Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1090: Issue a distress letter

"It's so unreliable, yes, according to her temperament, I don't think she will come to your wedding." On the other side of the phone, Wang Kai said faintly, indeed, when he was abroad, Wang Kai knew them well. The relationship between Ye Shikai's two marriages was not her, which makes people think, but this time, Wang Kai did misunderstand. In fact, he didn't know anything about the inside, but thought Ye Shikai had another wife. However, Wang Kai has been outside for many years, and his thinking is more "open", and he is not cold about such things.

"She is really in a hurry." Ye Shikai sighed. "Okay, if you come to Yanjing, I will always send someone to pick you up, you wait."

"No, I have been here for two or three days. Yanjing is quite fun. I haven't enjoyed it yet." Wang Kai laughed. "Okay, come to your wedding on time tomorrow, waiting for you to debut." "

"Well, Xiaokai, who are you calling?" At this time, Chen Yuxin came in from the doorway, and there was a fruit plate in her hand.

"A friend, you've seen it," Ye Shikai said lightly, lying sideways on the bed.

"Xiao Kai, tomorrow is our wedding, let's rest early." Chen Yuxin greeted with concern and put an apple in Ye Shikai's mouth.

"Recently, my mobile phone can't reach anyone all the time, is it broken?" Ye Shikai flicked the mobile phone and looked at the contacts in the phone book, muttering to himself.

"Really, it should be that they are all busy." Chen Yuxin flashed a strange color in his eyes, took Ye Shikai's mobile phone by hand, and put it on the bedside table. "Let's rest early."

"I listen to you, but I'm bored at home these days. I want to go out for a walk."

"After the wedding, we can go for our honeymoon." Chen Yuxin is already looking forward to her married life. As she said, marrying Ye Shikai was her childhood dream. This is Ye Shikai's fault, at least, he is so I think the child needs a father, and Chen Yuxin also needs a name. If he says that the wrong result is borne by him, he will never say a word, but it is a mistake of one person, but he and Su Qingyu are needed. Together, he could n’t let go of this, so during this time, he always had a lot of heart, even for tomorrow ’s wedding, he was scared from the bottom of his heart, he did n’t want to see his friend ’s face on the stage, and he looked around. It was as if the flames were burning on his face.

Looking at the hope of Chen Yuxin's face, Ye Shikai didn't know. She was totally ignorant of her mind, or she knew it.

The bachelor night party was not held. For one, when Ye Shikai said this reason, it was a perfunctory one. Both, he really has no face to invite friends, and in the current situation, he really can't contact anyone, so Yeah, this time, Ye Shikai did n’t invite any friends. Wang Kai should come voluntarily, but speaking, they have n’t talked for a long time, and how did he know about this, Did someone in the Hades tell him.


East China Sea.

"Connected." The worm locked in the back room jumped off the bed in surprise. Although Chen Ruoya placed the signal here, the worm still had its own method. The signal interference required electricity, so the worm hacked again. The Chen family ’s system was powered off, but this only lasted for up to five minutes. After five minutes, the Chen family ’s technicians would be able to recover again. However, sending a message for help was enough.

Three, two, one, the worm counted down in his silent meditation, the time was short, every minute and every second was used, a finger pressed, and the room light was pressed down sharply.

The worm quickly pressed the computer screen, sent out the distress letter, then quickly ran to the bed, put the computer back into the coat, closed his eyes and slept, and his heart throbbed.

Hope it works. This is the only chance for the worm. If you do n’t grasp it, you wo n’t know how long it has been locked up.


Two minutes later, the iron door was violently opened, and the worm's heart trembled. Did Chen Ruoya know? Wrong, in order to prevent accidents, he turned off the monitoring five minutes in advance. Chen Ruoya could not see him operating here. And when encountering such a thing, she first suspected that there should not be an intruder.

As soon as it came, it was safe. The worm was snoring softly, asleep.

The lights from the outside came in, and the worm secretly opened his eyes and fluttered long hair. This is a woman. If it is not unexpected, this must be Chen Ruoya. After ten seconds, the door is slowly closed again. .

Chen Ruoya left.

This feeling is like during the school day, the boarder secretly speaking in the dormitory at night, and was suddenly taken in by a teacher with a flashlight, stimulated, if not discovered by the teacher, it is a joy for the rest of the life ~ ~ Woo, I'm scared to death. "Worm Changshu breathed a sigh of relief. Had Hades received this distress letter, he would definitely send someone over."

The next day.

The Chen family is "lively". According to the general wedding process, the groom will go to the bride's house to pick up people. However, the Chen family is different. As the family of Yanjing, the owner is actually a young woman. This is also extremely rare. Therefore, the two Decided to go directly to the hotel for a banquet.

When the two arrived at the hotel, it was only 10 o’clock in the morning. The wedding was a luncheon. It was not too late, but the hotel was already full of guests. Chen Yuxin did not like to make a show, but this was not applicable to her wedding. As she said, she has been looking forward to this wedding for a long time, and now she is the owner of the Chen family. Whether from "public" or "private", the scale of the wedding banquet is amazing.

"Master Chen, congratulations."

"Happy wedding."

On the way, many people congratulated the two. Ye Shikai glanced roughly. They were all Yan Jing's head and face. The identity of Ye Shi Kai was already semi-public in Yan Jing. Everyone was guessing. After the two were married, the whole What major changes will happen in Yanjing? The Chen family received the help of the Hades, will it have any impact on the other three families. Hades is a force of foreign underground forces. Its joining is a practice of Huaxia. It hasn't happened in the world for thousands of years. In fact, not only in Yanjing, but everywhere in Huaxia, there may be infiltration of foreign underground forces. However, the wedding of two people is equivalent to putting the matter directly. On the bright side, many people are wondering whether the Chen family wants to use the hands of the Hades to eradicate Yanjing's opponents.

"Master Hades, Master Hades, please take a rest first." Jayton took a team of Hades undercover and protected them next to each other.

End of this chapter

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