Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1303: War of words

"Ah, I didn't expect that there were two people missing at this meeting of the Lord God." A young man said by the side of the Lord God altar, don't look at his young age, but he is an "old" Lord God, Hermes, the twelve Lord God. The "divine envoy" in his field is good at many fields, such as business and intelligence, almost everything, and he does not participate in the "disputes" between the main gods, and can be said to be boundless.

And he is most proficient in "engagement in intelligence". He can obtain information that is almost unknown, and it is extremely accurate. The most important thing is that as long as he pays, anyone is his customer. Money, you can get the information you want, no matter who the other party ’s identity is, this is of course a signal of neutrality. If it is "sell you only, not me", this has a tendency to favor one party, all As long as a person pays money, he can get information and it is absolutely confidential. This kind of sale is a win-win situation. Therefore, naturally, no one will take action with Hermes. He also relies on this to continuously “gold” and then use this money to invest In various fields, or financial management, money makes money, so he is also known as a "business ghost".

Hermes looked at the crowd with a smile, as if he was happy for the New Year, forming a sharp contrast with the solemn look of others, and even ... a little embarrassing.

"Hermes, can't you just sit still." Doris said softly, her voice cold, and Hermes laughed awkwardly, sitting on the stone chair by the altar.

Ye Shikai was also sitting in this position, and people such as Nightmare and Soul Killer stood aside and looked around vigilantly.

"You guys, since it's the Lord's Assembly, you might as well say something." Doris said faintly, looking at the vacancies where Athena and Zeus could not see far away.

"The recent underground world is very uneven." Aphrodite said coldly, the field was filled with the smell of gunpowder, the main **** meeting, in fact, is a chat with several main gods, after all, the main temples are almost scattered in the world There is very little time to travel around, and many of them are hostile.

"Well, Zeus's killing is indeed a headline that made a sensation in the underground world." Hermes is a man who "fears nothing in the world." With the news, he can get new information so that he can sell it to Others make a lot of money. To some extent, he and the "paparazzi" are somewhat similar in nature, but the information he sells is by no means so boring.

"Unexpectedly, the movement of the Three Temples was so fast, but I heard that Hades appeared in the Temple of the King of God, causing the Three Temple to come over to save people." Hermes did not say that Ye Shikai really appeared in the Temple of the King The reason, I do n’t know if it ’s really unclear or intentional.

"The Three Temples suddenly rushed to North America to kill Zeus. Didn't you all stand up?" Aphrodite said coldly. It was clear that she wanted to win over the other main gods to deal with the three main gods.

"Zeus's death was entirely his fault." Ji Qian said suddenly, and immediately went back.

The faces of all the people were all condensed, and they turned to look at Ji Qian and Zeus' death. This matter was too much trouble. Naturally, there was a lot of discussion. The main gods of the Three Temples were all Huaxia people. These other gods in the underground world It seems that this is not a "good thing", so almost no other main **** will choose to stand in line with the Three Temples, plus this time Zeus is killed. If the other main gods do not join together to resist, I am afraid that the Three Temples will be "one by one" "Calling names", coupled with Aphrodite's tongue, I am afraid that the opponents of the Three Temples will be endless.

When the scales of the forces are broken, there must be earth-shaking changes. On the original balance, one side is the Three Temples, and the other is the Temple of the King of Gods. Now one side of the scales is down, then the remaining main **** will become an alliance and become New "weights" above the balance.

"We are here to save people, not to take his life, but he is not willing to deal with people. In this case, we must do a good understanding of death." Ji Qian's tone is cold. A woman who can become the Lord God is often better than a man. The main **** of God is even more powerful. After all, on the way to becoming a god, women have to work harder. For example, the few in front of them perfectly interpreted what is called a "three women and one play."

Ye Shikai kept his mouth shut. Several women quarreled "calmly". He couldn't help a little. The main **** meeting was not long, and it was almost time to go down the mountain when it was dark.

Generally, people do not fight in the Lord ’s Assembly. This is the focus of people in the entire underground world. It ’s like the plaintiff and the defendant in the court. They obviously hated to fight, but they chose “sane”. Method to solve the problem, the same is true of the main **** meeting ~ ~ If you really start to use it, it will definitely become a laughing stock of everyone.

However, the contradiction between the several main gods is so deep. How can it be solved by the upper and lower mouths alone? After some debate, no progress has been made.

"Why so much nonsense, Aphrodite, if you don't agree, it would be better for us to fight, don't blame me for not reminding you, I'm not a pity cherisher." Wang Kai was irritable and could not bear it. Standing on the chair, he yelled at Aphrodite.

Wang Kai's move really shook everyone's heart and instinctively clenched their weapons. This quarrel is likely to evolve into a "war of the gods."

"Aris, if you think you are reasonable, why do you need to solve it? Is n’t the significance of the Lord's Assembly here? Is it ... do you think that you are in the wrong, the theory is not others, and you are ashamed into anger?" Aphrodite did not In a hurry, his tongue looks like a spring, like a hedgehog, leaving no flaws exposed, making Wang Kai want to hit her but lacks reasons, and can only bear his temper.

"Qian, there's something wrong with this area." Ye Shikai's complexion changed slightly, his brows frowned sharply, and he looked carefully around the main altar, a gust of wind passed.

"What's wrong?" Ji Qian asked back.

"Wang Kai is irritable and will do anything if he doesn't agree. Aphrodite is by no means his opponent, but you noticed that her face didn't change at all, and she didn't seem to worry about her safety at all. Ye Shikai said softly.

She wasn't sure that Wang Kai wouldn't do it, but she was determined ... someone would help her, in other words, there should be her near here.

"Will it be Doris? If Wang Kai really does, Doris must help her." Ji Qian looked at Doris not far away, her hands clenched tightly on the trident, her face cold, as if Ready for the shot.

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