Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1155: Assassination moment

The man in black is walking step by step towards Ziyan, the sharp blade in his hand is slowly raised, as if to take her life, a dozen seconds later, the woman in black has reached behind Ziyan, but Ziyan is not As a practitioner, as long as the sharp blade falls, her life is not guaranteed.

"Someone." Suddenly, Ziyan bounced off the table like a nightmare, shouted loudly, and instinctively looked back, the eyes of the two of them were together.

Most afraid of the sudden quiet of the air.

Zi Zheng looked at the person in front of her, her face was full of panic. At this moment, the person who was in fear may not only be her, but even the woman in black in front of her, it may be scared. There are no signs, it seems to be a momentary action.

"Someone." Ziyan screamed loudly. The woman in black saw the situation, clenched her sharp blade, and came straight to her, her legs softened and fell directly to the table, just avoiding the fatal blow, Ziyan I know that an ordinary person is quite lucky to be able to avoid a trick in front of a professionally trained assassin. Hurrying to the left side, before she turned over, there was a pain in her arm, subconsciously. The ground stretched out his hand, and there was a warmth in his hand. Although he couldn't see it, Ziyu also knew that it was blood.

Ziyu can't see everything in front of her, but the practitioner's night vision ability is very good. In a panic, Ziyu took the jar near the table and sprinkled it forward. Although invisible, it should be similar to powder or the like thing.

"Cough." The woman's coughing sound came from the air, which sounded very painful. Ziyan also felt that her nose and nose seemed to be on fire, and she couldn't stop coughing. When she was nervous, she forgot the bottle. What exactly is “powder”? After a second, Aster instinctively lowered his head and directly went under the table, using his limbs together, crawling towards the other side of the table.

"Look for death." In the darkness, Zi Yan heard the woman's cold voice, and now she heard it clearly, the other party was undoubtedly a woman.

"What kind of person are you," shouted Ziyan. On the one hand, she had to yell loudly to be brave. When people are extremely scared, their voices will become louder, as if two wild cats would compare each other. "Voice "To deter opponents, the same, a loud voice can also attract the attention of patrolmen. After some movement just now, you should have found something strange in the laboratory outside.

"Go to death." The woman in black didn't speak, she leaned down and got into the bottom of the table, trying to make up for the knife. Zi Zhi was so frightened that she moved her feet again and again. Keep mad.


At this time, the door of the laboratory was suddenly slammed open, and the lights above lit up violently, and Zi Zhi immediately saw the "Assassin" in front of her.

"Purple, you're all right." There was a shout of soul-killing in the air, and he pulled out a pistol from his pocket and pulled the trigger against the experimental table. At this moment, the woman in black was only one or two meters away from Viburnum However, Soul Killer is at the door of the laboratory. If he rushes over, I am afraid that he can only use a pistol, but he is also worried that the bullet will hit Aster, causing accidental injury, so Soul Killer aimed at the test bed and fired. "Stun" the assassin with the sound of gunfire.

Zi Yan was even more panicked at the sound of the gunfire. She seemed to have lost her sense of fright, and thought that the bullet was directed at her, and kept crawling under the table.

"Come on me." Soul extermination shouted, and several dark guards rushed forward immediately, and the woman in black snorted. The matter has reached this point, and the operation has failed. He took out two flashing shock bombs from his pocket. Throw it directly on the ground.

Bang, bang.

"Beware of shock bombs." Soul-killer shouted, leaning sideways instinctively, and only heard two muffled sounds, the two dark guards around him fell to the ground. After the effects of the flash shock bombs passed, the soul-killing bomber then In response, the assassin had rushed out of the laboratory.

"Hurry up, don't let her run away."

"Yes, sir." Several dark guards immediately chased them up. Although it was in the base, there was no blocking device inside, and the woman in black was fast in her body. If she tried to escape, it was not impossible. Run to the experimental table to see the condition of Aster.

"Ahhhh, don't come over." Zi Yan closed his eyes and kept his legs dangled, seeming to be really frightened.

"Ziyi, it's me." Desperate spirits carried her over. Zizhen came back to God after a long time.

"Why did you come here?" Ziyu in the arms of Soul of Destruction seemed to be crying out as if she had been wronged by Heaven.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Desperate soul quickly checked Ziyan's body, and sure enough, the wound on his arm caught his attention. The woman just now seems to be the same as the woman in black who attacked him in Baishan He said that there might be thousands of spider poisons on this knife.

"Ziyu ~ ~ Check it quickly for any poisoning," extorted Soul quickly.

"Oh, alright."


After half an hour.

"Purple, have you got anything wrong?" Mo Ji looked at the wound on her arm and was worried.

"Relax, there is no poison on the knife, just bandage it." Ziyu comforted everyone softly, her eyes were reddish, and she seemed to cry just now. It was hard for her. She was a little girl in the middle of the night. Assassination, of course, psychologically unbearable.

"People ... didn't catch it." Desperate soul came in a little lost, and said to everyone.

"Forget it, since the other party dares to come alone, it must also be a master. Since they can come, they must also think of a way out." Zi Zheng comforted, the person who was most wronged should be her, but she was comforting everyone.

"How the other side came in, Dark Guard and Yue Guard should be on patrol for 24 hours." The magic girl is quite puzzled. This is the base of the two halls, and the guards are strong, but the trip to Baishan killed many people. , The new dark guard is still training, perhaps because of this reason, so assassins have the opportunity to take advantage.

"In the grass outside, the body of the two-month guard was found. The other side should have killed the guard and sneaked in while changing posts," explained Soul Extermination.

"It's abominable, how could this happen," Moji Ji said.

"Wait a minute, how did she know our changing time?" Zi Yan said suddenly, and the crowd first looked at each other, and then turned into a look of sudden realization.

"Yeah, only the insiders should know the time of changing positions, how did she know?" Soul slammed his palm and shouted.

Everyone looked at each other, did they say that there were inner ghosts in the base.

(End of this chapter)

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