Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1269: Run away

Once the operation fails, with the power of ghosts, he is definitely not an opponent of Zeus and the King of God's Hall. At that time, Ye Shikai is also unable to survive.

Of course Ji Qian wants to save Ye Shikai, but of course, the premise is to ensure Ye Shikai's safety. In fact, Ji Qian is still unwilling to take risks in her heart. Anyway, she is not the kind of profitable person. If she can use money to satisfy Yes, it might as well satisfy Zeus, but he said that letting people go for half a year, which Ji Qian couldn't accept, even for a month, she was unwilling to wait.

"Nightmare, take someone to act. Those present, whoever you need, let anyone go with you." Ji Qian waved her hand, and since Zeus has no sincerity to negotiate, it can only be "wealth insurance" "Seek".

"Thank you Lord Luna for your trust. According to the ghost plan, at 11:30 in the evening, he will take the adult out of the main entrance of the Temple of God."

"How is it possible, the main entrance of the Temple of God, that is the facade of Zeus. The guard on duty alone has no less than fifty people. From there, how can it be possible, and the boss is still ..." He took it back, and Ye Shikai ’s loss of internal force was too "big". Except for a few related people, even some members of the Hades, did not know about it, everyone also expressed doubts about the ghost plan, God King If the main entrance of the palace slipped out so easily, the masters of their three palaces would have rushed in already.

"Yeah, nightmare, is this too risky, where is it so easy, even if it is the same as the ghost image, he bought the guard of the temple of the King of God, and when one of them finds an abnormality, both of them will Will die directly at the door. "Maggie echoed.

"If you use the Moonlight Array, you may be able to hold it for a while." Selena suddenly said that the Moonlight Array is one of the secret methods of the Temple of the Moon. Both Ji Qian and Serena use it, but Ji Qian uses the water element and gem method. The staff can exert more power of the formation, and can even resist the attack of a dozen people.

"But the other side is Zeus, even if I use my full strength, it may not be able to block the blow of the divine spirit." Ji Qian sighed, although unwilling, but the strength of Zeus is beyond doubt, if Ye Shikai does not need to use the sword and ecstasy , The two are also undifferentiated, Ji Qian is definitely not his opponent, but if you add Wang Kai and Nightmare, you should be able to beat him barely.

But the crux of the problem lies in Ye Shikai's safety. If he is found before leaving the Temple of God, countless guards of the Temple of God will surround them like a tide, and there is also the elders of the Chen family and the "Shadow" in the Temple of the King. "The killer of the agency.

"Also, everyone in the Three Temples is ready to rescue them."

"Yes, my subordinates obey."


Night fell.

Ye Shikai's treatment was not bad. Zeus did not imprison him like a prisoner. He just arranged four guards at the door and changed shifts every hour. The ghost plan is to use the guards to change the four guards after the shift. Kill and then rescue Ye Shikai. Although there is monitoring on it, ghosts are already prepared, and the line will be destroyed one minute before the operation.

Ye Shikai was lying alone on the bed, gazing at the ceiling in the dark. Speaking, he never thought that he would have such a day. Speaking, it was exactly the cycle of cause and effect, good reincarnation in the heavens, and who was spared by the sky Ye Shikai knocked down so many opponents before, and there will be such a day after all.

Bang bang.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Ye Shikai looked at the clock on the wall. It was not too long after 11 o'clock. According to the plan, the ghost image should be coming soon.

Hey, hey, hey.

Ye Shikai heard the knock on the door and rushed forward to open the door. As expected, the ghost had a sharp blade, and four guard corpses lay in the corridor outside.

"Master, let's go quickly." Ghost Shadow passed the dagger to Ye Shikai, with a dignified tone. Although the two did not meet much, they are now linked by fate. Ghost Shadow is loyal to him, and he is even willing to use life as a bet. To save him, Ye Shikai said that he should not give up anything. Although there is no internal force, he is still the Pluto and still the Pluto Lord worshipped by thousands of people.

"Go." Ye Shikai clenched his dagger tightly, even if he had no internal force, he also had martial arts. These were learned in Longya. Ye Shikai had to prove to everyone that he was not a wasteful man without the power of a chicken.

There are many guards patrolling in the Temple of the King of Gods. If they both lurk out, they cannot be found, so they cannot be mixed into battle. Moreover, the monitoring is destroyed by ghosts, and it will not be discovered before long, so they cannot Staying too long, at most five minutes, they have to leave.

The ghost was a latent master. Under his guidance, the two successfully approached the door. Sure enough, there was a guardian of the king of the king's temple. He looked vigilantly at the surrounding movement. The ghost saw the people coming and did not avoid it. Instead, he took Ye Shikai and went up. It seemed that he was the guard of the **** king palace that had been bought.

"I will open the door later. You only have one minute to remember. Be fast." The guard seemed nervous when he saw the arrival of the two. After all, this behavior was in the Temple of the King, but Take a small life.

"Of course, thank you very much. After the incident is over, I must thank you again." Ghost Nodded and said, the guard took the two of them to a door, took out the keys from his pockets, and was planning to insert the keys. Keyholes, ghosts do not dare to slack off, and the sooner they are about to succeed, the more vigilant they must be.


Suddenly ~ ~ There was a sound of wind breaking in the air. When the ghost and Ye Shikai slowed down, the guard's movement had come to a standstill, and he looked at the sharp pointed blade on his chest in amazement. From the back through the heart.


The heart was destroyed, and the guard could not survive, and fell straight to the ground.

"Be careful." The ghost snarled, rushed up, twisted the key to his head, and pushed the door open.

"Master, hurry up, I'll cover you." Ghost Shadow pulled Ye Shikai up, and the two rushed out.

"Come on, someone escapes." At the same time, the guard of the God King's Palace also noticed the anomaly here, shouting loudly, at the same time, a sharp alarm sounded, and Ye Shikai's heart was cold. They have just left the gate of the Temple of the King of Gods, at least one kilometer away from the residence of the Three Temples.

"Master, run away." Ghost Shadow rushed out of Ye Shikai, and the guards behind him chased after him.

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