Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1260: Personal matters

"No, I still have urgent matters at hand." Ji Qian shook her head and refused. Ye Shikai's matter was already anxious, and there could be no further delay, saying that Ji Qian would not cancel the plan.

"It's for the kid of the Ye family." Ji Tao sighed, and really didn't expect that Ye Shikai had married Chen Yuxin, and his eldest daughter still fell in love with him, and even took the "foundation" for so many years. Come out and fight with the Chen family.

Of course, Ji Qian doesn't care about Luna's position, but she won't make fun of Yue Wei. She has been fighting side by side for so long. There are still feelings. In these days, Ji Qian also uses the resources of Ji Family to try to bring Yue Wei Integrate with Ji's family and become her personal guard.

I took these moon guards alone to enter the Temple of North American Gods, and it was not their own place. There was no reinforcement or retreat. Basically, it was equivalent to death.

"Father, he is in a very dangerous situation. He saved me countless times, and this time I will also save him." Ji Qian uttered a word and was very powerful. If Ye Shikai really went to the Temple of God, it was Yang Ru Hukou, Chen Yuxin is also a silly woman, do you really believe Zeus's rumors?

Zeus has been jealous of Ye Shikai for a long time. If he really went, and had no internal force, and no helper, then Zeus would not have done what he wanted.

If Chen Yuxin is standing in front of her, Ji Qian will scold her for a meal, or even beat her directly.

"Do you really just want to repay." Ji Tao has already seen Ji Qian's thoughts, and repayment is too fake. Both of them already have skin-kindness. Have you heard of reciprocity between male and female friends? Ji Qian still loved Ye Shikai so she couldn't let go of him.

From the perspective of a father, it would be extremely fortunate for a daughter to find a man who is in love and capable, as a husband. In such a large family, marriage is still indispensable. It is not because of this that Chen Yuxin is the only one. Climb up and fight for the position of the homeowner, otherwise her fate must be arranged for the man of the wealthy family, even the marriage can not be the master, if the subject looks good, it is fine, if you encounter a fat and strong, full mouth The old man with yellow teeth, the woman also had no room to discuss with the family, just like a cargo, was married directly.

雨 Chen Yuxin was so desperate to become the owner at the beginning, Ye Shikai was her motivation, but now she is the owner, but she is slowly losing Ye Shikai ...

Ji Qian had a conflict with Ji Tao when she was a child. She went abroad not long after she was an adult. This has always been a scar in Ji Tao's heart. As a father, this hurt is huge. Fortunately, Ji Qian is now Come back, so Ji Tao will not force her to "family marriage". As for Ji Yu's little girl, she may not have such good luck, but judging from her last time with Zheng Zheng, it is a big deal. Ji Qian, the elder sister, "complained."

However, Ji Tao's non-interference in Ji Qian's relationship does not mean that she will not let it go. In particular, if Ye Shikai, Ji Qian and Chen Yuxin fought, and Chen Ji broke their faces, he couldn't ignore it. Families, looking down and not looking up, and in the traditional Chinese conception, Ji Qian's identity is regarded as "Primary Three". The big family pays great attention to fame. If Ji Qian had to entangle with Ye Shikai, Ji Tao would certainly intervene.

"Qian Er, he is a man with a family. If you persist, there is no result at all." Ji Tao sighed, holding a cane, and couldn't stop tapping on the ground. It was really bitter.

"If you were married abroad, and I will come back together now, I will definitely not oppose. On the contrary, I would be happy to accept this son-in-law, but now it is different. He first married Su Qingyu and Chen Yuxin, and the whole Yanjing No one in the business world knows it, no one knows it, and it's no exaggeration to say that he is notorious. "Ji Tao said more and more angry." In short, if you are with him, I ... 11 million disagree, hum . "

"If you don't agree, it doesn't matter, I'll go by myself." Ji Qian said coldly, and then walked straight away from him, she never expected Ji Tao to help, frankly, Ji Qian did not want Ji Tao shot, she only took Yuewei, indicating that this was her personal grudge with Chen Yuxin. If Ji Tao intervened, it would be a struggle between the two families. She did not want to involve so many people in the entire family because of her own behavior. .

"Homeowner, Miss has always been opinionated. Since she has decided, it should not be stopped anymore. North America is not our place. If Miss has an accident there, I am afraid ... there are so many evils." Chen Ligong said aside.

"Lao Chen, you're right. I know some of Zeus's information. There should be a contradiction between him and Ye Shikai's kid, but ... why did Chen Yuxin send him to North America? "Ji Tao was puzzled. Although the Ji family had information, of course Ji Tao did not know the matter between Chen Yuxin and Ye Shikai.

"Lao Chen ~ ~ You take a team of White Mist Army and follow them to protect Qian'er's safety." Ji Tao hesitated a moment, or ordered, he can't let Ji Qian be hurt a little bit. If he really got to the point of family conflict, he would admit it.


"Miss, the owner asked me to protect you." Chen Ligong brought dozens of members of the Baiwu Army to the airport with Ji Qian and others. Ji Tao asked Chen Ligong to come forward and also represented Ji's family. I only hope Chen Yuxin sees Ji After the family intervened, they could "take a step back", presumably Chen Yuxin should not want the two to fall out.

"It's really hard for you, Elder Chen." Ji Qian bowed to him slightly. With the help of Chen Ligong and Bai Wujun, they went to North America to deal with Zeus, and they had more confidence, but ... because in Guoan The bureau delayed the best time, and now they are too late to go.

"Master Luna, the plane has been refueled, I will let the brothers get in first." Nightmare said.

"Alright, you take them up first." Ji Qian turned to look at Chen Ligong. "Elder Chen, the plane's position is limited, it may be hard for you."

"Miss, don't worry, this is just a trivial matter." Chen Ligong waved his hands, and the dark guard, the moon guard, and the Baiwu Army, there were hundreds of people. The special plane of the Chen family was really "inexplicable". .

"Miss, in fact, the owner is still very concerned about you, please do not regenerate his anger."

"I've never been angry with him, and I understand ... he has his troubles."

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