Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1268: Within

Ye Shikai does not like to eat Western food. He prefers to use chopsticks rather than knives and forks. A metal table knife can become a "small weapon", but for a practitioner, chopsticks can also be a weapon. However, Ye Shikai It's just an ordinary person now.

If you want to use this knife to kill people, of course it is impossible, let alone a knife, even if you use a chainsaw to use Ye Shikai ’s body, you ca n’t hurt any practitioner. What Ye Shikai wants is the fork. After finishing the meal in a hurry, Ye Shikai secretly hid the fork in his sleeve and wiped his mouth pretending to be "easy".

"Okay, you can take things away." Ye Shikai pressed the bell, several waiters hurried in, put the dinner plate on the dining car, and pushed out the door.

"By the way, this is not good. I'm going to eat Chinese food. You can get an old duck soup. Stew for a while, remember." Ye Shikai coughed twice, listening to his voice with dissatisfaction.

"Why, this can't be done. If I told Zeus, you guys can't eat and walk around." Ye Shikai saw everyone hesitant, and suddenly slamming the table, it scared them, Zeus was in their eyes, but "God", if Ye Shikai really sue, they will feel better.

"Mr. Ye please wait, we will do it." Several waiters responded again and again. "Please do not tell Master Zeus, we will do it immediately."

"It's almost the same. Hurry up and send it to me. Otherwise, you're not safe." Ye Shikai cursed loudly. Actually, what he wanted was certainly not an old duck soup. After being scared just now, these waiters should "fart "Bang Fang Bian" ran over to stew the soup, and it took several hours for a stew. During this time, there should be fewer people guarding him. During this time, he was able to escape.

After the waiters left, Ye Shikai took the hidden fork from his sleeve, bent several of his feet, and left only one of them. Using this was enough to pry the lock. Frankly, if he hadn't been to Longya, he would have been a "master of pry locks".

Ye Shikai listened to the outside movement. From the keyhole, you can see the situation in the outer corridor. Ye Shikai was relieved. He put the "processed" fork into the hole, and gently moved a few times, and heard a crisp sound. Metal rings.

It's done.

Ye Shikai twisted his handle, but didn't rush to open the door. This is the old nest of the King's Palace. It would be ridiculous to escape with a fork.

Hey, hey, hey.

At this time, a sudden rush of footsteps came from outside, and Ye Shikai could not help but cursed, quickly locked the door again, hid the fork, and lay directly in bed to play the game.

Suddenly, after the footsteps came to the door, it stopped abruptly. Ye Shikai knew very well that someone was standing outside the door. Although he didn't know who it was, Ye Shikai was not worried. Maybe, another guard was watching him.


Then, what Ye Shikai didn't expect was that the doorway was opened. Ye Shikai turned his head curiously, and then the appearance of the man in front of him really surprised him.

"Ghost, how could it be you." Ye Shikai could not help but shouted, got up from the bed in excitement, and even ran without shoes.

"See Lord Pluto."

"Okay, hurry up." Ye Shikai watched the door vigilantly, and when no one followed, quickly closed the door.

"Ghost shadow, why are you here?" Ye Shikai asked curiously. At this juncture, when he met his men, Ye Shikai almost burst into tears.

"That's right, Ms. Chen asked the" Shadow "agency to send masters and stayed in the Temple of God with Mrs. Chen's parents in order to protect the safety of adults. Fortunately, I happened to be among these people." The ghost rushed to explain that he was speaking very quickly, and he could see that it was not easy to sneak into it.

"It turned out that it was really hard for you, how about it, it wasn't discovered."

"No, I lurk very well, I really didn't expect that Miss Chen would send the adult to Zeus, his subordinates ... can't stand it." The ghost seemed to be unable to swallow this breath, but in the final analysis, Chen Yuxin is incumbent After the dead, ghosts are not good at making evaluations, they can only be "unhappy."

"It doesn't matter. This is my business. You only need to be responsible for completing the task." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"My lord, my nightmare makes me act on camera. These days, I have been lurking in the Temple of the King of God, looking for a way to escape."

"Now, I have planned an escape route. I bought a guard of the God King's Palace, and let him open the door late at night, and his subordinates will make sure that the adults escape." Ghost Shadow continued, "Now, Luna Hundreds of adults, Lord God of War, and Lord Nightmare, have assembled outside the Temple of the King of God, and there must be no problems inside and outside. "

"This ..." Ye Shikai still hesitated. In recent days, he has begun to give up a bit, because in his heart it is expected that Ji Qian and others will not be able to break into this gold-filled temple of the king. However, the arrival of ghosts will give It gave him confidence.

"Sir, success or failure is here. Don't hesitate. Your subordinates will make sure that the adults are free." Ghost Yingwei said "swearing" powerfully.

"Well then, now that you have a plan, I'll bet with you." Ye Shikai closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

"Okay, eleven o'clock tonight, please get ready in the room."


Outside the Temple of the King of Gods ~ ~ Ji Qian and Zeus did not have a fierce conflict. After all, she came to save people. Naturally, it is necessary to consider Ye Shikai's security issues. Therefore, she ordered everyone to concentrate on the God King Outside the hall, the confrontation news of several main gods was also distributed to the underground world. These days, many practitioners have rushed from all directions, perhaps "watching" or maybe wanting to participate directly in the "gods" Battle. "

"Nightmare, are your people sure?" Wang Kai looked at him seriously in the conference room.

"He is the best lurker under me, Lord Ares, Lord Luna. If this operation is unsuccessful, I have to rescue the nightmare even if I lost my life." Nightmare suddenly stood from his seat. When I got up, it seemed that I had signed a "military order."

"Ghost shadows do have a set of skills. They have been lurking in the" shadow "organization for so long, but they have not been found. I believe him." Ji Qian's frown slowly relaxed, and she should help, of course, no matter how good, But can Zeus save him so easily?


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