Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1154: Complaining

"Forget it, I drank it anyway." Desperate Soul poured Chinese medicine into his mouth, and the expression on his face seemed to have eaten a fly.

"Nightmare and Magic Fox have returned to Europe. Yanjing has a heavy load. We must quickly help the ghosts restore their memory." Soul-slaying the bowl aside, as if this can make you feel better, after all, poisoned, but also It is indeed a crime to drink such a bitter medicine, and there is one more point. A scar has been left on the face of Soul Killer. Although Ziyu has developed a special effect scar cream, it can only be used until the wound is completely scarred. It means that for at least a month or two, a scar is on his face.

"But if Baishan Xuelian doesn't work, isn't that the ghost can't restore memory for a lifetime." The magical girl seems a little worried. Baishan Snow Lotus is indeed a treasure, but the effect of restoring memory is nothing but rumor, even if there is a precedent , But it may not be applicable to ghosts, and there is no such thing as nails, it is still a mirror.

"Relax, I believe it will work. Even if it's useless, we can think of a way again." The spirit of killing souls is very firm. He firmly believes that the elixir made by Ziyu will work, and everyone went to Baishan Almost nine lives, Jiji fell into the lake, poisoned soul killer, Ji Qian and others were ambushed again and again. If it was not good luck, everyone would have died in Baishan already. Although this is just a snowdrop, it is Everyone traded their lives for bets.

"Actually, the ghost should also like the current life." At this time, the magic girl suddenly said coldly.

"What do you mean," asked Extinct.

"Actually ... it doesn't make much sense, you see, he seems to be living a good life now. He has a girlfriend and a job around him, and he doesn't have to worry about danger at all times." There seems to be no confidence in Mo Ji's words. I felt a hint of envy in Moji's tone. Indeed, after coming out of Baishan, both seemed to feel the taste of death. Although both were top practitioners and the four warlords of the Hades, but in like In the environment of Baishan, besieged by so many people, it is also lack of skills, and can only escape to save lives.

And after so many moments of separation between life and death, the relationship between Desperate Souls and Magic Devil is also heating up, and the cultivation of feelings needs a stable environment. If you always live with this kind of knife licking blood, live today and die tomorrow Any feelings are broken up, so the magic girl does have some envy of the ghost's current life status.

"After we leave the Hades, we will find a manor in Europe to live, how about it?" Soul Killer smiled and said, "Actually, I have already found a manor. When it is finished, I will buy it. . "

"Really, I didn't expect you to even buy a manor." The magic girl was a little surprised. You know, the account and wallet of Soul Killer are all under the control of the magic girl. Buying a manor no matter how many hundreds Ten thousand euros.

"Well, last time I brought someone to help Bonason. As a thank you, he gave me a manor underneath me." Exorcism explained.

"That's the case." Maggie nodded and replied that Bonason was the richest man in the local area. His family is more than a century old in Europe and his relationship with the Hades is extremely delicate. A manor house is nothing to Bonason. And his good relationship with Ye Shikai has also brought a lot of benefits to his family. The most direct point is that his business can be guaranteed in Europe.

"Actually, I quite understand adults." At this time, Soul Killer suddenly said something again, turning the focus of the topic to Ye Shikai.

"what do you mean."

"If it weren't for those external reasons, the adult should not divorce Su Qingyu now." Soul Killer said lightly.

"I don't want to comment on adults." Magic Ji would not comment. Maybe she also despised Ye Shikai from the perspective of a woman, but because of her subordinate status, she was not good at speaking directly.

"Actually, the adult will divorce Su Qingyu, which is really not his responsibility."

"I never felt that it was all his responsibility, if it was not the one named Chen Yuxin ..."

"Please pay attention to your words." Desperate Soul quickly corrected the words of Mo Ji. After all, Chen Yuxin is already the queen, and Haem Palace attaches great importance to the hierarchy of the superiors and subordinates. But if Chen Yuxin hears it, it will cause her dislike.

"Hmm, is there something wrong with me, such a deliberate woman, the Hades will be destroyed in her hands sooner or later, but unfortunately, the adult is still stupid, and he doesn't even oppose her. Look, now Jayton starts to manage After the Hades, we didn't even have the ability to mobilize the Dark Guard. "Mo Ji was unwilling to continue, cursing.

"Okay, please be quiet ~ ~ Munhun said quickly.

"And that Jayton, received Chen Yuxin's queen knife, and it became her servant. Now, I am afraid that even Master Hades' order, he is unwilling to obey." Mo Ji cursed for another half an hour, extermination Soul had no choice but to rest on the hospital bed. In the end, he couldn't bear it, so he simply stopped listening with headphones.


At night, after the darkness fell and the Hades palace was attacked, it was moved to the base of the Luna Temple, and even the lab of Ziyu was also moved to the basement of the Luna Temple base.


"Is something flashing just now?" As the two Yueweis were patrolling inside the base, they suddenly felt a cold wind blowing, but when they turned their heads, they were empty.

"We should have heard it wrong. Forget it, let's go." The two did not delve into it. The base was so large that it was normal for a couple of cool winds to rise at night.

At this time, a dark shadow had slipped towards the basement. While the patrolmen changed their posts, the dark shadow slipped down the stairs directly. As soon as they reached the basement, a pungent question came. It looks like the herbal smell of Chinese medicine, and it is a bit like the pungent taste of the chemical reaction after the medicine is mixed.

This is the lab of Aster.

The dark shadow slowly came to the door of the laboratory, and slowly pushed open the iron door. There was no light in it. In the dark, quiet air, there was a faint whisper. At the table, it seemed to be asleep.

The shadow slowly walked forward, very light, like a cat walking in the night, without a trace of movement.

The man in black covered his face and could not see his face clearly, but in view of her body shape, she should be a woman. At this moment, in her hand, she was holding a sharp blade and slowly walked towards Ziyu.

(End of this chapter)

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