Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1041: Disparity 1 battle

To be honest, Ye Shikai really didn't want to fight. First of all, this strength is too great. If Bai Qi is a strong young man, Ye Shikai is a small baby, even worse than that, in case he is really killed, Wouldn't it be wrong, right? If you really do n’t leave your hands behind, you will be killed ...

However, one thing really surprised Ye Shikai. Bai Qi actually understood his dilemma and offered to do so. If it is those people who are unreasonable, they will come up and start doing it, no matter how much you say.

Even so, Ye Shikai was still a little worried. Although Bai Qi said so, would he really point it out, and if he tried his best, who would he be?

"Well, boy, are you afraid to accept the challenge like this?" Ye Shikai hesitated and looked unhappy, and it seemed that he was a little impatient.

"Well, now that the seniors are willing to nod so far, I will accompany the seniors to discuss it." Ye Shikai nodded. According to the current situation, he has no room to refuse.

"Boy, draw your sword, I'll let you do three things first." Bai Qi laughed and threw the scabbard aside. Ye Shikai also took out the metal sword. Bai Qi is a famous warrior and a strong practitioner. No matter Whether it is martial arts or cultivation, it is far better than Ye Shikai. I only hope that Bai Qi can do it. By the end, even if he can't get the inheritance, he can at least save his life.

Ye Shikai stabbed a sword quickly, and Jian Feng stabbed in the direction of Bai's eyebrows. This kind of sword trick is also the most difficult to take. However, for Bai Qi, these are just commonplace on the battlefield.

Gently sideways to hide, Bai Qi waved his sword to block Ye Shikai's sword body. Sure enough, he was talking. Bai Qi did not fight back, just blocked.

Ye Shikai continued to stab his sword, Bai Qi held the sword with his backhand, and once again blocked it. The two encounters were almost just martial arts. Ye Shikai did not use his internal force, and Bai Qi did not crush Ye Shikai with his strong internal force. .

For the last time, Ye Shikai gritted his teeth and jumped up in the air, swinging his sword from the top to the bottom, and he was not panic. He picked up You Xijian and swung his head across the head, stiffly blocking Ye Shikai's offensive.

"I didn't expect that you wouldn't use your internal strength in these three ways." Bai Qi smiled slightly, thinking that Ye Shikai himself was already in a great disadvantage. He finally got the opportunity to attack three times, and he would definitely do his best. Fight for heavy damage, but these three tricks are just ordinary swordsmanship combos.

"Since the predecessor is willing to click till the end and let me do three moves, of course I have to exchange gifts." Ye Shikai slyly smiled and took the initiative to attack, which would often expose more vulnerabilities, and if he came up, he would make fierce moves. It's even more dangerous when you get angry.

"Okay, next, you need to be careful." Bai Qi picked up You Xi and gave a gesture. As soon as the voice fell, he rushed over with a sword. You Xi made a spark on the ground, Ye Shikai's heart was on his mind. Shivering, quickly avoiding the sword's edge, and using all his strength to flash to the side, finally dodging Bai Qi's sword, You Xi sword slashed to the ground, and even the floor was smashed into pieces. Ye Shikai even felt that this sword The anger was enough to shock him.

Bai Qi held the sword with his backhand and stabbed it forcefully in the sideways direction of Ye Shikai. Ye Shikai concentrated his internal forces on his wrist and sword, and blocked the sword.

"I depend." Ye Shikai felt as if being pressed by a giant mountain with the two swords together. The strong sword strength and internal force made his internal organs and squeezing seem to be squeezed. He took a step back and turned back. Swinging the sword, Ye Shikai rolled to one side, avoiding You Xijian.

"Sword soul, is there any way you can help me?" Ye Shikai gasped, fighting for internal strength. He is a small water pond, and the sea is white from the beginning. Just two or three moves, the internal force has been consumed a lot.

"If I can become an entity and restore all my strengths, maybe I can fight with him, but now, there is nothing I can do. Even if I go to great lengths to pass on the remaining internal force to you, it will be a waste of money." Very helpless, as a spiritual body, he is more to guide Ye Shikai.

"No, you must never go against him."

"Crap, of course I know, but ... you can't run all the time." Ye Shikai kept dodging away, not so much as dodging.

In this way, he also loses. The only way to break this situation is to win by surprise. Ye Shikai thought to himself, but this white martial art is so strong and his sword skills are superb. What are the flaws?


At the same time, more and more forces are coming out of the tomb. Many of them are dilapidated. It seems that they have encountered many troubles before ~ ​​ ~ Wordless, How many people are there. Ji Qian looked at the speechless sitting on the ground. Although she didn't say a word, she kept remembering how many people came.

"Thirty-four waves of forces, a total of 2,35 people." Wordlessly looking at the people in the big families in front of them, unexpectedly there were so many people, there were hundreds of entrances to the ruins, and they came to this mausoleum There are hundreds of paths on the road, and they will all return to the same destination. They will come here after all, but each person will pay a different price.

After all the hard work, even the cost of many lives, came here, but found that there are tens of thousands of ghost soldiers guarding, isn't this annoying?

"Are you looking for your father?" Mu said faintly.

"Well, he hasn't come yet." Ji Qian's expression was a little lost, and not only that, Chen Yuxin and Ghost and others haven't come yet. If more than 2,000 practitioners are put in peacetime, that is enough to form an army of practitioners, but In the face of ghost soldiers, it still seems weak.

When the two talked, Chen Yuxin and the ghost also brought someone here, and they encountered some trouble, but fortunately they were resolved, no one was lost, and they didn't expect that so many people had come here, but Fortunately, Ji Qian saw the ghost at a glance.

"Master Luna, you are already here." The ghost quickly hurried to ask, Chen Yuxin saw Ji Qian, her face slightly changed, but came over.

"Miss Ji, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ji Qian glanced at the crowd. "I've met Ye Shikai."

"What, he is fine." Chen Yuxi was excited when he mentioned Ye Shikai.

"Rest assured, he was not injured, but ... he has been in for a long time." Ji Qian pointed to the Mausoleum Mountain in the distance.

"Is only the boss going in alone." Ghost asked.

"Well, he's alone."

End of this chapter

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