Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1290: Chinese restaurant

Huaxia people are distributed all over the world. Some of them are studying abroad, some are doing business, and others have come abroad a long time ago. In short, there are traces of Huaxia people all over the world. So, in some areas of foreign cities , There will be a place where Chinese people live together. They gather here to live, live, study, work, and over time, this place has become a "characteristic" place, and Chinese people who come abroad will also come here. , Especially ... those who come to work.

"You're right, the boss is penniless and will definitely go there." Desperately patted his head. "Oh, why didn't I think of it before."

"Don't be too happy, this is just a guess. For the specific situation, you still have to find an adult." Nightmare shook his head. This is only a deduction. Whether Ye Shikai is in the gathering area of ​​Chinese people, he still has to ask a question mark. After all, if no one can be found, any guess is nothing more than a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water.

"There is one more point ... there may be a place to find Lord Pluto before us, and we should pay more attention to it." Nightmare added that he has always shown great respect to Ye Shikai, and naturally also to Ye Shikai's wife, but to He said the word "after the underworld", which was still very unnatural. It seemed that everyone in the underworld had the same attitude towards Chen Yuxin.

"Yes, there are many masters in the" Shadow "agency. Even if they compare with our Hades, they are all indispensable. They are all pervasive." Soul nodded and said that in the East China Sea, they had a lot of fights with the "Shadow" agency. Second, the degree of difficulty is almost as good as Zeus.

Perhaps from an outsider's point of view, since Ye Shikai is married to Chen Yuxin, the Hades and the "Shadow" agency should also be a cooperative relationship. At least it is impossible to "make a big fight", but unfortunately, because the two people disagree and fight, Even blood fight is far more than cooperation. In fact, after Ye Shikai got married naturally, he rarely took care of things in the Hades, nightmare, soul destroyer, magic Ji and others, and more often obeyed Ji Qian's orders.

"But, hasn't Master Luna reached an agreement with Chen Yuxin? If the master finds it, he will be brought back to Yanjing." Huanhu asked in confusion.

"Che, that's the agreement of Lord Luna, and it has nothing to do with our Hades. If we find an adult, of course, we should bring the adult back to Europe." Magic Ji gave a cold sigh, and her legs were on her body. In her opinion, Ye Shikai Where he wants to go is entirely his own freedom, and why Chen Yuxin intervenes.

"That's right, as long as the boss doesn't want to go back, Chen Yuxin said nothing." Soul extermination is already ready. Europe is the sphere of influence of the Hades. In simple terms, as long as Ye Shikai gets there, it is Hades. At home, the "Shadow" agency did not even have a "cheerleader" there.

"Okay, let's start as soon as possible, and act separately, trying to find an adult before the people in the" Shadow "agency." Nightmare nodded, he had the same thoughts as Soul-Killer.


"How about, have you been here?" Martin sat in the car, pointing to the "gate" in front.

"Of course I know, all of us living in this street are Chinese people. The supermarkets, restaurants, and hotels in it are also run by Chinese people who come here to do business." Ye Shikai also expressed his pride in his tone, after all It should be the warmest thing to be able to meet "old people" overseas, not to mention that it is not easy for them to "open up" such a place in North America.

In fact, Ye Shikai wanted to come here a long time ago, but there was no chance. Now that he has money, he can come naturally, but I did not expect that Martin brought him here today.

"Then let's go in and take a look." Martin waved his hand, the driver slowly started the car, and there were several cars behind him, all under Martin's men. He didn't know what he was doing today.

"Martin, you haven't told me what to do here." Ye Shikai asked back.

"Going to meet a local character is also a good friend of mine." Martin will have the driver stop at the door of a luxury restaurant.

"The Chinese food you eat every day is ordered from this restaurant." Martin pointed to a few large characters outside the restaurant.

"Superb Pavilion." Ye Shikai murmured, this is a good name, no wonder, Ye Shikai also wondered where Martin got such an authentic Chinese food. It turned out to be from here. It seems that the decoration of this restaurant Very quaint and very Chinese style, of course, the price is naturally expensive.

"We won't just come and have a meal." Martin took Ye Shikai to a box, accompanied by Avril and Hans, who were already a few of Martin's bosses, and everyone sat around a large round table.

"Are you Chinese people discussing big things, aren't they all settled at the table?" Martin teased.

"That's just the cultural tradition of welcoming guests. How can a big thing be said in two or three sentences?" Ye Shikai shook his head. He didn't like participating in company events or other events, but he didn't like those. A flattery of flattery.

It's just too hypocritical.

"Then we are going to talk about a big event at the table today." Martin looked at his watch. "It's still a while before he comes. If you are hungry, eat it first, and wait for another table at the waiter."

Ye Shikai turned his head and looked at the crowd. Hans and Avril looked very dignified. From time to time, they still looked at the door. They seemed to be waiting for the mysterious "subject ~ ~" Ye Shikai was embarrassed to eat alone.

"Forget it, I'll pack it back when things are over."

"Okay, just wait a bit."

After half an hour.

"Haha, everyone, I'm late." There was a sudden sound outside the door. As soon as Ye Shikai looked up, the door was opened. This is a middle-aged man in a red Tang suit. The most important thing is that this is a Chinese. There were also a few bodyguards behind him, who looked very heady. Ye Shikai speculated that this should be the "character" in Martin's mouth.

"Liu Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time." Martin said a few Chinese words, although not very fluent, but it was pretty good.

Ye Shikai carefully looked at the man named "Liu Ye". He looked vicissitudes and looked like a person who had experienced many great events. Moreover, Ye Shikai also found that there were two gun marks left by bullets on his face.

"Martin, you're here today, something big."

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