Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1384: Set off again

Ye Shikai knows that it is impossible for him to stay in the Qin army. First of all, he is a Qin dynasty. Although now he does not know and has no ability to return to modern times, it does not mean that he will always stay. Here, both. Now it is the end of the Qin Dynasty. This time the insurgents are not accidental. In fact, over time, the number of insurgents will become larger and larger. Tricky until the end ... Qin Chao was completely overthrown.

As Ye Shikai said, he passed through the Qin Dynasty, but he could only watch the history flow in front of him. Even if he wanted to change, it had no effect. The future destruction of the Qin Dynasty could not be avoided, and he now What can be done is just due diligence.

He didn't want to tell Shangguanjian about this, maybe it was because the time was not up, and even if he said, Shangguanjian would never believe the "prophecy" in Ye Shikai's mouth, the soldiers only believed the sword in his hand ...

"If we can't fight the insurgents, they will turn their heads to destroy us, there is nothing to thank." Ye Shikai waved his hand, he was not sure whether to help the late Qin Dynasty to suppress these insurgents, whether it was to turn the tide or buck the trend , But he is a kind person, Mancang, Xue San, these are his friends, in any case, it is impossible for him to leave his friends.

"Next, do you have any plans?" Shang Guanjian said suddenly.

"Of the captives in this battle, you can choose some strong people to join the army. As for the others, let them all go home. In the troubled times, you can live one more, and one more." Ye Shikai said lightly, he There are no plans to fill two thousand people. One, without so much equipment, both, with so many people, the level of the army, morale, equipment, supplies will be dragged down all of a sudden. These years, the Qin Dynasty was engaged in military service. So heavy, many young and middle-aged people have gone to serve, and these people are better left.

"After suppressing the Longshan uprising army, we should leave Gongxian and continue to Yandu according to the original plan." Ye Shikai found the map of Hanoi County, crossed Longshan, and then passed through two counties to enter Guangxi. Yang County, so that they are closer to Yan, they are expected to arrive in more than ten days.

"I agree, this is our original plan, and since we have been entrusted by Han, to rush to the front, there is no reason to step back." Shang Guanjian nodded.

"This is one of the reasons." Ye Shikai slowly stood up and said lightly.

"Although this time we won a great victory and obtained more than 2,000 stone grains, but these grains were plundered from the villages and pavilions under the jurisdiction of the county. Although the battle was won by our two thousand brothers, But if they were all taken away, there would be some suspicions of robbery in the fire, and if we swallowed it alone, how should the people in the county live through the winter. "

"Lao Ye, you mean ..."

"We left five hundred stone grains and grass, plus the grain we brought before. There are one thousand three hundred stones, which can support more than twenty days. It is definitely not a problem to reach Yan. All other grains are returned to the people in the county. . "

"Okay, I agree with your proposal." Shang Guanjian didn't hesitate. In troubled times, there is a soldier with food, but this is the idea of ​​a "warlord". Shang Guanjian is a real soldier and will never covet the two thousand stones. And forget the stand.

The next day.

"Shangguan hundred generals, thank you very much this time. If you did not destroy the thief barracks in Longshan, the people in the whole county of Mancheng may have become slaves." To Shangguanjian and his party, to be honest, when the attendant told him that Qin Jun returned to Gongxian with the food of nearly two thousand captives and dozens of wooden carts, he could not believe it, or he could not believe it.

"You do n’t need to be polite, this is our duty." Shang Guanjian pointed to the food on the wooden cart. "These seized food was plundered from villages under the jurisdiction of the county. We took it. A small part will be used as military food, and the rest will be returned to Gongxian County. "

"This ... This is simply a big grace. You are really the grandfather of the county." Sun Xianling was speechless, he just hoped that the rebel army could wipe out Zhang Zhang's condition, but he never expected to share these Booty.

"Sun County Order need not be so polite, we are here today to quit," Ye Shikai stepped forward to explain.

"Resign, are you all leaving so soon?" After hearing from Sun Xianling, his heart trembled, as if he did not expect Qin Jun to leave so soon.

"Yes, our original order was to go to Guangyang County, increase the number of troops, and come to Gongxian County. We also received the military order of the county guard house. We are heading north. "

"That's a pity. If you can stay a few more days, I will certainly treat you kindly."

"The Sun County Order is very polite, and the military situation is urgent, and we set off." The crowd rode on the horse. With the order, two thousand sergeants stepped out of the gate and headed farther north.


Three days after the march ~ ~ finally left the boundary of Hanoi County, Guangyang County had a small population. When the Yan Kingdom was originally, Yandu did prosper, but due to the disadvantage brought by the geographical location Yan's population is not large and its national strength has not developed.

Along the way, Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian saw a lot of people going south, and even some of them were dragging their homes and were curious.

"This elder brother, what are you running?" Ye Shikai dismounted and asked a man.

"Well, the front line is fighting. I heard that the wolf is coming menacingly, and also said that if they broke the defense line, they would slaughter the city in a big way. People are afraid to stay and take their families to the south to evacuate." The man looked at the crowd. A little relief came from his face, "I saw you going to the north front, and I'm more at ease."

"That line, you pay attention on the road." Ye Shikai said nothing, the war has begun, the people are innocent, and even staying in the city will not help the situation, especially the elderly women and children. If they stay, I am afraid that it will only become the "lamb under the sword" of the wolf. Starting ァ 新 ヤ ~ ⑧ ~ 1 ~ 中文 网 ωωω.χ ~ ⒏ ~ 1zщ.còм

"Well, the war has just begun. Even the people have no confidence. Is n’t the frontline sergeants even more demoralized." Shangguan Jian saw this, but he looked sad. Without the support of the people, the sergeants were fighting alone on the frontline, not so much as worry , But rather as chilling.

"It can be seen that the war situation has begun to deteriorate, we must speed up to Yandu."


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