Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1106: Deep into Baishan

"Okay, everyone goes back and prepares. It's enough to eat and rest. It's two o'clock in the morning." Ji Qian looked at her watch and issued a "departure order."

"Yes, sir." After receiving the order, everyone left the conference room. The temperature in the northeast of March was still very low. There were not many people in the streets in the early morning. Ji Qian took more than 40 people from the Hades and Luna. From the base, take the off-road vehicle to the entrance of Baishan.

"Master Luna, entering Baishan at night is very dangerous. Are we sure you want to do this?" Zhang Lin seemed to hesitate. In the early morning, the northeast of China did not reach out with five fingers. In fact, Baishan is very large and many places are forbidden Therefore, there are no data records in many places. Everyone is not clear about the terrain and can only explore it by themselves. The night environment is even more difficult to explore.

"Zhang Lin, we don't have much time. I always have a bad hunch. Some people are looking for Xuelian Baishan like us. If we don't take the lead, the ghost thing will hang." A few cars were driving on the open road. After an hour, they had left the city and entered the "desolate" mountain area. The sound of whirring sounded like a cry, and even a wolf could be heard faintly. Snoring, this road is very remote and cannot even be found on the map, but it is the route provided by Zhang Lin, which leads directly to the deep mountain area of ​​Baishan. With her "live map", Ji Qian has a little more grasp .

Everyone looked at the environment outside the window. Although the sky was dark, the moonlight still gave everyone some sight. Baishan was covered with snow all the year round, and everyone could see the rolling mountain outlines faintly.

"In fact, this Baishan is very beautiful. Every year many people come to travel or something, but the depths of Baishan are not open to tourists, so it has not been developed and it is completely primitive and natural environment." Zhang Lin muttered, breaking The quiet atmosphere in the car.

"Zhang Lin, for us to do tasks in the wild, what I want most is a warm quilt and timely supply. Although the environment here is beautiful, it is also the most dangerous place for us." Soul killer said something lightly. He made a lot of sense. If something happened, there was no way to ask for help, and without development, they had to overcome the danger of the environment itself.

"Zhang Lin, this is the first time you've seen this kind of action, and you have insufficient experience. You stay in the middle of the team and don't leave. In this way, we can also guarantee your safety." Ji Qian said faintly. The level of practice is very low, it is just just getting started. Although the physical quality is much higher than ordinary people, but there is still some power in the face of the wild environment. The most important thing is that Ji Qian has a hunch. This time Trip, there will be accidents.

"Thank you, Lord."

Half an hour later, when everyone was a little tired, the car stopped suddenly.

"Why the car stopped." Ji Qian suddenly got excited. Under the illumination of the high beam, everyone faintly saw that there was a large river in front of it that was tens of meters wide.

"Masters, there is a river in front of it, and the car cannot drive any further." Said the dark guard who drove.

"Everyone, organize your equipment and get off the car." Ji Qian calmed and said coldly, more than forty people got off the eight off-road vehicles, thick off-road uniforms, and mountaineering axes and firearms.

"Strange, I remember there is no river here, but a flat ground." Zhang Lin looked around carefully, with a suspicious look on her face. The river, which was 20-30 meters long, was a big river in such a deep mountain. .

"It should be that you remember it wrong, we have already entered so deep, maybe you remember it wrongly before." Mo Ji said, but Ji Qian was a little flustered, deep in Baishan, inaccessible, who knows what will happen .

"No, I don't know how many times I've been here since I was a kid, and I shouldn't remember it wrong." Zhang Lin shook her head, still insisting on her decision stubbornly.

"There are many shrubs growing around this river. It should not seem to be newly formed, and the environmental characteristics of Baishan will not change all year round. It should not suddenly appear such a large river." Ji Qian found some aquatic plants nearby. These are all prove.

"So, Zhang Lin, you may have misremembered it." Exorcism is also a survival expert in the wild, and he knows the characteristics of the environment very well. This river should have existed here for a long time.

"Really." Three people became tigers. With more people talking, Zhang Lin also began to doubt herself. Maybe it was she who misremembered it.

"Master Luna, what shall we do next."

"Take the assault boat and cross the river forcibly." Ji Qian tried to test the water depth, which was more than ten meters deep. Although it is feasible to swim past, but such a low temperature, if the whole body gets wet, the body will soon become frozen. There is even danger to life. Not only that, some equipment cannot be brought.

"Sir, we only have two assault boats ~ ~ need to go back and forth four or five times." Several dark guards carried the assault boat, this thing is very large, all placed on the roof, originally Ji Qian I did not expect to cross the river. The assault boat was brought in just in case. As a result, it came in handy here.

"It's okay, everyone pays attention to the surrounding situation and stays on the spot." Ji Qian ordered, calling Serena, and took the first few months of the guards around him.

"Slayer, Magic Girl, Zhang Lin, you are waiting here now, I will reach the other side and send you a safety signal, and then you will bring someone over." Ji Qian took a bright flashlight out of her backpack and told Everyone said.

"Okay, sir, pay attention to your safety." Desperate nodded, turned on the motor, and the assault boat made a booming sound, echoing in the silent valley.

"Strange, I don't remember anything wrong." Zhang Lin muttered with some grievances, but what she felt most distressed was that she didn't help the team. Maybe she also thought that she remembered it wrong. As a result, Just after arriving in Baishan, a "joke" was made.

"Zhang Lin, in fact, it doesn't matter. After all, for such a large mountain, no one can walk through every corner, as long as we find Baishan Xuelian." Magic Ji said quietly and comforted.

"Yeah, we still have a lot of time anyway, and it's so dark now, maybe the driver is driving in the wrong direction may not be it." Soul-ridden teased.

"Sir, the other side has issued a safety signal." At this time, a dark guard came forward to report, and sure enough, on the other side of the river, there was a flash of light.

"The second batch, ready to cross the river."


Suddenly, a gunshot lingered in the valley, and a dark guard fell to the ground.

"No, there was someone attacking behind us." Soul killer took the rifle, loaded the bullet, and pulled the trigger. 14

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