Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1069: Zheng Family Murder Case

"Yes, it's all good things." Chen Yaozuhui knows gold. These things are also excellent products in loot. After all, they are looking at elders, and of course they dare not fool.

"If I'm not wrong, this year's auction meeting should be held soon." Chen Yaozu looked at several of the treasures and asked at will.

"Grandpa is right, we plan to go after the wedding." Chen Yuxin nodded.

"Auction meeting, what auction meeting." Ye Shikai heard in the clouds, Chen Yuxin never told him at this auction meeting, let alone "plan to go".

"Why, Xiner, haven't you said it?" Chen Yaozu frowned, thinking that Ye Shikai already knew about it.

"Xiao Kai, this auction conference is held by Huaxia's largest auction house. All of them participate in the cultivation family of Huaxia, which specializes in auctioning some rare treasures or resources. The auction conference lasts for three days. About us It will be another half a month after the wedding. "Chen Yuxin explained to Ye Shikai, and at the same time pulled his sleeve slightly. Ye Shikai asked bluntly just now, but it made her a little awkward in front of Chen Yaozu.

"That was the case." Ye Shikai nodded. "So, is the lot offered by the auction house, or ..."

"One part is the auction house's own treasures, and some are taken out by the major families, entrusted to the auction house to take charge of the auction, and draw some commissions."

"Yeba, you don't know. This auction conference can be said to be the biggest event of the Huaxia cultivation family. At that time, all the Huaxia families are gathered together." Chen Yaozu said with a faint smile. "This kind of conference was held a century ago, for many years There has been no interruption. "

"Are you sure it is a grand event?" Ye Shikai was ashamed, thinking of the fact that so many families would gather together for auction, and some families were fine and indisputable, such as the Emperor Zong and others, but some families were already out of reach. Sitting together playing auctions is a terrible situation to think about.

For example, to sit with the Kings of Yanjing, the Tangs of Chang'an, and the Gongsuns, Ye Shikai was unwilling.

According to his conception, if it was said that he would fight for their lives in the duel field, Ye Shikai would not be afraid. He would sit against the dead and watch the auction. What would this be?

"Xiaoye looks a little unhappy." Chen Yaozu saw his thoughts at a glance. "I heard Xiner say those things in Bai Qi's ruins. The Tang family and the Gongsun family are not simple figures. The same is true of Li Mansion. They are just a relationship of mutual restraint. The family is too "somewhat good" and the other two will definitely be united. "

"Grandpa, I just feel that meeting them will be very disgusting, and I will pretend to be a smile." Ye Shikai did not hide it, and said what he said.

"Indeed, it's so easy to have a family dispute and meet each other with a smile and gracious enemies. A smiley face is nothing more than a face, and I think I'm thinking about how to give each other a stumbling block."

"Xiao Ye's thoughts are straightforward, which is very similar to when I was young." Chen Yaozu nodded, not knowing whether to appreciate Ye Shikai's frankness or to say that he is reckless and unwilling to meet them with a smile.

"Grandpa, Xiao Kai is not a hypocritical villain, of course, he doesn't like to be with those people." Chen Yuxin responded.

"Xin'er, you have been dealing with those families for a long time, and this time you can accompany Xiaoye to see it."

"of course."

Outside the cave.

"Xiao Xin, why haven't you told me about the auction meeting?" Ye Shikai took advantage of the vacancy of cooking and quickly asked.

"Sorry, lower case, I wanted to tell you after the wedding, but since Grandpa asked just now, I have to say it." Chen Yuxin explained with a smile, "I don't mean to hide you intentionally. "

"Okay, that's okay, I just don't like the way you" advise "." Ye Shikai sighed, and Chen Yuxin was very strong in some things. For example, she often arranged for him without asking Ye Shikai's wishes. Things, even in all aspects of the wedding, she did not let Ye Shikai intervene.

Although Ye Shikai, who has always disliked things, did relax a bit, but this feeling ... is always strange.

"Xiao Kai, I'm doing it for you too, knowing that you don't like it very much, so if you really don't like it, then the auction meeting ... I can do it myself."

"Don't, don't do it. I told my grandfather. If you let him go alone, I wouldn't be good if he blame him." Ye Shikai shook his head. "Okay, I'll go by then."

"Well, that's fine."


The East China Sea, the Zheng family.

In the huge Zheng family mansion, it was a dead heart.

In the middle, stands a cold-looking middle-aged man ~ ~ He is the head of the Zheng family, Zheng Li, and in the chairs on both sides, there are also several middle-aged men and women, looking like Elder Zheng family.

The Zheng family grew up quickly in the East China Sea and benefited a lot. This also attracted the envy of many foreign families. After all, such a large piece of cake, no one wants to divide it, but those foreign forces want to be in the East China Sea. How easy it is to take root and develop, at least, the Zheng family will never allow this to happen.

Therefore, those foreign families, without exception, were all driven out of Donghai City.

And this morning, the young lady of the Zheng family, Zheng Ruo, was found dead in her bedroom. The inside of the fight was a fatal injury in the chest. A sharp blade penetrated Zheng Ruo's chest and hurt the heart. death.

Although Zheng Ruo was a female stream, Xiu Wei was still in the middle of her career, and her strength was not weak. She was killed in just a few strokes. This is not something ordinary people can do, and the murderer also successfully escaped from the Zheng family.

The young lady who killed the Zheng family still slipped away like this. The Zheng family is not a small door. How can they stand it? But what is doubtful is that the other party did not leave any identity information or was a provocative book or something. It's just like killing people for no reason. This is very puzzling. It's impossible. It's a sad killer. Let's just be bored and kill people.

In short, this matter has been aroused in the Zheng family. Everyone is talking about who did it.

Zheng Li put a badge on the table, and everyone's eyes fell on that badge.

This was the only "clue" found on the scene. According to the servant's explanation, this badge was not Zheng Ruo's personal belongings, that is, it was left by the murderer.

"Homeowner, we have investigated the origin of this badge." At this time, an elder of the Zheng family said.

. m.

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