Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1068: Invitation

Ye Shikai was a little restless. Even in his sleep, it was also a nightmare. Perhaps because of the discomfort during the flight, Ye Shikai had another nightmare. As a result, he was completely wet and he became increasingly sleepy.


There was a knock on the door outside the lounge room. Ye Shikai pressed the button near the bed, and the door lock was unlocked at once.

"Xiao Kai, how is your rest?" Chen Yuxin smiled, she seemed to have entered the role of his wife, and put a glass of water by the bed.

"It's okay." Ye Shikai wiped the sweat from his face and tried to conceal his nightmare, but was discovered by Chen Yuxin.

"Why so much sweat, lower case, did you have a physical problem? Drink some water." Chen Yuxin comforted. "It's just that we are going to see Grandpa and let him look at your body."

"No, it's just that I'm not feeling well recently, maybe it's a bit uncomfortable." Ye Shikai made a very poor excuse. Now he is at best hovering over the south of the river.

"It must have been too badly injured in Bai Qi's ruins last time. I haven't had time to recuperate yet. I will see Grandpa and let him treat you." Chen Yuxin's expression of concern appeared on his face, and he stroked his back.

"Homeowner, aunt, the plane landed immediately." At this time, Chen Ruoya came in to inform them.

"It's so fast." Ye Shikai sighed softly and looked at his watch. Indeed, it has been almost two hours.

"Xiao Kai, prepare for it. We will go to the villa and sort it out before we go." Chen Yuxin helped Ye Shikai to stand up. There was some tremor when the plane landed, but the comfort of the private jet was very high, and everyone didn't feel it. .

In order to visit Chen Yaozu conveniently, the Chen family built a luxurious villa under the mountain top, which was also equipped with dozens of security, as well as waiters and chefs. It is estimated that there are only twenty days in a year, but the staff is twenty-four. Hours.

"Xiao Kai, clothes for you." Chen Yuxin handed a clean set of clothes to Ye Shikai. There was no need to take a shower anymore, but on the plane, Ye Shikai was sweating all over, making his clothes wet.

Ye Shikai felt a lot more comfortable with the hot water on his body. Jiangnan was very cold in winter and the air was humid. The coldness was even more harsh. At this time, taking a hot bath couldn't be more suitable.

Speaking of these two days, Ye Shikai is always uncomfortable. She sweats at night and has nightmares. She is weak and sleepy during the day. Is it really the sequelae after the relics from Bai Qi, but why others do n’t, Or, it's because of You Xijian, it's not right. Bai Qi has helped him to break through the sixth order of Xuandi Jing, which is enough to use You Xi.

"Soul Calibur, do you feel something is wrong with my body? I ... seem to be living." Ye Shikai tried to ask the "encyclopedia" in his head.

"I didn't feel abnormal, I was just parasitic in your brain, so I don't know everything about your body."

"Should ... not be sick." Ye Shikai doubted herself.

"Practitioners in the distracting period generally do not get sick, let alone you practice the" Xuandi Jing ", which has excellent immunity to the virus. If you are really uncomfortable, you still need to pay attention to it." Sword soul seems to This is the first time such a "confusion". In the past, Ye Shikai encountered a problem and solved it, but this time it failed.

"Well, I'll pay attention. It's just that I'm going up the mountain to meet Senior Chen, and I'll talk about it later." Ye Shikai said to himself.

"Xiao Kai, who are you talking to inside?" At this time, Chen Yuxin's voice came from the door.

"Oops." Ye Shikai hurried out of the bathroom and just met Chen Yuxin.

"Xiao Kai, are you ... just calling?"

"Yes, yeah, I'm talking on the phone with a friend." Ye Shikai perfunctoryly.

"Well then, put on your clothes and let's go."


"Grandpa, we're here to see you." When the two walked to the top of the mountain, they saw Chen Yaozu meditating on a stone chair outside, his eyes closed, and a white gown on his body. Seems to blend into this snow scene.

"Xin'er, Xiaoye, you go ahead and wait." Chen Yaozu didn't speak and didn't open his eyes. He just said such a word, the voice was not loud, but there seemed to be echoes on the top of the mountain.

The two waited for more than an hour in the cave inside, and then Chen Yaozu slowly walked in from the outside and nodded slightly.

"Grandpa, we are here again." Chen Yuxin greeted with a smile.

"It's cold on the top of the mountain, you're not at home, come here to do anything." Cup of hot tea.

"Grandpa, Xiaokai and I are about to get married. I came to Jiangnan to invite you to our wedding." Chen Yuxin was a little excited. If Chen Yaozu could be present, then the practitioners in Yanjing would probably come. After all, Chen Yao's ancestors had a very high score. Even Ji Tao and others had to respectfully call a "senior". Ye Shikai was not easy to agree with, and had to smile awkwardly beside him.

Chen Yaozu shook his head slightly. When Chen Yuxin saw this, his expression suddenly dropped.

"I haven't been out of the mountain for decades, this time ... forget it." Chen Yaozu said faintly. "However, I still support your marriage."

"That being the case, I will obey Grandpa's wishes." From Chen Yuxin's tone, it was inevitable to hear some loss.

"Xiaoye, don't you have anything to say." Chen Yaozu turned his words and suddenly asked Xiangye Shikai. This momentum really frightened Ye Shikai. After all, Chen Yaozu's cultivation was extremely high, which inevitably gave people a sense of oppression.

"Now that Grandpa and Grandpa support it, of course it is the best."

"His eyes are awkward, his face is agitated, his expression is awful, is he in poor health recently?" Chen Yaozu saw Ye Shikai's abnormality at a glance.

"May I help you check it?" Chen Yaozu asked, Ye Shikai nodded, and stretched out his right hand to let him take the pulse.

"Grandpa, it should be the sequelae caused by Bai Qi's ruins last time. It doesn't matter." At this time, Chen Yuxin suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two, and reached out to hold Ye Shikai's wrist.

"Xiao Kai, didn't you bring a gift to Grandpa, come out quickly."

"Oh, okay." Ye Shikai took out a beautiful wooden box from the storage ring, which contained the treasures he and Chen Yuxin obtained from Bai Qi's remains.

. m.

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