Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1291: Smiling tiger

"You can't go to the Temple of the Three Treasures without incident." Martin also used the old Chinese saying. It seems that from the beginning, he communicated with this middle-aged man named "Liu Ye", almost all in Chinese. This is obviously to take care of Sixth Lord, after all, if you are not a native, it is difficult to speak English proficiently. At the same time, you can also see the high status of this Sixth Lord.

"Why is this Sixth Lord?" Ye Shikai leaned slightly and asked Ai Weier aside.

"Liu Ye is the local big man here. More than half of the shops, gold shops, KTVs, and restaurants in this neighborhood have also been opened by him, including this" Superb Pavilion. " The relationship, in short, here, everyone must give him three points of face, no one dares to provoke him. "Ai Weier said softly, sure enough, this is indeed a personal thing, able to make a day in a foreign country, no matter what Personality, his ability is still very strong.

Martin is the leader of the local gang, so it is reasonable to have an encounter with Liu Ye, but I don't know what Martin is looking for Liu Ye for today.

"Six Lord, let's be serious, you know that Zeus has ..." Martin said half of the words, and he made a slight gesture with his palm around his neck, and everyone knew that.

"Well, I just heard about it a while ago." Liu Ye asked about it, and the leisurely look on his face was suddenly closed. It seemed that Martin was asking "the point".

"The bosses of Zeus's men before have now all turned into a pot of porridge. Even the property of the Temple of the Gods has been divided up a lot by them." Liu Ye said faintly, drinking a cup of tea.

The news of Zeus' death, like a whirlwind, began to spread throughout North America. Even the other main shrines knew about this, and the situation naturally became turbulent.

"Is there any plan for Liu Ye." Martin's words turned and Liu Ye's eyes glanced at the crowd. It was obvious that Martin was trying to test Liu Ye, and Liu Ye was also an "old fritter." For Martin's inquiry, do not In a hurry, it seems that the answer has been figured out.

"Constant change. This is the area where my Huaxia people live. When Zeus was there, I was the boss. He is dead now, and I am still, this will not change." Liu Ye's faint tone But he revealed his domineering. Indeed, as he said, he has a deep root here. Now many Chinese people come to North America, and they also bring a huge source of wealth. Liuye has no competitors here, regardless of whether Zeus Existence will not have a fundamental impact on him. At best, it is the problem of Liu Ye ’s business partner, but business is ruthless. Liu Ye needs a “partner”, but the partner is a cat and a dog. It does n’t matter. The current collaborator will fall due to the death of Zeus, and there will be a second and third person ...

"That being said, Liuye, this change is not as good as before. I have a hunch. This time is not that simple. I hope ... you can always support me." Martin said the last sentence, this is the meeting. Ye Shikai also understood the key points. After working for a long time, Martin hoped to get the support of Liu Ye. This is understandable, but he didn't understand why Martin had to ask Liu Ye for help with so many people.

"Oh, let's go, let's eat first, what you said, I'll talk about it later." Liu Ye seems to be planning to play the "playing Tai Chi" trick, winking at the bodyguard behind him, the waiter immediately served the dishes Up, obviously it was already prepared, and it was not convenient to talk about things at the table. Liu Ye did n’t want to answer this question, so he used meals as an excuse. Naturally, Martin also saw it, but he also gave Liu Ye a face. Since he didn't want to answer, the fool would go to the mold and ask.

"All right, let's eat first." Martin waved his hand, and a few people started to move chopsticks.

"Liu Ye, Lao Wu is waiting for you outside." At this time, a bodyguard came to Liu Ye, and leaned down and said softly in his ear.

"Ah, I almost forgot." Liu Ye patted his thigh with a grin. "Martin, I have forgotten, I also asked Liu Laowu to meet. Laowu, I hate people late. I ’m so sorry, I ’ll definitely banquet you again tomorrow, this time I ’m leaving. ”

Liu Ye slowly stood up and apologized to Martin, everyone saw this, and naturally stood up.

"Well, since Liu Ye has something, then I will come to visit again someday." Martin was not entangled. This time, the situation was different. He asked for Liu Ye, and his figure was soft.

"Tell the kitchen, make more special dishes for some, and entertain them well." Liu Ye commanded.

"Yes, Lord Six, I'll do it."

"So, eat slowly, don't worry." Liu Ye said as he left the room. Ye Shikai sighed helplessly. Liu Ye's "dragging" tactic was really the key to Martin.

"Avril, what is this Martin asking for Liu Ye?" Ye Shikai was curious, but did not want to ask him directly. It is estimated that Martin was upset about this, and Ye Shikai would not bother him anymore.

"Of course it helped him" dominate "the city west," Avril explained.

"Chengxi, isn't our place now Chengxi?" Ye Shikai asked in return.

"Yeah, this Chinese community is in the west of the city, so if Martin wants to become the" overlord "in the west, he must get the help of Liuye."

"That was the case." After Ye Shikai listened to Ai Weier's words ~ ~, she suddenly realized that the west of this city is the most prosperous place in the city, and most of the business district is here. Martin's current power is naturally not small, But it is definitely not a "city overlord". As far as Ye Shikai knows, Martin still has at least a dozen opponents.

"This Liuye seems to be kind. In fact, it is a smiling tiger. It should be true to describe it in your Chinese language."

"You're right." Ye Shikai nodded in agreement. Ye Shikai saw Liuye ’s city mansion from just ten minutes ago. No wonder he is an old fox and will never offend people at will, so yes "Smiling face", so when he is in contact, he can often control each other, but he is by no means a soft persimmon. This old man has black hands, so he is called a "tiger".

The smiling tiger is indeed the best description.

Although Ye Shikai didn't want to blend in with these things, Martin helped him when he was in poverty, after all, he also supported him. If he didn't do anything, it would be a bit "ingratitude".

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