Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1278: Anti-robbing

Ye Shikai reacted immediately. These should be local hooligans. In any city, whether it is advanced or backward, there will be such a "group". They are also the "evil disease" of this city, but these people Is she really blind or blind? Ye Shikai is covered with clothes all over her. Can't they see them? Want to rob, if there is something to rob.

After thinking about it, Ye Shikai also figured out that those who are rich and powerful can not be robbed. In addition to obtaining financial affairs, they are ugly, but also satisfy their personal low quality. Popular, it is bullying. chant.

Foreigners like Ye Shikai who are "less penniless" have undoubtedly become their targets.

But this time, they chose the wrong target. Strictly speaking, Ye Shikai's situation of "no penniness" is an accident. He is not really without money. If Hades can find him, all these lives will be lost. Here, neither, he is not a receptive air bag, Zeus can deal with him, does not mean that he has fallen to the point where a few small scum can ride on his neck.

Ye Shikai refuted angrily, several people looked at each other, and unexpectedly a sleeping guy was so hot-tempered that he was not afraid of facing three **** men.

"Smelly kid." One of them directly punched his fist. Ye Shikai seized the opportunity to sideways and dodged. His backhand was a punch on the bridge of his nose.


Although there is no internal force, Ye Shikai's physical quality is also better than ordinary people, and he has also received professional training. Even if there are three strong men in front of him, he can also cope with it, but ... he has not eaten for a day. , But it is a bit hungry.

Ye Shikai's nose was slammed as a result of that person's achievements. His nosebleed ran down like water from a tap. Ye Shikai didn't hesitate to take off, taking advantage of the situation, and kicked him away.

"Up." The two next to him were regarded as reacting. It seems that they were looking down at the Chinese man in front of them. They did not bother to deal with the injured companion, and they scrambled over from both sides to set their posture.

Ye Shikai turned around and attacked. He walked behind a man, stepped behind his knee, and suddenly made him kneel on the ground, lifted his knees, and leaned against his neck. If it wasn't for Ye Shikai's internal force, just now One stroke of his knee is enough to be fatal.

An action was flowing, and one person fell in an instant. The remaining person had not even reacted, and he was left alone around him. Even a fool, he should be aware that Ye Shikai is by no means an ordinary person. Putting down two big guys, they must have kung fu.

In response to that sentence, the fierce beasts always walked alone, and the cattle and sheep flocked in groups. There was no advantage in numbers. The remaining man's heart was filled with endless fear, and he suddenly sat on the ground with his hand over his head. Department, curled up into a ball.

"Huh." Ye Shikai gave a cold sigh. Sure enough, these people are just bullying, but he is not the kind of ruthless person who cuts the grass and roots.

"go away."

"Okay, okay, let's go immediately." After hearing the three, it seemed as if they were about to be amnesty. They thought they would be beaten. Ye Shikai let them go, and the three helped each other.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, Ye Shikai yelled, and the movement of the three people stopped suddenly. They were worried whether Ye Shikai would repent.

"Are you guys rich?"

After listening for a few moments, they quickly took out the money on their bodies, shoved it into Ye Shikai's hands, and then left the underground passage like escape.

"Cut, I'm afraid of it." Ye Shikai said disdain, but looked at a few change tickets in his hand, he suddenly felt a sense of blessing due to misfortune, at least do not have to sleep hungry tonight, there should be twenty-four here Convenience stores that are open for hours, although not much change on hand, are enough for a day.

After twenty minutes.

Ye Shikai ate hot chicken rolls, looked at the city map by the dim lights in the underground passage, and came to the so-called "three no matter areas". The next step is to consider how to reach Ji in a "safe" way. Qian, if you use a passerby's phone rashly, the location information may be known to Zeus first. It is a pity. If Ji Qian told him the hotel's location, Ye Shikai could find it by herself.

In such a large city, people fall into it and want to find it, just like finding a needle in a haystack.

"No matter what." Ye Shikai gathered the map together. Speaking of these local lumps, it was "easy to make money." It was so easy to get a day's worth of food. In fact, Ye Shikai was unwilling to "grab". Those three people, but there is no way, he is really penniless. He has no money to eat. Besides, these people have disturbed his sleep in the middle of the night and should always be compensated.

I can only comfort myself this way. Ye Shikai leaned against the wall, no sleep, and wandered like a lonely soul on the street. The city looks beautiful, but there are still many invisible and visible inside Danger.

If Ye Shikai really had no power to bind chickens, then today he would really be searched and penniless, not even the clothes on his body.

Suddenly, Ye Shikai felt a "movement" behind him, but now it was deeper in the middle of the night, and he turned around, and a good guy, a dozen people were walking towards him, there were no one else on the road, these people must be looking for themselves, and sure enough, among the crowd There are the three people before.

It looks like ~ ~ They can't fight back to move the soldiers. It's no wonder that they were beaten at their own site, they couldn't swallow this breath.

Ye Shikai didn't dodge. The standard of a mature man is not to pick things up, but he shouldn't be afraid of them.

Ye Shikai stood on the spot, looking at a dozen people around him, without the slightest fear on his face, and finished eating the food in his mouth.

"What kind of person are you?" Ye Shikai didn't expect that the leading black man could speak Chinese, even though it was lame, but he still understood it.

"Beggar." Ye Shikai waved his hands, anyway, to this point, the identity is not important at all, but he seems to ignore a point, this dress is worn out of the Temple of God, but the brand name, just one A coat is worth more than 10,000 yuan, where a normal beggar can afford such expensive clothes.

"You hurt my man." The man continued.

"That's when they should fight, and they want to come and rob me." Ye Shikai snorted coldly, looking at a dozen people around him. They should have a lot of money ...

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