Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1091: See you again

"Xiao Kai, let's go first." Chen Yuxin took Ye Shikai's hand, and they walked to the back lounge, where they could go directly to the stage. According to the process, the wedding reception started at twelve, Ye Shikai motioned to Chen Yuxin to go to the lounge first, and she was at the meeting place. Went for a while.

"Then you pay attention to safety." Chen Yuxin hesitated for a moment, still nodded in agreement, and cast a look, motioning for Jayden to protect himself.

Ye Shikai walked around the venue, and many people knew him along the way. When he passed by these people, he would always hear some "not harmonious" voices. Just as sometimes, he always felt that someone was stealing from behind. Whispering and private comments, in fact, the most terrible thing is not what was discussed in the dark, but because the parties' speculation will be darker than what these people say, just like an inferior person walking on the road, even if a passerby is just laughing He would also preconceive as if he was laughing at himself in private. The most terrible thing comes from the heart of the person. Although Ye Shikai is not this kind of person, he can also clearly feel that he is still somewhat arguing about himself. uncomfortable.

"Sir, please, let me be quiet for these people." Jayton also felt abnormal, with a gloomy face, and said softly in Ye Shikai's ears. With the power of the Hades and the Chen family, he wanted to "learn" in Yanjing. It's easy to take a look at these people.

"No, there are so many people, you don't need to worry about them." Ye Shikai waved his hand and motioned everyone to move forward.

"Ye son, congratulations." At this time, there was a majestic whisper from the crowd. Turning around, it turned out to be a group of people. It was Ji Tao who took the lead.

"Predecessor Ji." Ye Shikai said to Zuo. Ji's family is the Yanjing family. He must have received invitations from Chen Yuxin, and he must have invited many people. Sure enough, Ji Feng and Ji Yu were beside him, as well as Chen Ligong. Elders.

"Ye Gongzi is really a peach blossom." Ji Yu was unhappy and ridiculed. Of course, when he married Su Qingyu, Ji Yu was anxious to take a knife to stab him. This time, he still married Other women, if Ji Yu was angry for the first time because of Ji Qian, then this time, she despised her completely.

"Scum man." Ji Yu muttered unpleasantly.

"Xiao Yu, wanton." Ji Tao said coldly, Ji Yu took a few steps back, still secretly cursing Ye Shikai.

Ye Shikai glanced at him, Ji Feng was silent beside him. At first, Ye Shikai had had a conflict with him. At this time, he didn't even have "taunt". It seemed strange, but maybe it was because of Ji Tao.

"Don't care, Ye Gongzi."

"Of course, senior Ji, please come in quickly." Ye Shikai smiled slightly. A waiter led the crowd into the venue. Although this time, Ye Shikai did not invite his friends, but the scale of the venue was even larger than the time he just married Su Qingyu It was several times older, but these people ... had nothing to do with him.

"Ye Shikai, you wait, one day, I will take revenge on you." Ji Yu sneaked out, walked in front of Ye Shikai, stared at his eyes, and bit her silver teeth.

"You ..." Jayton was furious and wanted to go up and learn Ji Yu.

"Stop." Ye Shikai stopped Jayden and walked towards Ji Yu. "If you want to get revenge on me, I have no complaints."

"You ... what are you talking about?" Ji Yu was a little shocked, but Ye Shikai would have thought of this reaction.

"I didn't say anything, these are all my fault." Ye Shikai left after speaking, leaving Ji Yu with a look of doubt.

"Huh, you think you're pathetic, wouldn't I avenge you?"



"It's been one night, why no one came to save me." Worm looked around the room, anxious in his heart. Today is the day of Ye Shikai's wedding, but he and Ziyu are being held here.

"Come on." The worm walked back and forth, but he couldn't see the outside, otherwise ...

Hey, hey.

At this time, a few muffled noises came from the aisle outside, and the worm slammed against the door, listening carefully to the outside movement.

"It's weird, obviously I heard something outside ..."

Bang, suddenly, the iron gate slammed open, and the unsuspecting worm was hit directly on the ground, barking in pain.

"I lean, nose."

Two women in black tights walked in from the door and rushed in. It looked like ... Female Agent, seeing a worm on the ground, one of the women took out a dagger from her waist.

"Hey, hey, you're not here to kill people." The worm hurried back, and the woman stepped forward, chopping the handcuffs on the worm's wrist in half.

"Scared me, say it early, I will drive this too." The worm breathed a long breath.

"What the **** are you, Miss Luo's men ~ ~ The worm tentatively asked, and the person he sent to yesterday's letter of help was Luo Shiqi.

For this candidate, the worm thought for a long time. Before he was caught, he found that Ye Shikai's mobile phone had many numbers blocked. Jayton now controlled the Hades. If it was sent directly to the Hades of Hades, I am afraid he would be Jaton. Intercepted, the relationship between Luna and Hades is too close, and I am afraid it is not appropriate, so he chose Luo Shiqi, one of which is the queen of the underground world of Yanjing, and Chen Yuxin could not move her. For Luo Shiqi's relationship, she will not sit still. Finally, Luo Shiqi has talents and many action personnel.

"That's right, indeed Miss Luo asked us to come." One of the women said coldly, "Let's go."

"Wait a minute, I have a companion here, and she is here, I must save her." Worm asked anxiously.

"Relax, that little girl is safe."

"That's great, let's go quickly." The worm hurried out, and several guards lay on the aisle, both of them stunned.

"The car is in the parking lot, let's go quickly." The three came to a parking lot, and one of the women stepped forward and opened the door of a business car.

"Come up."

"Oh oh, okay." The worm sat up directly, Ziyan was sitting inside, hugging excitedly.

"Worm, you're okay. That's great." Ziyan almost cried out in excitement. Indeed, if Chen Ruoya had died, they would really be dead now, and they would be able to come out unscathed, already very lucky. .

"Okay, go back and talk about the old words, it's still dangerous here, let's go quickly." At this time, a cold female voice came from the back seat, and the voice sounded a little lazy. The woman took off the sun hat and exposed Good face is Luo Shiqi.

. m.7

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