Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1259: Miscalculated

"No, what do you want to do?" Ye Shikai stepped back two steps, regardless of the wound on his hand. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the woman in front of him was extremely dangerous. Although Chen Yuxin smiled very well, it was a true one. Buckled Demon.

"Come here, help your aunt." Chen Yuxin waved his hand gently, and several tall Chen family guards came in from outside and walked quickly to Ye Shikai.

"What do you want to do? Give me a break." Ye Shikai wanted to break free, but he had no internal strength, and was not Chen's guard at all. He was caught by the two for a few moments, but he struggled, but Useless.

"Chen Yuxin, you let them let me go." Ye Shikai scolded, because even because he was angry, he even called Chen Yuxin's name directly.

"Send your aunt," Chen Yuxin said lightly. The two guards easily left Ye Shikai and left the cabin. Ye Shikai couldn't get rid of them, but the two of them flew up onto the car. Before he could react, his hands were handcuffed again. Bound.


Chen Yuxin opened the door and sat next to Ye Shikai. She didn't seem to be worried that Ye Shikai would move against her. Indeed, Ye Shikai had no internal strength and her hands were shackled. There was no threat to Chen Yuxin at all.

"Go ahead."

"Yes, the owner." Except for Chen Yuxin and Ye Shikai, there were only Chen Ruoya driving in front of the car. As for Chen's guards, they all sat in other cars.

"Wait, where are you taking me?" Ye Shikai asked quickly, and to this day, he is still confused. He knows nothing but North America.

"You will know when you meet, Xiaokai, for the next period of time, we may be temporarily separated." Chen Yuxin uttered an astonishment and suddenly smiled "Xiaokai, when you come back next time, my child and I will wait It's yours. "

"What, what are you talking about?" Ye Shikai was shocked at hearing what it meant. Chen Yuxin was more than seven months before giving birth. Ye Shikai's mind had a very bad hunch. Why did Chen Yuxin bring him up? I came to North America from afar, why did I use this method, instead of going to the new base of the Chen Group, and then contacting Chen Yuxin just now, Ye Shikai gradually understood.

Chen Yuxin is under house arrest in North America.

In North America, the largest cultivation force is the Temple of the King of Zeus. This is also Ye Shikai ’s great enemy. Although he has repeatedly fought and lost more, he still fails to destroy Zeus, just like a weed. The eradication was complete and soon "revived".

"Are you going to give me Zeus?" Although Ye Shikai wasn't sure, he chose to test it out. As Chen Yuxin, he should not know Zeus' power.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ...

Chen Yuxin did not answer, however, this already "answered" Ye Shikai's question.

"Ah." Ye Shikai tried to get rid of the handcuffs. The wounds on his wrists touched the metal, causing him to sweat and his face turned pale.

"Xiao Kai, put your hands away quickly." Chen Yuxin held out her hand and did not let Ye Shikai break free again. If the wound was rubbed in such a way, it would have been a minor injury and would become "serious injury".

"You're crazy, Zeus wants to kill me, don't you know?" Ye Shikai roared loudly, and he was about to lose his mind. It never occurred to Chen Yuxin that such a thing would happen to Zeus. Isn't this a dead end? .

"Xiao Kai, how can I hurt you, Zeus will not hurt you. On the contrary, he will protect your safety." Although Chen Yuxin's words are very good, Ye Shikai doesn't think so. If she wants to protect simply, Hades Many people are more than enough to protect him. Why do you want to find Zeus? In the final analysis, what Chen Yuxin really guards is the Hades and the Temple of the Moon.

"You bullshit." Ye Shikai cursed loudly, since Chen Yuxin got married, he has rarely been so swearing.

It's early morning. It takes a long time to fly from Yanjing to North America. Ye Shikai calms down. Ji Qian will definitely find an abnormality. If she didn't guess wrong, she should have brought someone by now, but it will be later than the special plane of the Chen family. For a few hours, the phone used by Ji Qian for emergency contact was not around, what should I do?

Ye Shikai's eyes murmured, there are worms in the Hades. With his ability, as long as he invaded the monitoring system, he should be able to know his every move.

"I'm hungry, I have to eat first." Ye Shikai said aloud, if time is delayed, maybe he can really be brought to Ji Qian to save people.

"Okay, I know there is a restaurant nearby, it tastes very good, Ruoya, go to the restaurant first."

"Yes, the owner."

"Xiao Kai, don't think too much, I know you want to wait for Miss Ji to come." Then, a word from Chen Yuxin made Ye Shikai's heart tremble.

"Truth tell you, she won't come, and she won't come."

"What did you say?" Ye Shikai shouted in shock.


Yanjing, National Security Bureau.

"Miss, the matter has been dealt with, and I can explain the situation, and I can leave now." Chen Ligong came to Ji Qian and explained.

"What about them?" Ji Qian pointed to the nightmare crowd.

"You can also leave together." Chen Ligong continued. "We found out that it was indeed the Chen family's information provided to the National Security Bureau, but ... there was no evidence."

"Abominable, it really was the plan set by that woman, in order to delay us." Ji Qian looked at his watch and came to the National Security Bureau. Even if the special plane can take off now, it has been delayed by at least five or six hours. It was enough time for Chen Yuxin to send Ye Shikai to the Temple of the King of God.

"Abominable." Ji Qian could not help cursing, got up and left to leave "everyone ~ ~ head to the airport immediately."

"Miss, wait a minute." Chen Ligong stopped her suddenly.

"Is there anything else?"


At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and an old man in white slowly walked in, followed by several members of the White Mist Army.



"Huh, why, you still know me." That's right, the owner is Ji Jia, Ji Tao, turned around and glanced at the house. "It's so loud."

"Father, you know." Ji Qian felt a little headache. Although Ji Tao had not forcibly interfered with his decision, he always reminded Ji Qian to ask her to pay attention to the "distance" from Ye Shikai.

"It's all gone to the National Security Bureau. Why didn't I know that it was a misunderstanding. Since it's okay, hurry home. Yuer heard that you are at the National Security Bureau and worried at home."

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