Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1257: Tangled

"But, why am I here?" Ye Shikai looked around curiously. Unfortunately, except for the moonlight outside the window, there was no light source, no internal force, and he had no night vision ability. The surroundings were quiet and a little moving. None, the limbs have been imprisoned again. If ordinary people encounter this situation, they will be very panicked, but Ye Shikai is still calm. Although his head is drowsy, he is still carefully remembering how he passed out before, as if ...

It's Chen Yuxin.

Ye Shikai reacted violently. At that time, he was sitting in the car, and was beaten by Chen Yuxin's neck, and then ... passed out.

That being said, all this is done by Chen Yuxin. It is not the first time Ye Shikai has encountered this situation. Once Chen Yuxin's mood is out of control, he will do this. Now he has no internal strength. What Chen Yuxin wants to do, he There is no room to fight back.

"Xiao Xin, Chen Yuxin, where are you." Ye Shikai roared loudly, and wanted to attract attention, this should be the special plane of the Chen family, so there should be monitoring here.

But for a long time, no one, no voice, Ye Shikai seemed to be left here.

Damn it.

Ye Shikai shook his wrists violently, the handcuffs were tight, and his wrists were brutally bloody. This was also the case when Chen Yuxin stabbed him last time. Until now, the wounds on Ye Shikai's wrists have not been completely clear. , And now it hurts again.

After a while, Ye Shikai also gave up completely. Anyway, here is the plane, which will land sooner or later. At that time, Chen Yuxin will naturally come out and tell him clearly.

But ... where is the destination of this plane? Ye Shikai doesn't know the current position of the plane at all, the only thing that can be known is that it is night.

"But at the reception before, it was already night." Ye Shikai murmured to himself, if it was daytime, Ye Shikai could guess how long the plane had flown and the distance to the destination.

At the same time, in the other cabin of the aircraft, Chen Yuxin was sitting on a chair. Of course she knew Ye Shikai's every move, and she was very distressed. At least, Ye Shikai's wrist was really bleeding, but she couldn't go to treat him, even She did not dare to go in. Actually, she stopped the plane for half an hour while she was at the airport. During this time, she had been sitting in the special plane, hesitating her decision, and frankly, she could n’t Sure, Ye Shikai will forgive her after she learns about it.

However, it now appears that Chen Yuxin has chosen a radical path.

Although she made this decision hard, Chen Yuxin was afraid. Although she was only a wall away from Ye Shikai, she just dared not go in. She was afraid to hear Ye Shikai's cursing and complaining. It was like a primary school student who did not pass the exam at home. There was a fierce psychological struggle at the door.

"Xiao Kai, I just hope you can understand me, don't blame me." Chen Yuxin murmured softly, slowly stood up, leaned against the door, and faintly heard Ye Shikai's shout ...


"Master Luna, something went wrong." Among the bases of the Hades and Luna Temple, Nightmare rushed into the conference room excitedly.

"What's wrong, say slowly, don't get excited." Ji Qian was a little puzzled, and Nightmare was always calm. This look really did not fit his usual style.

"Received the information just now, Lord Pluto ... he was taken away."

"What are you talking about?" Ji Qian yelled and stood up from her chair. "What the **** is going on, make it clear."

"The dark guard also just received the information. The Chen family's special plane suddenly took off half an hour ago."

"What, how can this be, where is the destination." Ji Qian asked as she walked out.

"It's not clear ... the private jet's itinerary, we can't investigate, the worm is stepping up to crack, but ... even if the destination is predicted, they can change the route at any time in the air."

"Hurry up, call everyone who can bring it, we will go to the airport immediately." Ji Qian put on a coat and hurried out.

"Yes, all Darkguard Moonguards gather."

Suddenly, although the guards of the two halls were elite, they were human and could not be “tele-shifted”, so the nightmare let the members outside to meet at the airport.

"Elder Chen, get Ji's special plane ready. Also, tell my father that I'm going out of the country and will be back as soon as possible."

"This ... Miss, please think twice, or let me discuss it with the owner."

"No, time is short, my father will understand." Ji Qian didn't want to explain. Ji Tao was of course worried about her safety. After all, she was the eldest daughter she loved. Although he knew Ji Qian's ability, he was a parent, especially ... What Ji Qian has to do is not only useless to herself, but also useless to her family. Instead, her life will be in danger.

"Well then, sir, I will let a team of White Mist Army follow you. If the owner agrees, I will personally go to protect you."

"All right, Elder Chen."

Yanjing, the airport.

"Please check the destination of this flight." Ji Qian handed a document to the staff at the airport. With the identity of Ji's family, Ji Qian would like to inquire about any information. The airport staff in front of the computer took a look at Ji Qian, and his face immediately awed.

"This ... Miss Ji, this plane belongs to the Chen family. Its information is also confidential. I ..."

"Why, can you offend me if you can't offend the Chen family?" Ji Qian gave a cold glance, and the man immediately lowered his head. This aura was too strong. It's no wonder, Miss Ji's family, just this name The head is already worth countless people.

"Although you check, if the Chen family is in trouble, report my name."

"Okay ... please wait."

After half a minute ~ ~ what, North America. "

"Ji ... Miss Ji, this is true, I dare not lie."

"Abominable, it turned out to be this city." Ji Qian looked at the address on the file, and her expression became more dignified.

"Master Luna, what happened?"

"The Temple of the King of Gods is in this city." Ji Qian crumpled the paper in her hand. It seems that Chen Yuxin really intends to send Ye Shikai to the Temple of the King of Gods, which is really a vicious woman.

"What, that's Zeus's place." After listening to it, Nightmare was anxious. "If this is the case, as I and the soul-stealer, once I get off the plane, I'm afraid it will be discovered by Zeus."

"No, we have to go, and we have to hurry up." Ji Qian calmed down and said firmly.

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