Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1074: Inner Ghost

"If we are all gone, Boss Xing took the opportunity to take this base again, then the entire Yan Kyoto has no place for us to stand." Jayton countered, "I will give the task of guarding the base to me after the underworld, and I must complete . "

"My uncle, why did Chen Yuxin become a treasure, and you actually took her order as a treasure? Didn't you see that she wanted the ghost to die on her own?" The two kept arguing, and they started to quarrel.

"It's all quiet." At this moment, there was a cold and scream from behind, and everyone immediately calmed down and looked at the door.

"Master Luna."

"See Lord Luna."

"Don't make any noise," Ji Qian said coldly, and went straight to Jayton and Mo Ji.

"Luna, you came just right, this **** was ungrateful." As if she had found a savior, Ji Qian was Luna, and she had previously given orders in place of Ye Shikai, and had high prestige inside the Hades.

"Master Luna, I'm not unwilling to find ghosts, but I must obey the orders from the underworld. Now the underworld and the underworld are not in Yanjing, and I can't contact them, so ... you can't open it without permission." Jayton explained calmly.

"I know this, but the ghost must be rescued." Ji Qian spoke sharply. "Information shows that the rental house exploded and all Yuewei was killed. I was curious what the explosion was. It could kill all twenty people. Blown to death. "

"It should be a gas explosion."

"Will the gas explosion be so powerful." Ji Qian retorted immediately. "And the gas leaked, with a foul odor. Couldn't any of the twenty people smell it?"

"Master Luna means this is a conspiracy." Jayton's face changed slightly, and his voice sank.

"With the power of ghosts, even if there was an explosion, he could escape, but why, he was silent, and his body could not be found at the scene." Ji Qian continued, and everyone present was also staring. Ji Qian's analysis was very reasonable. Everyone faintly felt that this matter was not as simple as imagined.

"Master Luna, this time participating in the operation is Yuewei. If there is any clue, I'm sorry to say that the Luna Temple can't get rid of it."

"You dare to doubt the Moon God." Mo Ji asked, "Did you know how much she helped us?"

"Of course, Lord Luna has helped us a lot, but now the situation is unknown and Yuewei has been killed mysteriously. Is there no responsibility for this and the Luna Temple? If Yuewei is okay and the ghost is okay, what happened to them? "Jaton's words, even the always calm Ji Qian was flushed with red ears, waving her sleeves, and turned to leave.

"Master Luna, please wait." As Ji Qian was about to leave, a faint voice came from behind.

"Dream, do you have anything." Ji Qian looked a little angry and impatient in her tone. When she was with Ye Shikai, Jayton didn't know where. Now he even openly doubted Ji Qian and the Temple of the Moon. , And also took out the name of Minghou as a "shield".

"Master Luna, just don't mind Jayton's words."

"Nightmare, what can you say straight, you are not the kind of personality that will comfort others actively." Ji Qian said, Nightmare has a cold temperament and has been together for so long. He has never seen him take the initiative to comfort others.

"Master Luna, talk elsewhere."


"Here is the secret room I set up. If you have any words, let's talk straight." Ji Qian sat on the chair, and Meng Xun looked around curiously. He hadn't known this place for a long time at the base.

"Master Luna, now Lord Pluto is in Jiangnan and cannot be contacted, but we must immediately rescue the ghost, I have a hunch, there is an inner ghost." Before the nightmare was finished, Ji Qian was directly interrupted.


"Yuewei is a carefully selected candidate, and they cannot betray me." Ji Qian retorted coldly, a person who loves justice and is the most unacceptable is betrayal, so when Nightmare mentioned that there might be She would be so excited when someone rebelled.

"I don't believe it either, but it's true ..."

"Okay, you don't need to say, if you want to say that there is a traitor in Yuewei, then you can go now." Ji Qian said impatiently.

"Wait a moment." Nightmare shook his head, and he saw that Ji Qian was in a bad mood now. "Well, if there is no traitor in Yuewei, then there is only one possibility."

"Someone attacked them and pretended to look like an explosion accident." Before Qiang Meng said it, Ji Qian took it directly.

"It turned out that Lord Luna had already thought of it." Nightmare first stunned and smiled bitterly.

"There are only two forces that can do this in the East China Sea."

"One is Boss Xing, the other is ... the Zheng family."

"Who do you think it is?" Ji Qian asked.

"Mr. Xing's whereabouts are hidden. I am afraid it will not be so easy to take the initiative ~ ~ So, the possibility of the Zheng family is relatively high." Nightmare replied, "Why, why did the Zheng family take the shot? It's not logical to kill the killer. "

"The Zheng family is the only one in the East China Sea. It will not be so easy for outside forces to infiltrate the East China Sea." Ji Qian murmured, although it makes sense, it is not in line with reality. If the Zheng Family knew that the Hades and the Temple of the Moon came to the East China Sea, It ’s not easy to die dead. This is equivalent to directly annoying two beasts. It ’s not wise to add two powerful enemies. The most likely way for the Zheng family is to warn the threat. If they insist on not leaving, the Zheng family will take another action. Measures.

"I heard that the young lady of the Zheng family died a few days ago and was assassinated." Nightmare suddenly said "explosive news".

"The Zheng family is now hosting a funeral, and the entire East China Sea is well known."

"Did anyone find out who the killer was?" Ji Qian asked. Since this happened to the Zheng family, there must be new changes in things, isn't it ... they really did it.

"So far, no, and the Zheng family's actions are not great, and the police have not put pressure on them. I think they have their own way."


Jiangnan, deep mountains.

"Grandpa, harassment for many days, we will leave first." Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin respectfully resigned to Chen Yaozu. The environment here is very good. Although only a few days, Ye Shikai has been born. "After retirement, I will spend the rest of my life here. "Thought.

"It's getting late, you hurried down the mountain, pay attention to safety."

"Xiao Kai, thank you for being with me these days."

"What are you talking about? Thank you so much." Ye Shikai shaved Chen Yuxin's little Qiongbi, very sweet.

"I don't know if anything happened outside."

End of this chapter

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