Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1385: Runaway slave

"The whole army is accelerating, the target is Jixian." Shangguanjian made everyone go at full speed. Jixian County, once the former Yandu, Qin destroyed the Six Kingdoms, established Guangyang County, and Jixian became the front line against the wolf. battlefield.

I spent some time in order to deal with the insurgents before, but after all, everyone didn't drag the logistical burden, and there weren't many military service, they must reach Ji County before Han Hao.

"Scouting a group of five people, thirty miles in front of the team, once there is an abnormality, report it immediately." Perhaps it was a shadow of the last attack by the wolf cavalry. Shangguanjian's deployment was very thorough, and any position of the team Some people are "warning", but fortunately, these days are "abnormally" quiet, and even the scouts of the wolves are invisible.

Everyone walked to a flat ground. There were only three days left from Jixian here. Shangguan Jian originally wanted to do both day and night to speed up the arrival, but did not expect that just after arriving here, it was pouring rain in the sky. Fortunately, everyone brought All are dry food, otherwise Ye Shikai is still worried that the food will be damp. The troops set up camp and wait for the rain to stop before marching.

"In the winter in the north, it is rare to have such heavy rain." Ye Shikai put on a jacket on the outside of the battle armor, which can simply cover the rain. The rain has become smaller and smaller than expected, but it has become more and more earthy. The road became very muddy, which affected the speed of the march.

"Yeah, I don't know if this is a sign of a war." Shang Guanjian said lightly behind him.

"I don't care if it's a sign of a big war, as long as it's not a sign of a big defeat." Ye Shikai teased, frankly, they are only middle- and lower-ranking officers of the Qin Army. They are only responsible for the tactics of the war. It can also be said to be on a chessboard. The chess pieces want to really see the whole situation, and their status is not enough. They only know that there are wolf tribes on the front line, but they do n’t know the specific number and distribution. They even know about Jixian County, which is hundreds of miles away. , Also knowing nothing ... the first https: // https: //

"What should we do now, whether to continue the march or ... wait for the rain to stop." Shang Guanjian asked Ye Shikai for his opinions. Through these battles, he also had to admit that, from the perspective of the commander, Ye Shikai was better and more Suitable, at least he can think of plans that others did not think of.

"Looking at the rain, I'm afraid it won't stop so soon, we still have to march." Ye Shikai looked at the sky, dark clouds, and looked gray and depressed.

"Well, I'll call some generals to discuss."

"No, they are still complaining to me over the past few days why they should stop here. I believe that at this moment, they are ready to start the camp." Ye Shikai waved his hands. Although the war situation is unknown, the rising morale is Ye Shikai was very pleased.

"Okay, let's set off ..."

"Reporting to the two generals, our sentry found some women outside. From the perspective of clothing, they should be women of the wolf clan. Li Tunchang took them back and asked the army to interrogate." At this time, a guard suddenly Come in for reporting.

"Women's women, why are they here?" Shang Guanjian was quite puzzled and asked the sergeant to walk in a group of women. Just in case, the sergeant tied the women's hands and tied his ankles with rope. Stay together to prevent someone from escaping.

"Ahem, who are you all?" Ye Shikai could not help but have some pity. These women were very ordinary and even worn, their eyes were full of fear, and there were some scars on their bodies. Could it be ... wolves Slave.

"Several adults, we are not wolves, we were arrested as slaves." One of the women said tremblingly, Ye Shikai was worried that they were the weapons of the sergeant, and they let everyone put them away.

"So ... you are from the Qin Dynasty." Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"Yes, sir." Seeing the sergeant was not malicious, several women were not afraid.

"We are villagers in Guangyang County and were caught by the wolves."

"That's why, no wonder you can speak Huaxia language." Ye Shikai realized that sneaking into the village by the wolf tribe is not a day or two thing, especially at the junction, when the war ends, these things can even be said to be "common". In addition to looting property and burning down the village, the wolves will also take the women in the village back as slaves. Shang Guanjian and Ye Shikai also heard about it before, but they have never met it.

"How did you come out?" Shang Guanjian looked wary. He had always been cautious. This is also a necessary quality of a commander. Generally speaking, the slave owner used ten ropes or shackles to connect ten slaves together, and even more. In this way, even if a slave wants to escape, he will be caught by others, but how did these people come out?

"These days the Qin Army and the Wolves have been in constant fighting. Yesterday, a team of Qin Army broke through the slave owner's stronghold, and we escaped out of chaos."

Shang Guanjian stepped forward and looked closely at the ankles of these people, his solemn complexion gradually eased. New 81 Chinese website updates fastest computer: https: //

"Lao Ye ~ ~ They should not lie."

"how do you know."

"They have several calluses on their ankles, which are left behind with long handcuffs." Shang Guanjian explained.

"And their accents also carry the tone of Guangyang County. Looking at this palm, they are not like people who often hold weapons, so ... they should not be the fine works of the wolf tribe." Shang Guanjian continued.

"Master, please check. We are all villagers of the Qin Dynasty. They are not really the wolf." Several women said in tears, and even knelt down on the ground and begged. They were so panicked for no reason. Some generals preferred to kill by mistake to prevent infiltration One thousand will not let go of one, even if they are really villagers, they will be killed as spies.

"Several girls don't have to worry. Since you are not careful, we will not hurt you." Ye Shikai quickly advised "Mancang, you take a few aunts to go down first. I see that they are hungry, take some noodles and rice porridge. Give them. "

"Well, some girls come with me." Man Cang and the sergeant left the camp with a few women. Ye Shikai was quite surprised by this "interlude". He did not expect to encounter an escaped woman during the march.

"Lao Ye, if these women are true, then the battle ahead must be fierce." Shang Guanjian took out the map, excited as if he had found a new continent, don't forget, these women are from the wolf side Escaped, maybe ... and learn more about the situation.

"We may get some useful information from their lips."


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