of the mountain. Now everyone was standing here, and the ghost soldiers didn't relax at all, staring at everyone as if they were trying to eat.

It is indeed strange to say that if a ghost is singled out to be eligible to enter the tomb, then why only Ye Shikai can have this "treatment". Just now Tang Can went up. Why did the ghost soldiers directly come up to catch people? According to logic, there should be one The ghost general and Tang Can were singled out.

In any case, not allowing Tang Can to go in can be regarded as a delay for Ye Shikai. In this way, he will have more time in the tomb. Now it seems ~ ~ Although the ruins are full of strange roads , But the same destination, this terminal is this mausoleum tomb.


Ye Shikai came to Shimen under the **** of the ghost soldiers, and the army of ghost soldiers began to move closer to the center, blocking the road he had come over. Now, Ye Shikai was really in the battle.

Ye Shikai did feel a little worried when confronted before, but now he feels relaxed, and he is surrounded by ghost soldiers. If they kill him backhand, he will die.

Ye Shikai watched Shimen slowly open, and sure enough, this heads-up was a "welcome ceremony".

Ye Shikai went in step by step, and as people entered, Shimen closed slowly.

"I rely, what a ghost is so dark." Ye Shikai couldn't help but vomit. The night vision ability of practitioners has been enhanced a lot, but it seems that it doesn't work at all in this mountain. The black paint is so dark that I can't see my fingers. .

Ye Shikai took out a flashlight, which was a bit of a light. It was a strange design. Without a flashlight, he could only help the wall and walk away.

"It's so strong, here must be Bai Qi's mausoleum. I feel ... powerful energy." At this time, Soul Calibur also made a sound, and it seemed that he "liked" the atmosphere here.

"Nonsense, not white, who else can make tens of thousands of people guard." Ye Shikai looked at the road ahead, and to be honest, there were so many ghost soldiers "twenty-four hours" guards, even if there were not so many obstacles before, No one is stupid enough to choose a hard break.

"No, I have to hurry. If someone comes in again, I will be in trouble." Ye Shikai didn't know the outside situation. Now he is really fighting alone. If Tang Can comes in at this time and wants to kill He, then Ye Shikai, could only choose to escape.

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