Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1256: angry

"This ... Xiao Xin, I'll go back later, please go back quickly, okay." Ye Shikai's tone was almost begging. He wanted to explain something to Su Qingyu, but now Chen Yuxin wants him to go home. ,so what should I do now.

"Xiao Kai, now you have no internal strength. What's your safety, let's be obedient." Chen Yuxin whispered in his ear.


"Okay, Miss Su. After a few days, Tianya Group will open the board of directors. We will see you then, and I will leave first." Chen Yuxin's tone faintly said, "The winner's toes are high." Su Qingyu She must have seen her crying, but did not say anything.

"Xiao Kai, let's go." Chen Yuxin directly "drag" Ye Shikai and left the reception. Several Chen's guards greeted immediately and surrounded the two groups. Ye Shikai had no internal strength, even if he wanted to stay, No way.

"Back to the mansion." Chen Yuxin "pushed" Ye Shikai into the car, and instructed the driver in front.

"Yes, the owner."

"Xiao Xin, what are you doing?" Ye Shikai quickly got rid of her arm.

"Xiao Kai, you want to talk to Su Qingyu." Chen Yuxin's face was so cold and scary, she turned her head and said coldly.

"Yes, so what, at least she and I are ... friends." Ye Shikai didn't flinch, and asked directly, however, when he said the word "friend", the tone changed obviously, yeah, if it is true He is only a friend. Does he care so much, and does he really just treat Su Qingyu as an old friend?

"Why are you?"

"If you ask me why, lower case, if you are just friends, why do you insist on staying, do you want to talk to her?" Chen Yuxin said coldly, she was really jealous, because Ye Shikai was still susceptible to Su Qingyu Ambiguous, Chen Yuxin is absolutely unacceptable. In fact, she is thinking too much. Ye Shikai and Su Qingyu are still ambiguous, but in the current situation, Ye Shikai will never pursue her again. Chen Yuxin is pregnant. If he wants to confess to Su Qingyu at this time, it is really a scum, but Ye Shikai is angry because Chen Yuxin's strength and arrogance are unreasonable. He doesn't like to be controlled, even if the other party is his wife. ...

"Then why did you bring me here?" Ye Shikai smiled bitterly, then slowly raised her head, eyes were hooked, looking directly at Chen Yuxin's eyes, and now a flash of guilty conscience flashed in her eyes, although fleeting, But Ye Shikai saw it.

"You said that I didn't like this reception, but at the beginning, you asked me to accompany you, and now you are pulling me away toughly." Ye Shikai mocked. "Isn't this ironic?"

"Also, you know that this reception is organized by the Yanjing Chamber of Commerce. It has gathered thousands of Yanjing entrepreneurs. Qingyu will definitely come, why did you let me come?"

"This ... how could I have thought so much before." To this day, Chen Yuxin is still quibbling. Why did she suddenly appear when the two talked? I am afraid that every move of Ye Shikai at the reception, Chen Yuxin is already well aware of it.

She was intentional. She deliberately let Ye Shikai and Su Qingyu meet, and then ... in the presence of Su Qingyu, took Ye Shikai away. For the purpose, maybe you want to be angry with Su Qingyu, or maybe "Warned" her.

"Xiao Xin, if you just want to anger her, then you are too naive. If you are warning her not to let her approach me, then you can rest assured that I have a sense of me." Ye Shikai almost roared There was a voice, and he thought that Chen Yuxin just wanted him to accompany him and go to the reception together. She didn't expect that she just wanted to hurt Su Qingyu.

Ye Shikai was unacceptable. Chen Yuxin actually made such an act. In the final analysis, why did she demonstrate to Su Qingyu? Isn't it because she was not assured of Ye Shikai? In the final analysis, Chen Yuxin still did not trust Ye Shikai. She is still not satisfied with her status. She wants to prove by selfish means that Ye Shikai loves her, not Su Qingyu.

"Let me get off." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"Impossible." Chen Yuxin grabbed his arm and made him unable to move.

"I don't want to say it again." Ye Shikai was almost warning that Chen Yuxin was still pregnant with the child. He didn't want to do anything, but objectively speaking, there was nothing he could do about Chen Yuxin.

"If I let go, you will really leave." Chen Yuxin's tone was a bit indifferent and a little chilling.

"Xiao Kai, it's my fault, I shouldn't be angry with her, you should forgive me." Chen Yuxin tried to apologize, but Ye Shikai was angry, how could she hear her justification, her hands kept struggling, wanting Get rid of her.

"Let me go and get me off."

"Xiao Kai, you forced me, so don't blame me." Chen Yuxin suddenly let go of her hand, and before Ye Shikai reacted, her palms were chopped down towards her neck, almost instantly, Ye Shikai's eyes darkened, Son lost consciousness.

Chen Yuxin put down her delicate hand, it is hard to imagine that with such a pair of hands, she would have such great strength. At this time, her tears fell down, and there was still a trace in her eyes.

"Homeowner, aunt he ..." Chen Ruoya turned to the back seat and asked.

"Relax, he just fainted, Ruoya, drive to the airport, and let the airport's special plane rush to prepare, I will take him personally." Chen Yuxin said lightly.

"Yes, the owner."


When Ye Shikai opened his eyes again ~ ~ and found that the people around him were dark, no fingers were seen, and it was dark. He was sure that he had not been blindfolded, which was strange. Is it already ... .

Moving his hands and feet, Ye Shikai was suddenly shocked that his limbs could not move, and the sound of a metal collision was also made. His limbs were bound by handcuffs.

"What's the situation." Ye Shikai couldn't help exclaiming, struggling hard, but it was useless. If it was so easy to break free, the handcuffs would not be a vase.

Ye Shikai calmed down quickly. He was lying flat, but not a bed. It was more like a seat, except that the backrest was flat. But where is this?

Suddenly, Ye Shikai felt a tremor in his body, not only the body, but also the chair trembled. Is there an earthquake? Ye Shikai turned his head, and a silver light shot in through the window. Now, he finally understood that In a plane, the tremor just now should be the sway of the airframe when it encounters airflow.


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