Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1302: neutral

"Don't be so stubborn, anyway, you're right there, Emily won't take me." Ye Shikai persuaded softly that Ji Qian wasn't stubborn, mainly because she was too concerned about Ye Shikai's safety. The crisis in the sacred mountain is full of dangers. What if a beast rushes out and swallows Ye Shikai?

"Emily, I promise you, but they are waiting for me at 30 meters." Ye Shikai pointed to the big tree not far away and motioned to the two people to say there, 30 meters, this distance is comparative It's appropriate. Others can't hear the content of the conversation, but they can rush into the emergency as soon as possible.

"Say whatever you have to say." The two walked under the big tree and Ye Shikai opened the door to see the mountains. It was difficult to persuade the next Ji Qian. She also suffered several complaints from her, hoping that the information provided by Emily was valuable.

"Why didn't you listen to me, do you have to come up and fight for the hero?"

"I have my own plans. I am not a second sister or a man who loves to dress. 逞 heroes have no meaning. I went to the holy mountain for the whole Hades." Ye Shikai explained.

"Is there any difference, as a result you still came up, hero Ye."

"You seem to be disgusted with me going to the holy mountain, but you don't want to tell me why, how do I believe it." Ye Shikai said with a bow of his head.

"Let me tell you the truth, the person who wants to deal with you this time is Aphrodite." Emily hesitated for a long time, or she spoke it out.


"Is it just an" Oh ", she has to deal with you." Emily almost saw Ye Shikai's reaction, she almost fainted on the ground, and she looked like a donkey liver and lungs.

"Nonsense, only Aphrodite and I have resentment among these people, and she must be frightened. I must not be surprised." Ye Shikai flung her eyes, the words turned, and her eyes gazed at Emily. "Since you Knowing she is going to hurt me, can you tell me specifically. "

"No," Emily refused directly.

喂 "Hey, don't you be so ruthless, can you just watch me enter the trap set by Aphrodite."

"First of all, I persuaded you that you did not listen to persuasion. Secondly, I have no feelings for you. Don't think that you look handsome, and that you are more fateful. Just beauties from around the world will turn around you. Narcissistic. "Emily said coldly, with no emotion in her tone.

"This is a cold-blooded woman." Ye Shikai murmured, Emily did not say clearly before, only that there was danger, a normal person would not believe it.

"Why don't you tell me, I can give you something in return."

"You have money, and I have money. What do you have in the Hades, I have them here, and I do n’t seldom return your reward." Emily put her hands on her chest and looked indifferent.

"Are you worried about Aphrodite's revenge, yes, if you tell me, it's a ventilating letter." Ye Shikai said to himself, so, Aphrodite really got a few people Lord God, but Emily did not agree.

"You're right." Alimi nodded.

"I'm curious then. If you are worried about Aphrodite's revenge, why should you tell me that it is dangerous?" Ye Shikai asked in return.

"If something really happens, even if I don't participate, I'm afraid it's hard to escape the suspicion. In serious cases, you can even get revenge from the Three Temples. After all, sometimes, you can't say clearly if you have a mouth."

"In this way, you will not be guilty on both sides. No matter if Aphrodite is successful, you can be alone." Ye Shikai nodded. Although Emily's method is not clever, the goal is very clear. It is true that the two sides are not guilty, and even if Ye Shikai escapes, the Three Temples still owe Emily a favor.

Aphrodite drew the main gods, the purpose of which was to combine interests and use them to deal with the Hades, and she would not have thought that Emily would notify Ye Shikai of things in advance, although ... it was just a warning of danger.

"Emily, you might as well help me. Anyway, you have already ventilated me in advance." Ye Shikai never stopped doing anything, and she seduced Emily with a thick cheek. Although she was young, her strength was not If Ya Yu's predecessor, the sun **** Apollo, can really help Ye Shikai, it will be a great help.

"I said it, I am neutral, and I am not biased towards any party. I have warned you of the danger now, and I can help you. I'm done, goodbye." Emily brought a personal waitress after speaking. left.

Seeing Emily's decisive decision, Ye Shikai did not persuade her. There was no right or wrong in the world, and her position was different. Emily chose to be neutral, so why not choose the most in her favor, so there is nothing to say.

"I just wanted to talk to you just now, but now I don't even look back, hum." Ji Qian gave a cold cry, her face unhappy, and Ye Shikai patted her shoulder gently.

"Okay, let's go quickly."

"What did Emily just say." Ji Qian immediately asked.

"Yes ~ ~ Aphrodite wants to deal with me."

"How did Emily know?"

"Aphrodite wants to attract people, and several new master gods must be her goal, and Emily is one of them." Ye Shikai explained.


The speed of the crowd is not very fast. Although there are maps to avoid many detours, when the main altar is reached, several other main gods have already arrived.

Except ... Athena.

Speaking of which, Athena was surprisingly "low-key" at this congregation of gods. She didn't come with guards and came alone, and she didn't come to Ye Shikai for "trouble." She saw Ye Shikai at the foot of the holy mountain just now, but only On the one hand, she doesn't seem to have the temper to care about others, but well, being alone is always her character.

"Why hasn't Athena come yet?" Ye Shikai asked curiously. For a straight person, it is impossible for her to spend time "appreciating the scenery". With her ability, she should have been to the main altar long ago. But she has n’t come yet, there are only two possibilities. One is that she has other goals, and the other is that she is in danger.

"Athena is very good, and not many of the twelve main gods are her opponents." Ji Qian looked at the surrounding main gods, and all of them were coming, and the time was very fast. They should not be able to sneak attack. Athena, and they have no motivation.

"Leave her alone, the conference will begin immediately."

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