Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1105: Brother misunderstanding

"Why, grandma, my temper is bad, how can you take me, you guys, hurt him." Gu Xin snorted and walked directly from the side.

"What, he was injured, what is going on." Ye Shikai heard this and couldn't help worrying. Although the ghost had amnesia, but the internal force was still there, he could hurt him, it must be not an ordinary person, most likely a cultivation killer.

"You don't need to know, and it's not about your business. Put things down and leave." Gu Xin said coldly, pushing him impatiently.

"You ..." Ye Shikai felt a burst of fire in his heart. It was really kind, but as a donkey liver and lungs, how could Gu Xin describe his soul as "Xiaojiabiyu", it was just a tigress.

"I have to find him today." Ye Shikai said unconvinced "Where is the dean, I will go to the dean."

"Hey, I said what's going on with you, I'm Gu Li's girlfriend. I have the right to represent him. You are not welcome here." Gu Xin grabbed Ye Shikai's hand.

"I ... I'm here to see the doctor, head office." Ye Shikai said helplessly, saying that the ghost is his brother, then Gu Xin can be regarded as his brother and sister, it is absolutely impossible to do it, but now the ghost is still Don't remember these, but as long as you find Baishan Snow Lotus, everything will be done.

"The registration office is on the left. Look for it yourself." Gu Xin pointed not far away and said lightly.

"Gu Xin, wait." Ye Shikai said suddenly, Gu Xin stopped and looked at him with a scornful look. "What else do you have."

"Gu Xin, I know that you have misunderstood me for some reason, but ... believe me, I will not cause any trouble for Gu Li." Ye Shikai controlled his emotions and said to Gu Xin calmly.

"Oh." Gu Xin glanced, rolled his eyes, and turned to leave.

"Hey, just perfunctory me like this, others, tell me." Ye Shikai had no choice but who this is.

"If you get so embarrassed again, I'll call the security guard." Gu Xin turned and warned.

"Okay, you call the security guard, it's best to call Gu Li." Ye Shikai was anxious, holding one hand on Gu Xin's arm.

"What man." Suddenly, Ye Shikai's complexion changed, and a murderous rushed out of the side. He instinctively let go of his hand and stretched out his back.


A long fist hit Ye Shikai's side face. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. Fist was blocked by Ye Shikai's horizontal palm. The fist was hit firmly in the palm of his hand. Ye Shikai exerted his internal strength and stopped someone with a fist.

"Ghost, it really is you." After Ye Shikai saw the person clearly, she couldn't help but screamed in surprise.

"Ali, stop, you still have a wound on you." Gu Xin hurried forward, "Don't do it, or the wound will tear."

"I warn you, stay away from her." Ghost said coldly, his tone was full of warning tone. It seemed that he had misunderstood, thinking that Ye Shikai was just joking about Gu Xin.

"Kee, you misunderstood." Ye Shikai quickly explained, "I'm here to find you. You have lost memory now, and you may not know me."

"I don't care who you are, you leave me here now." Ghost said coldly, guarding Gu Xin with one hand and staring at Ye Shikai with his eyes.

"You ... Okay, I heard that you were injured. This is a cure, you can take it back." Ye Shikai was helpless. Both of them would not let in oil and salt. If they blindly persuade, I am afraid there will be adverse effects. Ye Shikai had to leave first. Before leaving, he also left the treasured healing medicine and the plaster to remove the scar.

"Xin'er, are you okay." After Ye Shikai left, the ghost quickly asked.

"I'm okay. The guy said just now that he is your brother." Gu Xin's mood eased a little, and he explained to the ghost. It was more hasty just now. Ye Shikai forgot to take out the "evidence" in order to prove the "brother." As a result, he brought a lot of photos, but he didn't even get a chance to take them out.

"Forget it, don't ignore him, I don't recognize these people."



"It's obviously March, why is it so cold." Everyone got off the plane and everyone couldn't help putting on their down jackets. The magic girl was still shivering. The northeast of the month was still very cold, even if it was The city is no exception, and the Baishan they are going to have an altitude of several kilometers, the first consideration of equipment is to keep warm.

"It's normal. Today's weather is good. I checked the weather and it will snow heavily in the next few days. In the mountains, snow is the most dangerous thing. And this time we are going to the closed area of ​​Baishan. Zhang Lin said to everyone.

"Anyway, we must go, and we must be fast." Ji Qian always had a vague feeling of prejudice ~ ~ I am not the only one who made this Xuelian idea.

"Master Luna, entering the mountains in the snow is not a wise decision."

"But this is a decision with no choice. Inform them, organize their equipment, and leave tomorrow morning." Ji Qian turned to look at Soul Slayer. "Has the weapon arrived?"

"Just received the information, it has arrived, it is in the sub-base." Desperate soul made a "OK" gesture.

Northeast Subbase.

"Lord of the Moon God, extermination of souls, magic demon, you are finally here." Came to the Northeast sub-base of the Hades, they met an acquaintance.

Alligator, one of the Hades.

Since Ye Shikai, the Pluto ’s long-time residence in Huaxia, the forces of the Hades have also slowly entered Huaxia, initially in Yanjing, and then in the development bases of the East China Sea and Port City. The expansion of sub-bases naturally requires many leaders to lead, so many of the leaders of the Hades are divided into different sub-bases to manage.

"Alligator, I haven't seen you in a long time, have our gears been organized?" Ji Qian smiled slightly, and after entering the courtesy, she went directly to the topic.

"Of course, in addition to the weapons and the equipment to enter the snow mountain, I also prepared the incubator." Alligator nodded and said that when everyone came to the warehouse, there was a lot of equipment in it.

"I heard that Lord Ghost had an unexpected memory loss and was so anxious that I was still thinking about applying for a transfer to Yanjing. I came here unexpectedly."

"I went to Baishan Snow Lotus this time in order to restore the memory of ghosts. Alligators. You have been here for a while. You should have a better understanding of the situation here. Better go with Zhang Lin and join us in the mountains."

"Of course it is the best. I know Baishan and can help you."

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