Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1279: Xiao En Xiao Hui

Ye Shikai suddenly felt that this "starting from scratch" method was simple and rude enough, it was like ... playing games, brushing monsters, getting money, getting treasures, etc. Of course, Ye Shikai is not a robber, but since it is a gift Come to the door, do not fight for nothing.

But one thing, Ye Shikai has to pay attention to. This is North America, not Huaxia. The confusion here is also different from other places. It is very fierce, and they still have firearms in their hands.

Ye Shikai is just an ordinary person now. If someone took out a pistol, he would be cold.

Ye Shikai put his posture in place, and he would have to see what these people are going to do. If he really wants to fight, then he has to consider whether it is cost-effective.

"Hey, do you want to join us?" While Ye Shikai was thinking, the leader of the other party suddenly said in English, wearing a pair of sunglasses at night, but watching other people's respectful eyes should also be a ruthless character, Ye Shikai doesn't understand the situation here, but he is also a magnificent "Pluto", so he won't fall into the limelight.

"Forget it." Ye Shikai waved his hand and walked away from the crowd.

"Wait a minute."

Sure enough, Ye Shikai paused. It seems that it is impossible for him to leave here so easily today. This frame is inevitable. Ye Shikai clenched his fists. The person on the left looks thinner. Let ’s start with him. It should be more secure, and for a few seconds, he has thought of all the possibilities for the meeting, but ... the development of the incident was still beyond his expectations.

The leading black man slowly walked in front of Ye Shikai, and under everyone's attention, he pulled out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, and a business card, which were folded into Ye Shikai's chest pocket.

"I have a phone in it. If you think about it, call me anytime."

This ... It seems that this person is not simple. Ye Shikai was shocked. I didn't expect to use this trick and looked down at the chest pocket. There are at least a dozen of these small bills, and they are all the largest denominations. But made a profit.

Perhaps this person also sees that Ye Shikai is not just a superb street junk, but a master who is not in good hands. If he uses tough means, he will not work hard, but if it is "graceful", Maybe he could be touched, so I gave him some money.

If at ordinary times, these are not even small favors or small benefits to Ye Shikai, but this time the situation is different. He is "tigering Pingyang" and "street into the street". This money is like giving away charcoal in the snow.

"Thank you very much." Ye Shikai did not refuse. The so-called "no money is difficult to move." Especially now, he really needs cash, thanked the man, and left the scene in the eyes of everyone.

"Let's go." After Ye Shikai left, the black leader also left his scene with his men.

Although he did not have a passport, Ye Shikai could not stay in the hotel, but with the money, he would no longer go to sleep in the aisle.


"How about people, I haven't found it yet." At the same time, Chen Yuxin was going crazy in the hotel and was unable to find Ye Shikai's trace, which made her extremely panic. In this city, one has no power or power A stranger who has no internal strength to protect himself can easily be bullied. If something worse happens, he will encounter a gunman or something.

"Wind chime," Chen Yuxin yelled loudly, her spirit had broken a little, her eyes turned red, and she just wanted to know the news of Ye Shikai.

"Homeowner, please be angry." Chen Ruoya stepped forward and handed two white pills to Chen Yuxin, taking it under the water, and then she calmed her mind.

"Master Feng has always done his best, and this time is not intentional." Chen Ruoya persuaded, "Zeus has promised to send someone out to search, I don't think it will be news soon."

"I hope so."

Hey, hey, hey.

"Come in." Chen Yuxin said softly, and the door was opened by the waiter.

"Is there anything?" Chen Ruoya asked. If it wasn't an emergency, the waiter would usually not take the initiative to disturb Chen Yuxin.

"Yes ... it's Miss Ji, please." The waiter said resolutely, looking very scared, and stayed with Chen Yuxin for a long time. She also knew that Chen Yuxin's most taboo was the "big lady of the Ji family", two at a time When people met, Chen Yuxin would smash the decorations in the room in anger.

"She dared to come." Chen Yuxin was furious and said frankly that she really didn't want to meet with Ji Qian. After all, her mind was still too narrow, especially in love, her possessiveness was too strong, The relationship between Ji Qian and Ye Shikai is special. Naturally Chen Yuxin will not have any good looks towards this "love rival".

"The owner please be angry, Miss Ji dare to come, the phase must not come to quarrel, maybe ... she really has anything to do with her, why don't the owner see her." Bystander Chen Ruoya, the current situation, Ji Qian and others must also be Worried about looking for Ye Shikai, at this critical time, she would never be idle and bored. Since she is here, there must be important things.

"Please come in." Chen Yuxin sorted out her clothes and ordered the waiter to wait for Ji Qian to come in.

"Yes, the owner."

ten minutes later.

"If you come to me, what's the matter? If not, please go back. I'm still looking for my husband." Chen Yuxin sat on the main seat and saw Ji Qian enter the house. She didn't even get up to meet ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ She deliberately said the word "husband" very loudly, in order to make Ji Qian understand her identity.

"Ye Shikai, have you found it?" Ji Qian opened the door to see the mountain, without any kindness, asked such a "sharp" question as soon as she came up.

"No." Chen Yuxin gritted her teeth and said, Ji Qian came here clearly to "reveal her scars."

From the perspective of Chen Yuxin, since Ye Shikai is already her husband, everything except Ye Shikai herself should be arranged by the hostess Chen Yuxin. For example, if he is not in the Hades, then the Hades should be managed by Chen Yuxin No matter what, the woman in front couldn't get in and step in.

Therefore, in the view of Chen Yuxin, it was Ji Qian and others who rushed to North America to intervene in Ye Shikai's affairs, which made things a mess.

"If I find him ..."

"What did you say." Before Yu Qian finished speaking, Chen Yuxin interrupted her with excitement. "Did you find it, please give it to me."


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