Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1040: You Xijian

Ye Shikai was shocked. The storage ring can be recognized by the master. Unless it is the internal force of the master, other people cannot open it. This is what Xiang Yan said to him at the beginning, but Bai Qi was able to take out the storage ring from space. In the bronze sword, how powerful it is.

"You don't have to be surprised to store things and confess the Lord. I ca n’t take anything out of it, but ... this sword is also confession of the Lord." I saw the bronze sword held in Bai Qi's hands. On the appearance of the sword, golden light was faintly emitted. Gradually, the light became brighter and brighter. The shell appeared cracks, and the strong light shot out from the crack. Bai Qi slowly lifted the copper sword and sang loudly.

"I rely on it." Ye Shikai was directly hit by a strong shock wave and flew out, smashing heavily on the stone wall, almost spurting blood.

The ground was full of copper fragments, and the sword in Bai Qi ’s hand was no longer the original copper sword, but a magic weapon. The golden light gradually became blood red, and Ye Shikai secretly smelled one in the air. Bloody smell.

"It's a powerful murderous spirit." Even the battle-hardened Pluto, when faced with this degree of sword spirit, seemed to be a little irritated. This power is even comparable to that of Hades.

No wonder they can be called "human slaughter". I don't know how many undead souls died under this sword, and this forged such a strong murderous spirit.

Ye Shikai never expected that this ordinary bronze sword turned out to be Bai Qi ’s portable sabre. So it turned out that Ye Shikai realized that no wonder so many ghost soldiers were afraid of this bronze sword. It turned out to be Bai Qi ’s sword. At that time, the Qin Army had a strict hierarchy, and it was how they could mess with those who could take the sabre of the army commander.

At the same time, Ye Shikai was also very fortunate that he did not intend to take the bronze sword at that time, but later did not know for any reason. In short, he inexplicably liked the bronze sword and put it in the storage ring.

"On the way, you should defeat my lieutenant." Bai Qi carefully looked at his sabre, as if looking at an exquisite antique, as if looking at an old friend he hadn't seen in years ...

"I got it from a ghost general. As to whether it is your lieutenant, I don't know." Ye Shikai tells the truth, he doesn't think it is wise to lie in front of such a big brother.

"My lieutenant is also my general with a sabre. My sabre has always been with him." Bai Qi picked up the sabre and slashed across the sarcophagus behind him.


In just a moment, the sarcophagus turned into a pile of rubble.

Ye Shikai feels a strong sense of oppression in his chest. This sword qi is not directed at himself, but still can cause such a powerful oppression. If he fights hard, he and the sarcophagus will end.

"The name of the sword is called You Xi. I have been carrying it for many years in battle." Bai Qi stretched out his left hand, and suddenly came from a closet with a scabbard, just to be with You Xi.

"At the beginning, I led the army to open up the territory for Qin Guo, but the king actually heard that Fan Xiyan gave me death. However, my hands were stained with blood, and I ended up with this end, I already expected." Bai Qi stared at Ye Shikai, lightly He said that there seemed to be resentment against King Qin and Fan Li in his tone, but more obedience to fate. In Changping World War I, he ordered the killing of 400,000 people and led to the death of many young women in the city of Handan. The end of Bai Qi's death by King Qin was also a cause and effect cycle.

"I didn't expect that the first person to enter my tomb turned out to be you." Bai Qihua Feng turned around. "On your body, there are treasures no less than those of You Xijian."

Ye Shikai's heart was a little stunned, what Bai Qi said must be a dagger, and there were tens of thousands of dead souls who died under the sword of You Xi. This sword, which is famous at the cost of flesh and life, is very **** and murderous. Among the ruins, only the sword can match.

However, with Ye Shikai's current ability, he still ca n’t use the sword. Remember that every time he uses it, it is a life-and-death situation. It is a gamble with life as a bet.

Ye Shikai looked outside Shimen. To be honest, he had some impulse to leave quickly. After all, Bai Qi's strength was far superior to him, and there was a magic weapon like You Xijian. Among the people Ye Shikai knew, there should be no Who is his opponent, even Chen Yaozu, is just a junior compared to Bai Qi, who is "more than two thousand years old".

"When we talk, no one can come in outside." Bai Qi suddenly said, "You don't really think that if you kill a general, you can enter my tomb."

"What." Ye Shikai was shocked to hear it, wasn't it ...

"No one can get here without my permission."

"So what did you do to find me, senior ~ ~ Ye Shikai heard here, but also understood it. It turned out that he could enter here, all in vain order. As for those ghost soldiers, they are obeying Nothing more.

"You should come in to get my treasure," Bai Qi asked, "You can get into my eyes and you can naturally get my heritage."

"What." This time, Ye Shikai's turn was excited. It was like a sudden puncture on the road where the car drove. In despair, five million cash suddenly fell from the sky to get Bai Qi's heritage. This is not the tomb. Everyone's dream outside.

"Of course, if I want to inherit my heritage, I naturally have to go through challenges." Sure enough, as with all the plot twists, behind the "big prize" is an almost impossible task.

"My challenge is very simple. Just come and play against me. If you win, you will get my heritage." As soon as Bai Qi's voice fell, he pulled You Xijian out of the scabbard, only the sword gas, Ye Shikai was almost overwhelmed, and he was fighting against him, that was just looking for death. Ye Shikai even bet that even if Chen Yaozu replaced him, I was afraid he couldn't stop Bai Qi's five moves, not to mention, the environment was closed here, and he even ran away There may not be any, it is just a perfect "colosseum".

"Then I choose to leave." Ye Shikai said directly.

"Haha, it's very timely, but ... as a warrior, you can't shrink even if you can't fight, don't you understand this truth?"

"I'm not afraid of dying, but I already have my family and a child who hasn't even been born. Unless you can guarantee that I can be resurrected after I have been killed, I would rather be a coward for them." Ye Shikai said word by word.

"Okay, it's all about love, so let's change the rules a little bit, so far, how about it."

End of this chapter

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