Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1070: Zheng family dispute

"Come on." Zheng Li shouted sharply, because his daughter was assassinated, he is now in a low mood, but the same, behind the depression, is anger, is the anger of the murderer's behavior, the Zheng family has never suffered The humiliation is still unclear, but now the source of the badge has been found, that is, you can follow the vine to find the killer. Everyone heard a clue and leaned towards the table.

"It's a foreign underground power, the emblem of the Moon Temple." The elder was frightened by Zheng Li's momentum, said tremblingly, and then retreated immediately after speaking.

"Homeowner, indeed, this is the sign of the Moon Temple." An elder sitting on the left said that the crest was a crooked half-moon. No family crest in this country is like this.

"In addition, we analyzed the wound of the young lady and simulated the appearance of the weapon. It is also very similar to the shape of Yuewei's weapon. If it is close to ten, it should be them." Everyone you say it to me, suddenly, Zheng Li He yelled and shut everyone up.

"The owner, the head of the Luna Temple, Luna, is the young lady Ji Qian of the Yanjing Ji family. Some time ago, she just returned to the Ji family."

"Does she know Ruoer?" Zheng Liliang asked in a voice.

"The homeowner may not know each other on the surface, but it is hard to say secretly. Underground forces abroad have long penetrated into Huaxia, and they have people in all cities. Maybe Ji Qian and Miss Wang may have been wicked before. Attentive, so the young lady was assassinated and assassinated. "

"The death of the owner, the young lady, and the Temple of the Moon, and the woman of Ji Qian must be inseparable."

"Owner, I have to go to Ji's house, and Miss Miss is fair." Everyone said one after another, and some even proposed to "blood wash" Ji's house.

"Anyway, I have to go to Yan Jing Ji's house to discuss justice." Zheng Li looked cold. "I won't retaliate, I don't swear."

"Father, please wait a moment." At this time, a man walked in from outside, looking like a young man, only looking twenty-five years old.

"Hey, why are you here?" Zheng Li was surprised, and the man's name was Zheng Li, Zheng Li's only son and Zheng Ruo's brother.

"See Master." The elders bowed slightly to the man.

"Father, elders, I have heard all about it." Zheng Ye's face was anxious, and it seemed that he hurried over.

"The young lady was assassinated. Since the young master heard that, she must have come to" combat "," said an elder.

"No, I'm not here to" combat. "Zheng Zheng resolutely replied, the words were amazing, everyone was shocked.

"Well, aren't you sad that your sister was assassinated?" Zheng Li's tone was slightly cold. It seemed that he was a little displeased. His family was killed. He should have gritted his teeth and wanted to kill the murderer. I did not come to "revenge", everyone will inevitably feel unhappy.

"Of course, sad, but if you make a decision rashly, you will not only find the real murderer and avenge your sister, but may fall into someone else's trap." Zheng Zheng took the badge from the table.

"I asked my guard to investigate. This is indeed the crest of the Moon Goddess, but this does not mean that the murderer is Yuewei." Zheng Zheng told the crowd. In order to make his words more convincing, he specifically raised the volume. Special emphasis is also placed on the wording of emphasis.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Li's eyes changed slightly, and he continued.

"Father, elders, if you are a killer, you plan to successfully slip out of Zheng's family without being found, why did you leave such a badge that can directly prove your identity." Still talking about it, but now it is silent.

"There were signs of fighting at the scene, and this badge was also held tightly by the young lady. Most likely it was the badge that the young lady pulled off the murderer during the fight," an elder retorted.

"Yes, Elder Lu is right, homeowner, this badge is clasped in the hand of the young lady, and it should be the information she wants to leave to us." The elder beside him echoed.

"This ..." At once, Zheng Li was a little tangled. Both sides made sense. Zheng Li, who was still immersed in the pain of the bereavement of the girl, could not think calmly. Now the two sides are struggling with reason, it is difficult for him to judge.

"Father, Ji Qian is now the youngest lady of the Ji family, and in a tiger-like dragon plate like Yanjing. If we are not calm, we will provoke inexplicable revenge, and we will lose more than our money. Moreover, if the murderer is not Ji Qian at all, then The Ji family will definitely not be the head of injustice. "Zheng Zheng continued.

"Master, the Ji family and the assassination of the young lady must not be able to get rid of the relationship. The young lady is peaceful, happy and kind, has no grudges and revenge, and is usually not a sinner. I heard that the young lady has been to Europe several times, and she must have been in conflict with the Moon Goddess there. "

Several elders refuted one after another, and the two sides debated again and again.

"Okay, just shut up." Zheng Li yelled again, and the crowd quieted down. They trembled back to the wooden chair in the center. Zheng Li sat on it with his arms around his head and glanced weakly Along with the elders on both sides, the arrogant pride of the past was gone, and now he is more like an old man in the twilight.

"There are still a few weeks for the auction meeting. By then, all Huaxia families will be there. At that time, the Ji family will definitely appear. At that time, I personally negotiate with Ji Tao." Zheng Li finally made a decision. He was not A faint person is not an impulsive husband. If this kind of thing happened to an ordinary father, I am afraid he would directly pick up a kitchen knife to kill Ji's family, but Zheng Li still has "the bottom line of reason", Zheng Zheng What he said really touched him, would there be such a clever thing in the world, this is more like planting a frame.

"The owner, even if you go, you should take the dead family with you. Once it is determined that Ji's family has committed it, immediately kill them and take revenge for the young lady." The middle-aged man who made him become Elder Lu said again.

"Well, let's do it this way." Zheng Li waved his hand, motioned everyone to retreat first, when Zheng Ye was about to leave, was stopped by Zheng Li.

"Hey, come here with me." Zheng Li said faintly, and they came into the closet of Zheng's house, and in the large closet, Zheng Ruo's coffin was placed in the center.

"What do you think of Ji's?"

“Ji Tao ’s owner, Ji Tao, is known for his benevolence, good conduct and praise from outsiders. I speculate that he is by no means a person who does this kind of thing. As for Ji Qian, she has just returned to Huaxia and is even more unlikely.”

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