Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1301: Into the holy mountain

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to travel in the mountains. Ye Shikai does not like extreme choices, especially this time the "bet" is very large. If really as Emily said, after meeting in the holy mountain, not only him, Ji Qian, Wang Kai, and Nightmare Exterminator and others will be in danger.

When the situation is now forced, his heart is still a bit lucky. If he can really survive this time, the rumors about him in the underground world will disappear, and if the silent treatment can really help him recover Internal force, you're done.

"Two adults, it's almost time." At this time, Nightmare knocked on the window and said to the two.

"Qian, I have no retreat right now. I must go up no matter what I will meet this time." Ye Shikai took a deep breath and said firmly.

"That's good, but you must pay attention to safety." Ji Qian took Ye Shikai's hand, and the two stepped down from the car and walked in front of everyone.

"Are you ready?" Ye Shikai glanced at the crowd. Although nominally the main god, they were all armed and armed with combat weapons. There were only twelve main gods, one Zeus was removed, but eleven. People, but each of these is a top master. The only thing that pleases Ye Shikai is a "convention" of the main **** conference. Each main **** will not bring too many people except the guards. In this way, even Afu Luo Diyi wanted to deal with Ye Shikai, so there should not be so many people.

"It's all ready."

Ye Yekai looked at the dark guards behind him. Each one is an old face. At least he has been with him for two years. Each one has gone through hundreds of battles. It can be seen that the whole Hades attaches great importance to this matter.

"OK, let's go now."

The crowd came to the dense fog, and several other main gods also came over, of course, including Aphrodite. Frankly, Ye Shikai really wanted to kill her now. I believe Ji Qian and Wang Kai also think so, but There is a lot of people here, all eyes are on.

In fact, Ye Shikai has always been very skeptical. Although Aphrodite was insidious and cunning, but there were no combative people under his hands, Zeus was also killed. There were many people in the Temple of God, but he could not bring them in. Ah, Ye Shikai looked towards Aphrodite. Except for a few personal female guards, she did not bring anyone else.

Since she didn't bring many people, how could she start to work against Ye Shikai? The only way is to be these main gods, especially the new ones.

They are most likely to be persuaded by Aphrodite. As for the method used, Ye Shikai does not know.

He said that these main gods also wanted his life, and the throne of Hades.

It was 12 o'clock noon, and the thick fog slowly dissipated, revealing the passageway inside. Everyone stepped forward. In addition to the few who participated in the Lord God, there were also many practitioners who took advantage of this opportunity to enter and look for ruins.

"Let's go." Ye Shikai said faintly, so everyone entered the ruins. This is the second time in a few months that Ye Shikai entered the sacred mountain. In fact, there are many relics in Huaxia, but it is as large as the sacred mountain. Not many. There are only a few large ruins, such as Kunlun Mountain and Baishan Mountain. If there are more monks and less porridge, there are indeed a lot of "congees". There are many treasures in these ruins, and the number is almost inexhaustible, but these are not The fatty meat near the mouth, eat when you eat, and want to enter these ruins to be protected inside, all bear the "risk of life", even if the treasure cannot be found, the human life is lost first, and many treasures are still there Among the ruins, no one has touched it at all, and the number of them is indeed not large, so it is not an overstatement to use more monks and less porridge.

Emily set her sights on Ye Shikai, with a little dignity on her face. Ye Shikai didn't listen to her and decided to go up the holy mountain.

"My lord, we have already entered the holy mountain, and there are still more than ten kilometers away from the main altar." Nightmare reported that the main god's assembly is located at the main altar on the mountainside, which is more than ten kilometers away. Electronic products, unless they can get old-fashioned off-road vehicles, can only go up.

Ye Shikai nodded slightly, taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Shikai carefully wrote down all the nearby terrain in secret, remembering that when he came to the Holy Mountain last time, the group saw a lot of strange things, such as giant beasts. If you say that the Chinese people These "villages" are difficult to say clearly. It can only be said that there are still many things they can't figure out above the holy mountain.

"Qian, do you remember the last village?" Ye Shikai suddenly turned his head and asked.

"Of course I remember, speaking, I have always been curious, why there is a Chinese village in the holy mountain, and the clothes are so traditional, just like the ancients." Ji Qian nodded and replied.

也许 "Maybe they have been living here all the time, because there are not many people in the Holy Mountain, so they live a life of isolation from the world until the arrival of outsiders." Ye Shikai analyzed.


"Moon God, I don't know if I can borrow it ... he ~ ~ At this time, Emily suddenly came over and came to the crowd, pointing to Ye Shikai in front of Ji Qian.

"I'm sorry, no." Before Ye Shikai spoke, Ji Qian pulled him directly behind her, then refused indifferently.

"It only takes ten minutes. I have something very important. I haven't finished talking with Hades just now." Emily was not angry, but she didn't give up.

"I'm sorry, I think I've made it very clear." Ji Qian refused strongly, and there was no room for manoeuvre. Now she has entered the sacred mountain. Anyone may hurt Ye Shikai, and she cannot let Ye Shikai and an unfamiliar Women get along alone.

"What's more, you and him have only known each other for half an hour. It's not the old words. What can you do that you can't say in front of us all?" Ji Qian asked back.

"My answer is, I'm sorry, this really can only be said to Hades." Emily also politely "rejected" Ji Qian's proposal.

"In this case, please let it go, we have to rush to the main altar." Ji Qian wanted to take people directly away, but was blocked by Ye Shikai.

"Relax, I think Emily really has something to tell me, don't worry about my safety." Ye Shikai explained, not knowing why, his instinct told him that Emily is not a bad person, on the contrary, still His "noble".

"No, this is too dangerous. At least, I have to be by your side, otherwise if Emily really strikes at you, I can't protect you." Ji Qian turned around and said.

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