Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1383: Great victory

"Lao Ye, why are you here, right? Did you see the thief?" On the way to Zhongzhai, Shang Guanjian and his cavalry happened to meet Ye Shikai's team.

"Shangguan, you're one step late to see who this is." Ye Shikai pulled off his horse's head, and the leader of the insurgent army fell from the horse in a daunting manner.

"The thief will be Zhang. That's him." Shang Guanjian recognized the man, even without a portrait, but the body armor was enough to identify him, not to mention, this was captured by Ye Shikai himself, and still behind him. With several vice generals tied, this can never be wrong.

"I had expected that he would be greedy for life and fear death, and fled from Houzhai, so he took the team early in the morning and solved the guard of Houzhai, guarding the plants." Ye Shikai explained.

"Great, I am worried that this old guy will run away, Lao Ye, but this time thanks to you." Shang Guanjian laughed, and then brought Zhang Zhang directly, and rushed to Zhongzhai with the cavalry.

"The thief has already been captured, and he will be arrested without waiting." Shang Guanjian personally brought the chapter conditions to a high ground, looked at the two sides that were fighting fiercely below, and shouted aloud.

"General ... is captured."

"Let's ... surrender."

"If you don't surrender, there will be a dead end. You will be arrested to avoid death." Seeing the revolt of the rebel army, Shang Guanjian added "a fire", and the Qin law was strict. If rebellion is a crime of death, these soldiers of the rebel army are probably also Some worries, worried that they will not escape after surrender, and now Shangguanjian forgives them for their crimes of death, they naturally have no intention to resist.

Among the crowd, a rebel army dropped the spear in his hand to the ground, followed by the second, the third, and then the entire group dropped their weapons and surrendered.

As long as one person takes the lead, others will surrender.

"Tongtong won." Shang Guanjian scolded, Qin Jun stepped forward, **** the surrendering rebels, and a group of ten people were linked together.

"Where is the granary?" Shangguan Jianzhi asked.

"In ... in Houzhai." Up to this point, the insurgents led by Zhang Gang have completely surrendered, and naturally he has nothing to hide. In fact, even if he didn't say it, Ye Shikai already knew.

"Let's go and see."

When he came outside the granary, Shangguanjian was already deeply shocked. Such a large granary is about the same size as the granary in Gongxian. I do n’t know what ’s going on inside.

"turn on."


Several Qin Army broke the door with a stone. As Xue San said before, the place where the Rebel Army was guarded the most was the granary. Not only were soldiers guarding it, but also the door locks were hung. As a result, it was impossible for ordinary people to sneak in. .

After the door lock was broken, Shang Guanjian took the lead in. The crowd followed closely behind, but the scene in front of them was shocking.

There are a lot of grain bags stacked in the granary. Although it is not to say that it is all over the ground, it is also quite a lot. In addition, this granary is not small. It is estimated that there are at least 2,000 bags.

Just in case, Shangguanjian stepped forward and opened a grain bag with a sword, and the white grains of rice immediately poured out.

"It's really grain." Everyone saw this, and they all rejoiced. It was unexpected that the camp of the Rebel Army had so much grain hoarded. In this way, it could also make up for the total county and troops' consumption.

"Check it carefully and find the other warehouses of the insurgents." Since there is so much grain, there should be no other ones. Perhaps the insurgents still have a lot of gold and silver treasures.

"Don't expect too much. The three brothers Xue have already checked. Before this granary, everything else is missing." Ye Shikai teased.

"real or fake."

"If you go back to the general, the little ones dare not lie. In fact, the camp of the rebel army is also a poor clanking. This chapter also took advantage of the autumn harvest to lead people to plunder the village, and they got so much food. As for other weapons or property, There are basically none. "Xue San added on the side, this time Qin Jun won a great victory, Xue San's Gong contributed, I believe that this time back, you can also dispel everyone's criticism.

"Okay, we won a great victory and praised the entire army." Although not much gold and silver were found, so much grain was also a solution to everyone's urgent needs.


Qin Junying Village.

"Sergeants, this time we wiped out one thousand enemies, captured two thousand, and got more than two thousand stones. This is all thanks to the soldiers." In the camp, Shang Guanjian had a great feast, and this was also A big victory, two thousand captives, are not common on medium-sized battlefields. Of course, Ye Shikai was not overjoyed. The insurgents' fighting strength itself is not high, and the morale is even worse than the regular army. Once the trend has gone, they will Surrender, however, the northern wolves are different. Many of them are warriors who are willing to fight dead. The last cavalry attack by the wolves, even though Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian commanded properly, but many brothers died, showing their combat effectiveness.

"Lao Ye, what are you thinking about?" Shang Guanjian shouted in the distance, Ye Shikai turned around and took the wine bag he threw.

"You said how many of us can come down the battlefield alive." Ye Shikai murmured, perhaps from the perspective of a modern person ~ ~ It is difficult to understand ancient thinking. Since ancient times, Fighting seems to have never stopped. Ye Shikai came to this troubled world. Even if he knew what the history was, he came here and couldn't change anything. The only thing he could do was follow the trend of history.

"Then do n’t know. In the Seven Kingdoms era, the wolf tribe repeatedly tried to attack the Central Plains. At that time, the kingdoms also counterattacked each other. After Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, the wolf tribe was unprecedentedly powerful. This battle is destined to be the two strongest There was a **** battle. "Shang Guanjian seemed to be asked in his heart, drinking heavily, and the expression of joy just now suddenly dimmed. He had also been on the battlefield before, and naturally knew what that would be like.

As a commander, of course, he does not want the soldiers to die, and he does not want to be caused by his own wrong command. This time, the Qin army killed less than two hundred soldiers in the uprising army that killed Longshan. This is because Ye Shikai brought people into the investigation and battle. However, if you did not make a detailed plan before, but rashly attacked, it is difficult to capture more than half of the casualties.

"Lao Ye, I really have to thank you this time. If it weren't for your plan, our chances of success are not great." After today's battle, Shang Guanjian believes in Ye Shikai even more. After several more battles, he will definitely become Qin The mainstay of the army.

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