Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1075: Downhill

Ye Shikai suddenly felt a little worried. Just a few days when he was isolated from the world, it gave him the illusion that he couldn't keep up with the times.

"Xiao Kai, don't worry, the Chen family has Ruoya in charge, and the Hades also has Jayden taking over, let alone Miss Ji, there will be nothing wrong." Chen Yuxin gently held his arm, lightly Comforted.

"I hope so. There are too many things now. I'm really worried about something. The ghost with Yuewei should have begun operations in the East China Sea. I don't know what's going on." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Relax." After the two descended the mountain, now the villa under the mountain is freshened up, and the wedding is near, it is time to go back and make the final preparations.

"Well, I may really be thinking about it."

"Wait, let me in." As soon as the two returned to the door of the villa, they saw a man shouting loudly at the door. Dozens of Chen's guards surrounded him tightly to keep her away.

"Let me in, I want to see the boss." Taking a closer look, isn't this man the Magic Girl, staring fiercely at the guard in front of him, his face furious, and he seems to want to break through. "

"This is the place of the Chen family. You are not allowed to stay here. If you do not leave again, we will take measures." The Chen family guard guarding the villa snapped sharply, the baton clenched tightly in his hand, and gradually approached her. This is the old forest in the mountains. If something really happens, people outside will not know.

"Just because of your rotten sweet potatoes, you want to stop me." Leng Ji snorted and took off the soft sword from her waist.

"Everyone's attention, there is an intruder at the front door, and immediately inform Miss Chen."

"I want to go in today and see how it works." The magic sword held the soft sword and split the stone road on the ground in half.

"Stop it all." Ye Shikai panicked, rushed forward, blocked between the two sides, but could not fight here. Fortunately, he came in time, otherwise the two sides will "sword exchange", Chen Yuxin's face changed slightly, There was a hint of disgust in his eyes, but he kept up.

"See the homeowner." The guards saw Chen Yuxin, gathered their weapons and bowed to welcome them. Chen Yuxin passed by the magic girl, and the two girls looked at each other.

"Maggie, what are you doing here?" Ye Shikai quickly pulled her arm and pulled her over to question. "This is the place of the Chen family. You want to fight here."

"Xiao Kai, it doesn't matter, I believe the magic Ji is not intentional, there must be something urgent." Chen Yuxin stepped forward and said softly, with a smile on her face, now that the conflict has occurred, of course she will leave Ye Shikai a "Compassionate" impression.

"Everyone backs down, let's go in and talk." Chen Yuxin said lightly.

"Maggie, let's go ahead and talk." Ye Shikai was just thrown away by Mo Ji as soon as she wanted to pull her.

"The ghost is now unknown, but you are here on vacation. I was blind. You are a bastard." What did not surprise everyone was that the mood of the magic girl not only ceased, but was even more intense, even in the presence of so many people. Face to face Ye Shikai scolded.

"You're crazy, and what's wrong with the ghost, isn't he performing a task in the East China Sea?" Ye Shikai snapped abruptly. Although Mo Ji was irritable, it was the first time she had scolded Ye Shikai so badly.

"Maggie, what exactly do you want to do? He is Pluto and your superior. Do not allow you to insult here. Is there no major or secondary in Hades?" Hearing the words of Moji, Chen Yuxin's anger came up, She has always been jealous of the leaders of the Hades, and now she is cursing, and the object is still her beloved. How can this be tolerated?

"Huh, Chen Yuxin, don't think I don't know what you're planning. You let Jayton divide the power of the ghost. You obviously want to replace it to control the Hades. Now the ghost's life and death are unknown, you are satisfied."

"Enough." Ye Shikai suddenly yelled, and slapped his palm directly on the side of Mo Ji.


A clear slapping sound.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I will wait until I return to Yanjing." Ye Shikai said coldly, "Xiao Xin, let's go in."

"Hadis, you'll regret it." Moji yelled, turned and ran away, disappearing into the deep forest. She looked very excited, and there were tears in her eyes.

"You all step up your vigilance. If you meet this woman again, stay out."

"Yes, the owner."


"Xinxin, pack up your luggage and we will return to Yanjing immediately." When Ye Shikai returned to the room, the spirit in her heart was still there, but Mo Ji also said that there seemed to be something wrong with the ghost, and you can think of it if you think about it. It must be something that happened in the East China Sea to make Magic Girl come all the way.

"Xiao Kai, are you so anxious, wasn't you quite angry just now ~ ~ Just because I was angry, so I wanted to quickly know the truth. The magic girl is too impulsive, I must go back immediately." Organized a suitcase.

"Wait a minute, lower case." Suddenly, Chen Yuxin stopped Ye Shikai, his hands clasped his wrists tightly, and his face was tense.

"Do you have anything else?"

"Lower case, can you promise me one thing."

"You say it first."

"No, you promise to promise me first."

"You ... well, I promise, I promise you whatever you say." Ye Shikai is helpless, if Chen Yuxin is more "horrified", he has scolded the magic girl away and doesn't want to make more things.

"No matter what happens, our wedding will be held as scheduled." As soon as Chen Yuxin's words fell, Ye Shikai froze.

"Okay, I promise you."

"I want you to take a poison oath." Chen Yuxin's tone suddenly became serious. Ye Shikai listened to something uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't like being ordered by others, especially Chen Yuxin.

"Is this necessary?" Ye Shikai breathed a long breath and tried to relieve his anxiety. Although it was not a vow to swear, Chen Yuxin said this, but it deeply hurt his heart, like a The betrayal, even the wife who is about to marry, do not believe him, a kind.

"Well, lower case, don't you ... shouldn't you be thinking about me, the wedding has been planned for so long, and the guests have been invited. Is there anything more important than that?"

"Okay, I swear a poison pledge to ensure that the wedding will be held as scheduled. This head office is here." Ye Shikai finished the sentence in a low voice and turned away.

"Xiao Kai, you are mine, before, now, and later ..." Chen Yuxin muttered to the air in front of her.

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