Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1292: Take advantage of

However, this sixth man didn't seem to be so easy to deal with. Ye Shikai was a headache. He doesn't have a helper around him now, even if only the worms can get some information around him.

Ye Shikai carefully observed that there were many bodyguards around Liu Ye, all of whom had undergone professional training. It turned out to be a well-prepared "sly fox". Ye Shikai was facing a hedgehog with a curled-up body, and he couldn't say anything.

"Speaking of which, since the Sixth Lord has a good relationship with Martin, why are he unwilling to support it? Is Martin not paying enough?" Ye Shikai continued to ask Avril.

"Since he is a smiling tiger, how can a person who has a good relationship with him be only Martin." Ai Weier smiled bitterly, a person who can reach the source and even make everyone fight, Martin is by no means his only choice.

"It turned out that it seems that this sixth man wants to" shop around ", weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and choose to be a candidate who is good for him." Ye Shikai nodded.

Benefit maximization, the typical businessman's choice tendency.

This sixth man, to deal with him, is simple and easy, and difficult to say. If you can show your own value, in other words, let the sixth man see the benefits of choosing you, then it is easy to deal with it, and vice versa If there is no use value, Liu Ye will not look at it.

If Ye Shikai hadn't guessed wrong, just in the past few days, Martin's competitor must have come to Liu Ye to ask for his help, and Liu Ye would choose the one that was most beneficial to him.

"Do you think Martin is really willing to come to Sixth Lord? No, you put your ears together and secretly tell you a secret." Ai Weier pretended to be mysterious and greeted Ye Shikai.

"What's so mysterious." Although Ye Shikai was puzzled, he still put his ears in the past.

"Actually, the person that Martin hates most is Sixth Lord."

"Well, I can understand." Ye Shikai didn't express surprise. Did people like Liu Ye see him less? Several families of Yanjing, which are not the owners to avoid the disadvantages, they are all for themselves, of course this is also It is understandable that when Ye Shikai was the Pluto King, he did so much for the Hades and the brothers under his hands.

As the helm, the most important responsibility is to ensure that the ship does not overturn.

If Liu Ye chooses the wrong "investment object", perhaps his years of operation in this gathering area of ​​Chinese people will be affected or even destroyed.

Ye Shikai can't help but feel a little bit difficult for Martin. He may not understand the social aspect of Chinese people, especially among businessmen, but he still has to come to "Tai Chi" with Liu Ye for the development of power. Over time, can he hate it? Sixth Lord?

"Martin is troubled by this. Zeus is dead, and many forces have fallen. The area in the west of the city is now headless, but it is evil wolves everywhere. Martin's goal is to stand out from these evil wolves. Become a "wolf head" and call on everyone. "Without knowing it, Ye Shikai didn't expect Ai Weier to know so much what Martin was thinking.

"You will help him." Ai Weier stared at Ye Shikai suddenly, her eyes were full of expectations. Like Martin, Ai Weier also felt that Ye Shikai was very human, perhaps because of a woman's precise sixth sense. After all, she I still hope to help Martin, after all, I have been so long.

"This ... Of course, Martin is also my" noble "in North America, and I will certainly help him." Ye Shikai saw Ai Weier look suspicious, stretched out her right hand with three fingers, vertically upwards. "I swear in the name of a man, this You should believe it. "

"Cut, I didn't say don't believe it." Ai Weier gave a cold whisper, but the corner of her mouth rose slightly, she was snickering.

But then again, despite the powerful oath, Ye Shikai still has no solution how to help Martin.

"Let's eat first, but I want to eat Chinese food too much." Ye Shikai picked up a small cage and stuffed it in his mouth. Since he couldn't think of a way, he might as well take a step and look at Liuye's decision before making a plan.

Since Liuye is a far-sighted person, then he must make a decision and weigh it again and again, so naturally he will not reach a conclusion so quickly. During this time, Ye Shikai must think of a solution.


"Who is the man next to Martin." At the same time, in the office on the third floor of the "Ji Pin Ge", Liu Ye is playing with some small antiques on the table.

"Liuye, are you talking about that Chinese?" The bodyguard next to him asked.

"Nonsense, I know everyone else, but the young man, he is new." Liu Ye put down the antiques in his hands, and Ye Shikai looked in his mind.

"Liu Ye, may you be mistaken, maybe he is the kid just promoted by Martin. Maybe."

"It's impossible, my eyes are read countlessly, and I've never forgotten the people I've met, even if he is just a little cricket, I still remember him, but I have never seen it before." Liu Ye quite It was puzzled, and the young man was still sitting next to Martin, and seemed to be closer than Hans and Avril. This was definitely not an ordinary person.

Liu Ye is firm in his judgment. Ye Shikai is not a simple figure. This time, the leaders of the major forces are seeking support from Liu Ye. Martin is also a few "potential stocks" that he "sees." At this time, Martin's side took the risk It is not so simple to produce a mysterious young man. Sometimes, victory and defeat are often hidden in the details.

"A ghost, immediately go and investigate the details of this person, remember, you can't speak up." Liu Ye commanded.

"Subordinates understand ~ ~ Liu Ye looked at a dozen photos on the desktop. These are his" options ". Now it is right and left. His" business "is happy, but also It is this moment that is most critical for him, because if he chooses wrong, it means that his "foundation" will be affected by this.

North America, among Martin's bars.

Ye Shikai sat alone in the corner, eating peanuts and drinking beer, thinking about how to make Liu Ye choose Martin.

"Yo, what's the point of drinking alone." Avril Lavigne appeared like a ghost and appeared beside Ye Shikai coldly.

"If I can come up with a solution, would I still borrow wine here to relieve my sorrow." Ye Shikai looked at Ai Weier and could not help reminding him of Ji Qian. Generally, if she encountered a problem, Ji Qian could give him a good answer. Now that she is not around, Ye Shikai's heart is inevitably empty.

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